• 公司营业税真正纳税人公司投下赌注个人

    The ultimate payers of the corporate tax are those individuals who have some stake in the company on which the tax is levied.


  • 米歇尔公司营业税降到9%,创造富国中的最低记录,还想一举废除资本收益税遗产税

    She would like to reduce the corporate tax rate to 9%, to make it the lowest among rich countries, and do away with capital-gains and inheritance taxes altogether.


  • 尽管这些结论都是正确的,降低公司营业税帮助劳动者的同时还是对其他利益相关者造成不必要的伤害。

    Despite these findings, a corporate tax cut as a way to help workers may strike some people as needlessly indirect.


  • 公司营业税会带来资本回报降低、工资的降低或者价格的上涨——并且有可能是三者同时出现。

    The corporate tax leads to lower returns on capital, lower wages or higher prices - and, most likely, a combination of all three.


  • 由于爱尔兰拥有高素质的劳动力较低公司营业税尤其美国公司长期工厂厂址设在爱尔兰,在当地运行服务设施

    American firms in particular have long favoured Ireland as a place to set up factories and run service facilities thanks to its well-educated Labour force and low corporate-tax rate.


  • 然而根据道夫先生研究,也有一些劳动者美国公司营业税中获利:那些因为国际资本流入赚取更多报酬国外劳动者。

    According to Mr. Randolph, however, some workers do benefit from the American corporate tax: those abroad who earn higher wages from the inflow of capital.


  • 亚马逊还在美国多个发起了反对征收营业税的行动,这恐怕是公司争议的行为。

    The vicious, multi-state battle over state sales tax has created perhaps the most controversy around Amazon.


  • 如果拥有公司资产、如果你公司工作或者公司购买产品服务,该公司缴纳营业税里就有你的

    If you own corporate equities, if you work for a corporation or if you buy goods and services from a corporation, you pay part of the corporate income tax.


  • 租车其它之前是需要租车公司把此车买下然后再卖而且可能要纳营业税

    Selling a leased car to another individual could require buying it from the leasing company, then reselling it, and possibly paying sales tax.


  • 物业公司提前介入减少营业税应税项目等

    Introducing the house keeping company to decrease business tax items.


  • 例如亚马逊,能够迅速取得成功部分原因就是因为如果用户本人不在公司所在地华盛顿购物,通过平台购买就不用缴付营业税

    Amazon, for example, took off in part because its customers did not have to pay sales tax if they were outside the firm's home state, Washington.


  • 纳税人您好一家外国公司介绍一下租赁业务营业税如何交纳吗?

    Taxpayer: : excuse me, I am from a foreign company, would you help me to know how to pay business tax on leasing property?


  • 纳税人您好一家外国公司介绍一下租赁业务营业税如何交纳吗?

    Taxpayer: excuse me, I am from a foreign company, would you help me to know how to pay business tax on leasing property?


  • 设立的民间贷款担保公司,经国家批准免征3年营业税

    The civil credit guarantee companies will share 3-year's exemption from business tax after approval by our Country.


  • 公司缴纳多少营业税

    How much business tax does your company pay?


  • 纳税人公司马上就要营业了,介绍一下营业税知识吗? 䳡。

    Taxpayer: : my company will begin business soon, but I have little knowledge about the business tax. Can you introduce it?


  • 2008年初营业税削减零,到那时为止,嘉柏的酒窖里又添入了400,000瓶酒,之后酒窖再也腾不出一点空间来了,公司不得不修建一个大型仓库

    In early 2008 that tax was cut to zero. Since then, 400,000 more bottles have been crammed into Crown's bunkers, filling them to the brim and forcing the firm to build a vast new warehouse.


  • 纳税人您好一家外国公司介绍一下租赁业务营业税如何交纳吗?

    Taxpayer: Hello, I am from a foreign company, would you tell me something about how to pay business tax for leasing?


  • 准许期货经纪公司期货交易所代收手续费营业税计税营业额扣除。

    Allow the Futures brokerage companies to deduct the brokerage commissions from its gross revenue for Business Tax calculation purpose.


  • 公司马上就要营业了,介绍一下营业税知识吗?

    I have little knowledge about the business tax. Can you introduce it?


  • 第三十五行政清理期间处置证券公司免缴行政性收费增值税营业税行政法规规定税收

    Article 35 During administrative liquidation period, the handled securities firm is free from administrative fee and tax prescribed by administrative regulation such as VAT and business tax.


  • 税务局作为承包人,公司建筑业营业税

    Tax official: As the general contractor, your company should pay business tax according to the construction item of the tax law.


  • 关于营业税筹划方法改变公司合作章程减少纳税环节

    As for business tax, the tax planning methods are: Changing companies cooperation rules to reduce the tax link;


  • 第条规定,公司船舶中国港口运载旅客货物或者邮件出境所取得的运输收入,可中国免征营业税

    Income derived by the claimant from carrying passengers, cargo and mail on their vessels out bound of China shall be subject to Business Tax exemption in China.


  • 税务局:ꆊ作为承包人,公司建筑业营业税

    Tax official: As the general contractor, your company should pay business tax according to the construction industry of the tax law.


  • 纳税人:您好,一家外国公司介绍一下租赁业务营业税如何交纳吗?。

    Tax official: I like to do, but it is hard to say in one word. Can you tell me what kind of property your company wants to lease?


  • 纳税人:您好,一家外国公司介绍一下租赁业务营业税如何交纳吗?。

    Tax official: I like to do, but it is hard to say in one word. Can you tell me what kind of property your company wants to lease?


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