• 州长公开表明过他赞成修筑公路

    The governor is on record as favoring the new highway.


  • 过去十年里消费者公开表明他们关心的问题。

    In the last decade consumers have made their concern known.


  • 那个时候肯扬公开表明谈判仍然悬而未决便让非常奇怪

    At the time, it seemed strange that Kenyon would publicly suggest that these negotiations were very much up in the air.


  • 如果他们再担心就是在怨恨为什么别人公开表明他们抱怨机会

    If not fearful, they will be resentful that others get an opportunity to go on record with their complaints.


  • 对于衣柜里(指公开表明身份)或者没有足够的社会支持男人来说,问题可能严重

    The problem may be more severe for men who remain in the closet or those who don't have adequate social support.


  • 拥有这些技术企业目前国内订单已经满满的,难以应付,他们公开表明希望能够出口新发明的技术。

    The firms that are gaining this expertise have their hands full for now meeting domestic orders, but they are open about their desire to export their new-found expertise.


  • 事实上愿意公开表明这样一个观点:拥有建造现实扭曲力场能力乐观精神一样,都企业家有力的武器。

    In fact, I'm happy to go on record as saying that the ability to create a reality distortion field is right up there alongside optimism as an entrepreneur's most valuable weapon.


  • 众议院预计通过信用卡法案持枪修正案允许立法者公开表明观点可以修正案投反对票,参议院高级助手

    The House is expected to approve the credit card bill with the gun amendment included, but to allow lawmakers to go on record as voting against the amendment, said a senior House aide.


  • 知道父亲十分直爽坦率(wearshishearton hissleeve),公开表明感受

    But I know that my father wears his heart on his sleeve . He shows his feelings openly.


  • 同样梵蒂冈高级天文学家一直公开表明观点,太空可能存在上帝创造智能人类外星人生活教堂教义并不抵触

    In the same way, the Vatican's senior astronomer has gone on record as saying intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space, and that alien life does not. Contradict Church doctrine.


  • 至目前为止唯一公开表明兴趣收购Opodo法国竞争对手GoVoyagesAmadeusOpodo甚至一直拒绝承认打算出售这家在线旅行社

    Thus far the only company to publicly state its interest in Opodo is French rival GoVoyages, although both Amadeus and Opodo continually refuse to acknowledge that the agency is even up for sale.


  • 芝加哥印度寺庙成百上千的穿过伊利诺伊州或者更远的地方,来到这里,倾听一名来自家乡演说者的言论,那些人具有相同印度血统公开表明具有许多种宗教信仰

    AT a Hindu temple in Chicago, hundreds of people of Indian descent, professing many faiths, turned up from across Illinois and farther afield to hear a speaker from back home.


  • 公开记录表明Yorco雇用小时计酬工人数量Zortech大致相同每年付给这些工人工资总额多。

    Publicly available records indicate that Yorco employs roughly the same number of such hourly wage workers as Zortech does but spends a far higher total sum per year on wages for such workers.


  • 但是我们知道是否表明一个公开关系或者明确背叛

    But, we don't know if this indicates an open relationship or clear betrayal.


  • 他们可能会议上公开反对,可能通过媒体或是一些阴谋诡计反对,你必须在上述所有场合表明自己观点。

    They may fight you openly in meetings, through the media, or with the subterfuge of palace intrigue. And you'll need to make your case in all those venues.


  • 事实上这么多人公开谈论这个话题,就已经表明多么普遍多么复杂的事情。

    The fact that so many people have posted comments on this topic shows how pervasive and complicated it is.


  • 最近美国官方公开承认一则华尔街日报于去年发布的报道表明五角大楼最大武器计划联合攻击战斗机计划已经遭到了网络侵入。

    The Wall Street Journal reported last year, and U.S. officials recently acknowledged publicly, that the Pentagon's largest weapons program, the Joint Strike Fighter, had been infiltrated.


  • 最近美国官方公开承认一则华尔街日报于去年发布的报道表明五角大楼最大武器计划联合攻击战斗机计划已经遭到了网络侵入。

    The Wall Street Journal reported last year, and U. S. officials recently acknowledged publicly, that the Pentagon's largest weapons program, the Joint Strike Fighter, had been infiltrated.


  • 公开资料可以佐证地方,我脚注的方式表明了出处。

    Whenever possible, references to open sources are made in the footnotes.


  • 国际预算合作1019公布公开预算调查指数表明调查94个国家中有74个国家没有达到预算透明基本标准

    Its Open budget survey Index, released on October 19th, found that of 94 countries surveyed, 74 failed to meet basic standards of budget transparency.


  • 国际预算合作1019公布公开预算调查指数表明调查94个国家中有74个国家没有达到预算透明基本标准

    Its Open budget survey Index, released on October 19th, found that of 94 countries surveyed, 74 failed to meet basic standards of budget transparency.


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