• 全部不见了岂有此理

    All the CARDS were lost, gosh!


  • 可能当前没有资金只要你免息宽限期之内付清全部贷款,信用公司就不会向你收取利息

    An individual may not have the funds now, but as long as the balance is paid in full no interest will be charged.


  • 击掌、或舞动或梦游、或欢笑或悲切,似乎储聚了非洲大地全部力量所有声响温存、感受美好

    Clicking, clapping, dancing or dreaming, laughing or sad, she seemed to contain all the strength, warmth, sensuousness and burnished beauty of Africa, as well as all its sounds.


  • 山体滑坡携带者各种杂物从纳瓦多·瓦斯兰山时速200英里速度急冲而,将所有村庄全部毁灭

    Landslides, with debris traveling at speeds of up to 200 MPH down the sides of the Navado Huascaran mountain, destroyed whole villages.


  • 该国几乎全部8000万人口都住英里之内,四千年以来,维这样农民差不多从未改变过他们耕作方式。

    Almost all of the country's 80 million people live within a few miles of the river, and farmers like Mr. Sharkawi have hardly changed their farming methods in four millenniums.


  • 如果必须承担信用债务,那么确保规定时间全部还清避免债务的累积逾期付款之类的处罚。

    If you must take credit card debt please ensure that you pay it in full within the stipulated time to avoid debt accumulation and other penalties such as late payment.


  • 我们完成创建所需全部文件(接下来将介绍)之后更新选项

    We will come update this TAB later, after we have created all the required files (next).


  • 选项允许定义安装应用程序所需全部文件

    The files TAB enables you to define all the files needed for installing your application.


  • 医生可以心音回放从而加以详细诊断、也可以将其保存患者就医可以全部打包发邮件给心脏病学家确认诊断结果。

    The doctor can play the sound back at half speed to diagnose a problem more confidently, save the file to the patient’s chart, and e-mail it all to a cardiologist to confirm the diagnosis.


  • 梅伦最大弱点支出削减全部效应需要几年的时间会显现。

    Mr Cameron's big vulnerability is that the full consequences of his cuts will take years to emerge.


  • 信用车损附带险在下述情形有效:(1)信用支付全部租车款,而且(2)确认拒绝租车公司的车损险

    Credit card CDW works only if you (1) charge the entire rental to the card and (2) make sure you decline the rental company's CDW.


  • 往常一样其中包含属性无法一次性全部显示因此左侧提供了选项允许选择兴趣的属性类别

    As usual, there are more properties than could be shown at once, so there are tabs along the left that let you select whatever category of properties you are interested in.


  • 其中包含属性无法一次性全部显示因此左侧提供了选项允许选择兴趣的属性类别

    There are more properties than could be shown at once so there are tabs along the left that let you select whatever category of properties you are interested in.


  • 有几个邻居帕蒂的关系波尔森两口子亲密些,他们告诉波尔森夫妇,比安小姐在靠近大激流市的处小湖边有所不大房子把房产全部留给了沃尔特没有两个兄弟的份。

    Neighbors who were closer to Patty than the Paulsens reported that Miss Bianca had left her little mouse house, on a minor lake near Grand Rapids, exclusively to Walter and not to his two brothers.


  • 选择Design选项然后擦除全部现有内容

    Select the Design TAB, and erase all of the existing content.


  • 全部帐目些什么帐目,胆战心惊困惑不安的米坚比·尼古拉知道更多

    What he meant by an account in full, Nikolay knew even less than the panic-stricken and bewildered Mitenka.


  • 梅伦先生把体系描述成为“一个反常事物”,但是改变这种法律需要全部15个英联邦国家一致同意

    Mr Cameron has described the system as' an anomaly 'but requires the consent of all 15 commonwealth countries in order to change the law.


  • 获得永久修正者目前全部收入64.3%用于各种抵押债、信用、汽车租赁赡养费支付。

    The ' permanents' are currently paying 64.3% of all their income in various mortgage, credit card, car-lease and alimony payments.


  • 但是塔彭湖上小木屋里的客房全部住满了,要到明天空房所以我们只好改变计划,先巴得嘎斯坦小镇

    But the hut in Tappenkarsee was already reserved fully, only tomorrow would have a free room for us, So we had to change another plan, and went to visit Bad Gastein town first.


  • 根人马里人,克隆人与夸伦人全部联合起来与水鬼机器人·里斯入侵者作战

    Gungan fights next to Mon Calamari, clone next to Quarren, all united to battle the aqua droid and Karkarodon intruders.


  • 某些坚持认为帝国应该米诺苦难负全部责任,于是开始秘密培育一支忠于米诺的克隆人解放军反抗帝国。

    Some Kaminoans, holding the Empire solely responsible for the Kamino's woes, began surreptitiously cultivating a liberation army of Kamino-loyal clones who would oppose the Empire.


  • 某些坚持认为帝国应该米诺苦难负全部责任,于是开始秘密培育一支忠于米诺的克隆人解放军反抗帝国。

    Some Kaminoans, holding the Empire solely responsible for the Kamino's woes, began surreptitiously cultivating a liberation army of Kamino-loyal clones who would oppose the Empire.


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