• 科克&维尔克斯公司1867年起就一直是世界范围内蒸汽生产技术设备领头企业。

    Since 1867, The Babcock &Wilcox Company (B&W) has been the leading worldwide producer ofsteam generation technology and equipment.


  • 乔普拉是印度电影海外拍摄先锋公司业界最大明星合作包括阿米塔布巴克鲁·克

    A pioneer in shooting Indian films abroad, Chopra and his company have worked with the industry's biggest stars, including Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan.


  • 公司首席信息拉克什布·哈特过去评估潜在客户包括很多的往来电子邮件即时消息

    In the past, explains Rakesh Bhatt, the company's chief information officer, the assessment of which potential customers to take on involved lots of bilateral e-mails and instant messaging.


  • 不过,黑暗中也有一线曙光,布伦克霍夫先生得到10公司的橄榄枝,他们网上读到,或由传言听闻公司失败,纷纷邀请他前来赴职。

    The silver lining, however, was that Mr. Brinckerhoff got inquiries from 10 companies about working for them after they read on the Web or heard through word of mouth that his company had failed.


  • 布克公司手里接过赞助权曼氏财团一开始打算是把奖项的颁发对象定为美国人但这一些争议。

    Initially the Man group, which took over sponsorship of the Booker, wanted to open the prize to Americans, which provoked some concern.


  • 2008年年底,托马斯·布劳斯法兰克福一间叫做Instinet的证公司上班是协议主管,拿着六位数工资,手下12员工

    Near the end of 2008, Thomas Brausse was working for the securities firm Instinet in Frankfurt. He had a six-figure salary and supervised a dozen employees as a settlements director.


  • 马克·伯格在哈佛大学(Harvard)的宿舍推出了FacebookTwitter杰克·多西谷歌(Google)的拉里·佩奇以及谢尔盖·布林都是20多岁时就创立了自己公司

    Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard dorm room; Twitter's Jack Dorsey and Google's (GOOG) Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded their respective companies in their twenties.


  • 详细信息: 可以在斯坦斯、伯明翰都柏林乘坐瑞安航空公司(0871 246 0000, ryanair.com)的航班飞往比亚里茨可以在盖特威克布里斯托尔乘坐易捷航空公司(easyjet.com)的航班飞往那里。

    Details: fly to Biarritz wth Ryanair (0871 246 0000, ryanair.com), from Stansted, Birmingham and Dublin; or with EasyJet (easyjet.com)


  • 苏格兰石油天然气公司林克技术公司有一套不用开挖地面管道修复系统,这套系统模仿血液伤口处凝结的模式。

    Scottish oil-and-gas company Brinker Technology has a no-dig system of pipe repair that mimics the way clots form at a cut.


  • BGC合伙人公司(坎特·菲兹·杰拉德金融公司所设合伙企业)在伦敦市场分析师布伊克表示,在美国以外地区做出的明智选择所获利润超过了在美国的债务损失

    Market analyst David Buik from the London brokerage firm BGC Partners says wise choices outside of the U.S. more than covered the debt damage.


  • 显微镜来看机身上油漆,“看起来就像比利牛斯山脉一样”,保罗布克,他是tripleO公司的总经理,公司总部位于英国浦尔。

    Aircraft paint, viewed with a microscope, “looks like the Pyrenees”, says Paul Booker, managing director of tripleO, a firm based in Poole, England.


  • 战略酒店与度假公司一样,布林克国际公司的一发言人表示,该公司之所以选择EAT作为代码,也是考虑到了字母表上的排位较高同时公司核心业务有关之故。

    As with Strategic Hotels' symbol, a Brinker spokesperson said the company chose the ticker because it was alphabetically high on listings while still relating to its core business.


  • 上世纪90年代Chilis汉堡连锁店的所有人诺尔曼·布林克(已故)给公司起了个新名字,同时也希望为他的公司取一个新的股票代码,好与他日益壮大餐饮帝国相称

    When Chili's late owner Norman Brinker was rechristening his company in the early '90s, he wanted a ticker symbol that would reflect his growing restaurant empire.


  • 不要责备利特公司,莱德克先生

    Don 't blame bullitt and company, Mr. Lydecker.


  • 葛兰素史克公司于2007年2月发布了一封通告医生注意这种潜在风险信函,这封信张贴美国FDA的官方网站上。

    GlaxoSmithKline notified doctors of the possible risk in a letter dated February 2007. That letter is posted on the FDA's web site.


  • 三井—巴布考克能源有限公司(MBEL)研制生产涡流燃烧器在同类产品中具有一定的优势

    Axial flow whirlpool burner, developed by the MitSui Babcock Energy Ltc (MBEL), is generally superior to other burners.


  • 认为分配挑战更加困难,容易随着越来越多电影获得了”观察电影公司总裁彼得·布罗德里克。

    "I think the challenge of distribution is going to get harder, not easier, as more films get made," observed Next Wave films President Peter Broderick.


  • 布克瑞兹奥瑞斯特灌溉设备公司主要制造销售灌溉设备,制造检验瓶子瓶盖

    ORESTIS BOUKOURAS S. A. is active in the production and distribution of irrigation equipment as well as in the production of plastic caps for PET water bottles.


  • 国际知名的巴斯夫公司鲁姆斯公司罗氏公司、德希尼布公司、克瓦纳公司鲁奇公司提供了各类模型设计制作,模型制作的服务方式和服务质量均赢得了各方的好评。

    It provided model design and fabrication for such world-prestigious companies as BASF, ABB Lummus, Roche, Technip, Kvaerner and Lurgi etc. and was highly praised by customers for its quality service.


  • 大名鼎鼎杀人狂——头戴曲棍球面具、挥舞着弯刀的杰森·沃赫斯重返银幕日期就是电影名字一天。拉蒙公司翻拍了这部经典恐怖电影,布瑞克·埃斯纳尔担任该片执导。

    The legendary hockey mask-wearing, machete-wielding mass murderer Jason Voorhees is back on the big screen in Paramount's retelling of the classic horror film, and on the film's titular date.


  • 大名鼎鼎杀人狂——头戴曲棍球面具、挥舞着弯刀的杰森·沃赫斯重返银幕日期就是电影名字一天。拉蒙公司翻拍了这部经典恐怖电影,布瑞克·埃斯纳尔担任该片执导。

    The legendary hockey mask-wearing, machete-wielding mass murderer Jason Voorhees is back on the big screen in Paramount's retelling of the classic horror film, and on the film's titular date.


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