• 另外,1904年《公司颁行公司成立运行提供规范

    In addition, the issuing for enforcement of 1904 "company's law" has offered the norm for establishment and operation of the company again.


  • 所于六月雇佣了戴维斯·位专长技术领域、有着双重执业资格的公司领带新的代表处

    In June the firm hired Davis Wang, a dual-qualified corporate lawyer specializing in the technology sector, to lead the new office.


  • 开厦经营者来说,略胜一筹之处他们在各自公司经营范围所确立新的垄断地位。

    A bull point for the Lancashire and Midland operators is the new monopoly position within the companies' own areas.


  • 对于不及脑外科手术复杂的案件,越来越多公司似乎愿意城外中等次机会

    For anything less complicated than legal brain surgery, it seems, big companies are increasingly willing to give medium-sized law firms from out of town a chance.


  • 根据文章,调查显示,比起总部设在美国的所,许多全球性公司愿意委托英国

    According to the cc article, the survey that suggests that many global companies would rather be advised by British firms than by U.S.-based ones.


  • 他们从不回头或许拳击场上美国在线雅虎公司尝试证明这条铁适应行动迟缓网络巨头公司

    "THEY never come back" may be an ironclad law of boxing, but AOL and Yahoo! Are trying to prove that it does not apply to lumbering online giants.


  • 虽然这两公司均未就业务记录发表评论,但他们其他大型所一样,自己网站推销服务还特别标注了胜诉案例

    Neither wished to comment on the record, though both, like other big law firms, have websites promoting their services and highlighting their successes.


  • 创业初期的公司形象,应该一个刚毕业大学生而不是一家所。

    For most startups the model should be grad student, not law firm.


  • 巨头拼命地进行公司整顿,可能只有福特有望目前的型态幸存下来

    All three are desperately restructuring. Only Ford may survive in its current form.


  • 虽然需求增长很快但是容量却有限,里昂证券经纪人阿尼陀·达特目前印度航空业竞争激烈,加上昂贵油价几乎所有公司都在生存而战。

    Demand is growing fast but so is capacity, says Anirudha Dutta of CLSA, a broker. Fierce competition and pricey fuel mean almost everyone is struggling.


  • 调查研究公司SNLKagan计算,在2004年到2008年间,成本超过1亿美元的电影相比更便宜的电影,回报电影公司利润更多

    SNL Kagan, a research firm, calculates that between 2004 and 2008 films costing more than $100m to produce consistently returned greater profits to the big studios than cheaper films did.


  • 所需支付费用曾经支付给公司费用的四分之一并且Clearspire完成得很出色(很多高端工作)。

    He estimates that it cost a quarter of what he would have paid the big firms he used before, and Clearspire's work was just as good. (Many of its lawyers come from top-notch law firms.)


  • 波士顿夏博来•何得力卡(Chamberlain,Hrdlicka所的韦恩•李斯利(Wayne Risoli)所在过去一年里所的客户挖走至少家排名财富500强的公司

    Wayne Risoli of Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, based in Houston, says his firm has poached at least eight Fortune 500 clients from bigger firms in the past year.


  • 欧文(Irvine)新港(Newport Beach)千篇一玻璃混凝土写字楼充斥着五花八门不容错过的新公司合法合法的都

    The anonymous glass-and-concrete office buildings of Irvine and Newport Beach are filled with the latest can't-miss ventures, some legitimate, some not.


  • 根据文章,调查显示比起总部设在美国所,许多全球性公司愿意委托英国

    According to the cc article, the survey that suggests that many global companies would rather be advised by British firms than by U. s. -based ones.


  • 接撑公司第一件事就是所有称职管理人员解雇

    He dismissed all the incompetent managers the first thing after he took over the company.


  • 曾经其他歌曲创作比赛获奖的作品,属其他公司版权之歌曲,都谢绝

    All songs are accepted, except entries which have won any prizes in any song-composing competition, or have existing contract with any copyright company.


  • 没有咨询卖家情况下下单付款买家公司不负任何责任!

    As in the case without consulting the seller, the buyer under the single payment, the company is not responsible for all!


  • 第38转换公司规定请求换发之债券权利证书股票记名式

    Article38the convertible bond and the certificate of bond conversion to stocks or shares converted in accordance with law shall be in the registered form.


  • 公司网店刚刚起步所有网上购买客户起批,越多价格优惠。

    Because the company has just started, all in the net of all customers buy a box on the price, quantity of the discount.


  • 电声业务不是公司核心业务,市场份额被AAC、歌尔和美抢占。

    Electric voice business is not the core business of the company, so its market shares are mostly snatched by AAC, GoerTek, and Merry.


  • 不管开工厂还是所的,还是开牙科诊所的,还是开餐厅的,最近一走出公司试着作为顾客体验你提供的产品或者服务是什么时候?

    When was the last time you walked out of your business - your manufacturing company, or law firm, or dentist office, or restaurant - and tried to experience what you provide as a customer?


  • 不服从管理驾车闯门,一根据公司治安管理奖罚规定》进行处理。

    The person who disobeys the management or force his way into the factory should be punished according to the Regulations on Reward and Punishment for Public Security Administration.


  • 凡是本公司生产的产品,保证满足用户使用要求因生产产生缺陷,产品更换至用户满意为止。

    We can assure all bearings made by us can meet the user's demands. Replacement will be allowable if failure or defect caused by our side.


  • IFLR1000全球120多个司法管辖区金融公司执业领域提供服务的领先师提供指南

    The IFLR1000 is the guide to the world's leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers in over 120 jurisdictions worldwide.


  • IFLR1000全球120多个司法管辖区金融公司执业领域提供服务的领先师提供指南

    The IFLR1000 is the guide to the world's leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers in over 120 jurisdictions worldwide.


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