• 亚历山德拉的第一次公开展览洛杉矶一家公共图书馆举行的,当时只有8

    Alexandra's first public show was held at a Los Angeles public library when she was only eight years old.


  • 我们国内其他公共学校更加公开,”表示

    "We are more public than any other public school in the country," he says.


  • 及时公开公共卫生事件报告制度有助于使得这个世界安全

    Timely and open reporting of public health events will help make the world more secure.


  • 仅仅因为某些事情公共接触到并不意味着人们要求公开。”说到

    Just because something is publicly accessible doesn’t mean people want it to be publicized, ” she said.


  • 发布证书两种基本系统封闭式(私有层次)系统公开式(公共层次)系统。

    There are two basic systems for issuing certificates: a closed (private hierarchy) system and an open (public hierarchy) system.


  • 由于更新方法公共方法,并且客户机层的角度看被公开api层入口因此它们包含回滚逻辑

    Because both update methods are public and are therefore exposed as API-layer entry points from the client-layer perspective, they contain rollback logic.


  • 法案寻求的不过是公开美联储账簿,让美联储接受公共监督

    It seeks nothing more than to open the Fed's books to public scrutiny.


  • 如图28所示公共wiki页面显示了所有者设置为可公开访问的wiki。

    The public wikis page shown in Figure 28 lists wikis that have been made public by their owner.


  • Wikia一个商业组织,它是托管各种公开信息公共wiki使用Wikimedia站点相同MediaWiki技术

    Wikia is a commercial organization that hosts numerous public wikis for open information, using the same MediaWiki technology as Wikimedia sites.


  • 认为就是告诉如果公开lifehacks成倍地为“我”带来好处:也就是说如果我将我半成熟的想法公共地方加以实现,那么他人看法将促使我更快地去完成它。

    I thought that this meant that benefits would accrue to *me* if I did lifehacks in public: that somehow having your half-thought out work in public would shame one into doing it faster.


  • 这个过程是个公开竞拍的过程,所有的请求,接受拒绝都是公共场合进行的。

    And the process is an open auction, which means that all offers, acceptances and rejections are in the public domain.


  • 现在相对简单任务例如公共信息完全公开技术也提供了大量机会犯错

    Yet even in this relatively straightforward task of making public information properly public, technology offers plenty of scope for blunder.


  • 不仅公共场所鼻涕被认为礼貌的,而且公开场合表达自己情绪同样也会认为是粗鲁的。

    Not only it is considered rude to blow your nose in public, but it is also considered rude to openly express your emotions in public.


  • 开始隐藏信息一种简单方法保持字段私有并且公共访问方法公开这些字段,家中窗户一样。

    One simple way to begin hiding your information is to keep fields private and to expose them with public accessors, which are like Windows in your house.


  • 相反公共关系专家表示中国必须证明自己高效公开的方式采取了行动解决相关问题防范此类事件再次发生。

    Instead, public relations experts say China has to prove it has taken effective and transparent steps to deal with the problem and keep it from happening again.


  • 然而坦白突出法官们难题他们必须注意控制管理公开同时他们还要注意如何处理自己心理健康至关重要公共政策事项也要公开

    But his confession has highlighted a conundrum for judges; they must be seen to be in control while also being seen to deal with the vital public policy issue of their own mental health.


  • 公共群组博客如果群组可以公开访问,那么博客公开的。

    Blogs for public groups: If your group is public, the blog will also be public.


  • 注意不必要注册全部公共属性方法——可以从中选择容器公开那些公共属性和方法。

    Notice that you're never required to register all the public properties or methods of the classyou can choose which ones you want to expose to the container.


  • 可以赞同可以使带有通用公共许可证的软件源代码5以后公开法律假如这个法律专有软件的源代码同样有效的话。

    I could support a law that would make GPL-covered software's source code available in the public domain after 5 years, provided it has the same effect on proprietary software's source code.


  • 不同于绝大多数其他城市旧金山拥有丰富公开数据库系统,能够提供停车咪表公共艺术指南的一切信息

    Unlike many cities, San Francisco offers a wealth of open data, with information available about everything from parking meters to public artwork.


  • 直接公开公共字段一个习惯原因很多重要的原因是让实现更改没有应有选择

    There are many reasons why exposing public fields directly is a bad habit, the most important of which is that it leaves you with no options should something in your implementation change.


  • 欧洲委员会公开宣布已经成为影响公共卫生的主要问题并且受到社会的关注。

    The European Commission has declared that alcohol is a “key public-health and social concern”.


  • 2005法案提出信息公开,公布公共物品拍卖去年出售3g服务频谱

    A 2005 act giving the right to information is welcome, as are auctions for public goods, such as last year's lucrative sale of the 3g telecom spectrum.


  • 5以后他的源代码进入公共领域公开专有软件开发者将会使用这些源代码程序里去。那么反过来怎么样呢?

    After five years, its source code would go into the public domain, and proprietary software developers would be able to include it in their programs. But what about the reverse case?


  • 公共UDDI注册中心使外部业务伙伴能够发现访问公开的业务流程Web服务接口

    The public UDDI registry allows external business partners to discover and access the web service interface of the exposed business process.


  • 写道:“想一个公共事务进行公开活跃讨论社会并不意味着我们一定要野蛮对待无辜受害者”。

    “In order to have a society in which public issues can be openly and vigorously debated, ” he wrote, “it is not necessary to allow the brutalization of innocent victims.”


  • 写道:“想一个公共事务进行公开活跃讨论社会并不意味着我们一定要野蛮对待无辜受害者”。

    “In order to have a society in which public issues can be openly and vigorously debated, ” he wrote, “it is not necessary to allow the brutalization of innocent victims.”


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