• 他们的获奖提醒着经济学家们——跨越学科界限就像联通公司市场一样利润丰厚。

    Their win reminds economists that borders between disciplines, like those between the firm and the market, can be profitably crossed.


  • 英国,在1992 - 2001年十五家最大公司市场占有率30%上升60%。

    In Britain, between 1992 and 2001 the market share of the 15 biggest companies rose from 30% to 60%.


  • 收购公司市场高峰期所购买企业大部分债务预计2012年2014年期有所减少。

    Much of the debt at companies that buy-out firms purchased at the market's peak will fall due between 2012 and 2014.


  • 面对一切,在2009年,如果市场仅仅能够正常工作,使货币能够在银行公司消费者流动就是一个胜利

    In the face of all that, 2009 will be a triumph simply if marketsfunction normally, with money flowing freely between banks, companiesand consumers.


  • 南非米勒酿酒公司曾花费数十年时试图高端啤酒占据新兴市场,当时公司大部分投入大麦酒瓶,均从国外采购。而其现行的小型供应链措施则与之前截然不同。

    SABMiller's micro supply chain moves are a sharp departure from its decades-long attempt to flood emerging markets with premium beers, with much of their inputs like barley and bottles sourced abroad.


  • 不过实际上时报公司目前还身处死寂市场这为时报的拥有者赢得了一点点

    In effect, the company is sitting in a dead market, which earns its owners a little time.


  • 现在文档公司提出他们海湾协作委员会在2008- 2015年地区指挥控制通信(C3)市场分析

    Now Documental has reviewed its analysis of the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) Region's Command, Control and Communications (C3) market for the period 2008-2015.


  • 部分反映新兴市场银行过剩资金转变外币资产在异国子公司转移过剩资金的过程中面临问题

    That partly reflects the problems emerging-market Banks face in shifting excess funds into foreign-currency assets, or among subsidiaries in different countries.


  • SWOT分析任何公司组织一种简单非常有效方式,用以确定竞争性市场相对关系。

    SWOT analysis is a simple and incredibly effective way for any company or organization to determine how it's doing relative to the competitive market.


  • 但是一旦加上诺基亚全球用户突然部分分析师就开始预测,2015年WindowsPhone7市场份额达到21%,超过苹果公司15%的份额。

    But throw in access to Nokia's global customers and, suddenly, some analysts see Windows Phone 7 taking a 21% market share in 2015, surpassing Apple's 15% share.


  • 由于耐克全球品牌的高度认知,耐克公司的业务得以国际开拓。 这里存在着市场,高收入人群可以任意消费高价体育商品

    There are many markets that have the disposable income to spend on high value sports goods.


  • 如果条航线只有两个航空公司飞机,那么他们心照不宣共谋可能使票价偏高,也不至于特别,比如只有航空公司垄断市场或者有一个明确价格协议时

    If there were only two airlines on every route, tacit collusion between them would probably keep prices high but not so high as if there were a single airline or an explicit price-fixing agreement.


  • 一家公司全球都设有办事处,它市场工程人员希望更好办法进行相互定期通话

    The marketing and engineering teams of a company with worldwide offices want a better way to talk with one another on a regular basis.


  • 日本公司研制了一种冰淇淋专用的酱油,这种特制酱料市场出奇畅销据说起来有点糖口味。

    A Japanese company has made a surprise hit by creating a special blend for ice cream - they say it tastes a bit like caramel .


  • 本文对1994—2002年中国上市公司股利分配进行总体分析,并主要国际市场进行了对比。

    This paper gives a comprehensive analysis on the dividends of China's listed companies from 1994 to 2002, in comparison with major global stock markets.


  • 有一些有趣的论点作出劳伦斯权利公司这样束缚这么市场

    Also some interesting points made by Laurence, is it right for one company to have such a stranglehold on such a major market?


  • 为了两个市场进行套利这些公司中国进口商那里接受人民币付款然后更具吸引力的离岸汇率兑换美元

    To arbitrage the two markets, these companies accept renminbi as payment from Chinese importers, then swap the cash into dollars at the more attractive offshore exchange rate.


  • 公司财务表现反映出市场策略成功与否

    The financial performance of a company can reflect its marketing strategies whether success or not.


  • 誉源传讯市场推广设计活动管理公关服务媒体创作有限公司

    Fresh media Concepts Limited (FMC) is a media company offering marketing, design, events management and PR services.


  • 本文首先跨国公司与母国东道国市场结构相互关系的理论和实证研究文献进行了综述;

    The first part of the paper surveys in some detail the literatures on the relationship between multinationals and market structure, both in theoretic and empirical fields.


  • 另外,自然垄断产业公司治理结构的调整有助于确保市场中企业竞争公平性

    The Government should aim to further improve market economy system, rectifying and standardizing market economic order, promote fair competition.


  • 然而,花费2800万美元的市场营销投入后,最终催生了30公司,共76个岗位

    After one year and $28 million spent on marketing, it could claim just 76 new positions at 30 companies.


  • 通过地域市场扩张生产线扩大,截止一十年中期公司预计成为地下采矿业龙头企业

    We intend to become a world leader in underground mining by the middle of this decade by expanding both our geographic markets and our product line.


  • 根据项调查具有军事经历执行长率领美国公司过去3年、510,在美国股票市场指标指数表现杰出。

    U. S. companies led by chief executives with military experience have outperformed the U. S. stock market's benchmark index over the past three, five and 10-year periods, according to a survey.


  • 公司整体资金实力雄厚,下设市场生产厂房市场位于广州市海珠区信和广场

    We are a large powerful company with one individual marketing office and two factories. Our marketing office is located in Xinhe Square, Changgang Middle Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou.


  • 公司整体资金实力雄厚,下设市场生产厂房市场位于广州市海珠区信和广场

    We are a large powerful company with one individual marketing office and two factories. Our marketing office is located in Xinhe Square, Changgang Middle Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou.


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