• 今晚11收听全面更新体育报道。

    Tune in tonight at 11 for a complete sports update.


  • 亲爱的,知道距上次全面更新已经日子了,那么现在来

    I know dear ones that it has been a while since we provided a general update so here it goes.


  • 较之印度,印度则采取全面更新俄罗斯技术全面替换自己混乱技术。

    Compared with India, India is to take "comprehensive update" to the Russian technology to fully replace its own chaotic way technology.


  • 小贴士功能进行全面更新重要产品tweaks出现后续版本中

    The tips feature is getting an overhaul, but most of the major new product tweaks will come in subsequent versions.


  • 报告年来首次保护臭氧层维也纳公约蒙特利尔议定书全面更新

    The report is the first comprehensive update in four years on the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol.


  • 介绍了应用虚拟仪器技术研发测试技术”实验系统丰富了实验内容全面更新实验教学

    This paper develops the experiment system of test technique with virtual instrument technique, which largely enriches the experiment contents, and wholly improves the experiment teaching.


  • 修订全面更新所有涉及乳制品检验方法强制标准(包括7个修订标准和9修正案)一部分

    The amendment is part of a general update of all Mandatory standards dealing with the test methods for milk and milk products including revisions of 7 standards and 9 amendments.


  • 我们最近全面更新产品设置界面这些改动产品设置流程变得更高效、产品更快地开始营销

    We've recently revamped our product setup interface. These changes will streamline the product setup process and help you get your products to market more quickly.


  • 互联网最近数周正席卷关于苹果iPhone5发布日期传言甚至还包括了苹果公司是否今年全面更新标志性智能手机

    The Internet has swirled with speculation in recent weeks about a release date for Apple's iPhone 5, and even whether the company will update its iconic smartphone at all this year.


  • 求提升产品品质我们陆续更新了许多生产设备淘汰老旧自动车床全面更新电脑CNC车床,增加市场竞争力、以及因应市场需求

    To improve the quality of products, we have continually updated productive equipment to replace old automatic lathes with CNC lathes for improving our competition to meet the requirements of markets.


  • 关于要进行更为广泛税收减免以及把这种税收减免广泛性针对税收法规所进行的更为广泛的全面更新换代相关联对话磋商已经进行一两年了:对话磋商也会有一个漂亮的结果了。

    There is talk of extending all the cuts for a year or two, and linking any further extensions to a broader overhaul of the tax code: that would be an excellent outcome.


  • 今年报告包含了研究人员十年来研究成果,他们建立更新目前公开发表的全面各国治理指标数据

    This year's report represents a decade-long effort by the researchers to build and update the most comprehensive cross-country set of governance indicators currently available to the public.


  • 公开了一组全面rest式api允许创建查询更新删除文档视图和数据库。

    It exposes a completely RESTful API that permits the creation, querying, updating, and removal of documents, views, and databases.


  • 维护相当全面问题跟踪器不断成长测试套件以及有关rdf模型语法更新文档

    It also maintains a very thorough issue tracker, a growing set of test suites, and updated documents on the RDF model and syntax.


  • 自动生成机制确保全面准确地覆盖ODF规范可以轻松地更新以后 ODF版本

    This automatic generation guarantees complete and accurate coverage of the ODF specification and easy updates to future ODF versions.


  • 缓存利用率更新查询全面统计信息

    Comprehensive statistics on cache utilization, updates, and queries.


  • 相反RESTful应用程序全面使用HTTP谓词(POSTGETPUTDELETE),按照创建读取更新删除(CRUD)模式来访问资源

    In contrast, RESTful applications access resources following the create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) style using the full range of HTTP verbs (POST, GET, PUT, and delete).


  • 由于JRebel重载/刷新资源进行了全面综合考虑,因此能够更新各种框架容器配置信息

    The equal consideration of resources for reload/refresh also enables updating of configuration and metadata information of various frameworks and containers.


  • 更新界面全面部署,看不到切换链接请刷新gmail

    Update: the new look is now available to everyone. Refresh Gmail if you don't see the link to switch.


  • 晚些时候我会发布更新贴,希望读者的帮助下目前趋势更加全面看法

    I'll do an update post later in the week, hopefully presenting a fuller look at current trends thanks to your comments.


  • 新闻每日都会更新主要文章每周进行更新而且内容十分全面并且价值,所以值得一等

    News is updated daily and main articles are updated on a weekly basis and are well worth the wait. The content is very useful and very thorough.


  • 说:“事实真相,一场全面更新换代正在进行,广东话的一代人中是极少数。”

    The fact of the matter is that you have a whole generation switch, with very few people speaking only Cantonese, ” he said.


  • 可以定期地削减全面基线,也可以更新增量以达到全面这样增量基线需要处理太多数据

    Periodically, you will want to either put down full baselines or upgrade your incrementals to full, so that your incremental baselines will not have to process as much data.


  • RationalApplication Developerv 7.0(更新版本)的特性提供全面集成开发环境(IDE),我们开发需要ServletJSP应用程序

    Rational application Developer Version 7.0 (or later) features provide the comprehensive Integrated Development Environment (ide) used to develop applications requiring Servlets and JSPs.


  • 应用唯物辩证法系统论原理可以细胞系统做出更新全面诠释

    Cellular system can be better explained in a new all-round way by the application of the tenet of materialist dialectics.


  • 应用唯物辩证法系统论原理可以细胞系统做出更新全面诠释

    Cellular system can be better explained in a new all-round way by the application of the tenet of materialist dialectics.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定