• 让她吃惊的是,张鹏拒绝收取酬谢金,并把多余的钱全部退还给了她。

    She was even more surprised when Zhang Peng refused to get a reward and returned her all her extra money.


  • 培训鉴定合格预付款予以全部退还

    Groom after appraisal is eligible, imprest gives return entirely.


  • 15日以上-除机票外,团费用扣除手续费全部退还

    15th Day and up-air tickets are non refund able; land cost will be refunded with service fee.


  • 曾经注意到这些广告:“学好外语否则全部退还!”

    Have you ever noticed advertisements which say "Learn a foreign language is six weeks, or your money back!"


  • 招标人应当中标结果通知所有中标人7日内,将未中标投标文件全部退还投标人

    The owner shall, within 7 days of notification to all losing bidders of the bidding results, return all bid documents that have not been chosen to the bidders.


  • 如果并不感到完全满意我们退还全部金额

    We will refund your money to you in full if you are not entirely satisfied.


  • 税款一般不会全部退还,商家或者退税公司收取一定手续费部分手续费的税款中扣除。

    The retailer and/or the refund company may make a charge to cover the cost of handling your form. If they do, this will be deducted from your refund before you receive it.


  • 重要一点就是,所用的费用必须预订时全部付清,在任何情况下不会退还

    And most important of all, all fees must be paid at the time of the booking, and will not be refunded under any circumstances.


  • 如果我们服务满意我们将会退还全部旅费。

    We'll refund you the full cost of your trip, if you are not satisfied with our service.


  • 发出缺陷责任证书时承包商应将根据合同提供全部图纸规范其它文件退还工程师

    Upon issue of the Defects Liability Certificate, the Contractor shall return to the Engineer all Drawings, Specification and other documents provided under the Contract.


  • 本学会退还部分全部已交纳订阅费入会费其他费用。

    All or part of the payments that you have paid is not refundable including subscription fee, enrollment fee and others.


  • 释放的时候,警察退还他的全部个人财产

    On his release the police returned all his personal effects.


  • 无意使用此电子现金ZUJI不会退还全部任何部分价值

    If you do not wish to use thee-voucher, ZUJI will not refund the whole or any part of its value.


  • 获得的唯一救济联想保修条件全部责任,根据联想的选择修理更换缺陷产品,或在扣除折旧费后将您购买产品价款退还给您。

    Your exclusive remedy and Lenovo's entire liability under this warranty will be for Lenovo at its option to repair or replace the Product or refund your purchase price less any rebates.


  • 出入,直接淘宝投诉本店承诺退还全部货款。

    If there is a difference between them, you can directly complain to Taobao, We are committed to be returned to you all the money.


  • 金融控股公司进行清算,非经清偿全部债务,不得以任何名义退还股本分配股利

    After a Financial Holding Company has commenced liquidation, no capital or dividends may be distributed under any circumstance until all of the Financial Holding Company's debts have been settled.


  • 对于一批有瑕疵货物如果退还我们全部货款,我们不胜感激。

    We should be grateful if you would give us a complete refund for the defective goods which were delivered.


  • 订户同意所有服务费用退还,创富网不承担凭借任何理由的已缴服务费用之全部部份的退款要求。

    Subscriber also agrees all service charges or any part thereof paid shall not be refundable for any reasons whatsoever.


  • 始发站列车开车要求退票,则退还全部票价扣除手续费

    At the departure station, if the application for refund is made before the train leaves, the whole fare will be returned with only service charge deducted.


  • 如果任何时间这些完全满意个月给予退还全部学费、相信真正引导极端绝无仅有

    If at any time in those 3 months you are not completely satisfied, I will Grant you a FULL REFUND, that's how sure I am that this guide is TRULY EXTREME and the only One Of Its Kind!


  • 如果任何时间这些完全满意个月给予退还全部学费、相信真正引导极端绝无仅有

    If at any time in those 3 months you are not completely satisfied, I will Grant you a FULL REFUND, that's how sure I am that this guide is TRULY EXTREME and the only One Of Its Kind!


- 来自原声例句

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