• 例如生物医学领域迄今为止国际努力——例如全球抗击艾滋病结核疟疾基金——最大支持者

    In biomedicine, for example, it is by far the largest supporter of international efforts, such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.


  • 全球抗击艾滋病结核疟疾基金要求进行一项研究确定这些干预是否有益。

    The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria requested a study to see if the interventions were helping.


  • 事实上,针对疟疾完整国际组织——全球抗击艾滋病结核疟疾基金会,就是专门消灭这些疾病为目标

    There is, indeed, an entire international organisation, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, that is explicitly aimed at getting rid of it.


  • 一些国家利用艾滋病结核疟疾全球基金赠款购买药物

    Some will use grants from the Global Fund against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to purchase the drugs.


  • 在国家强化支持行动目标改进技术能力以便促进使用来自艾滋病结核疟疾全球基金以及其他主要捐助者大量赠款

    The goal of ISAC is to improve technical capacity so as to facilitate the spending of large grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) and other major donors.


  • 结核防治工作的供资通过全球抗击艾滋病结核疟疾基金机制继续增加

    Financing for TB control continues to grow through mechanisms such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.


  • 我们抗击艾滋病结核疟疾全球基金作出了史无前例数年认捐。

    We have also made an unprecedented multi-year pledge to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.


  • 项目获得艾滋病结核疟疾全球基金支持

    The project receives support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.


  • 2002年至2007年,中国俄罗斯联邦南非本国国内供资增长;而其它国家大多数增加供资来自艾滋病结核和疟疾全球基金

    Between 2002 and 2007, there were big increases in domestic funding in China, the Russian Federation and South Africa; in other countries, most of the increased funding came from the GFATM.


  • 目标之一就是密切世界最大结核干预措施捐助方(艾滋病结核疟疾)全球基金合作。

    One of my objectives is to work more closely with the Global fund (to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria), as the world's biggest funder of TB interventions.


  • 艾滋病结核疟疾全球基金以及国际社会密切合作提高治疗的可获得性。

    It is also working closely with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the international community on increasing access to treatment.


  • 2003年艾滋病结核疟疾全球基金注入资金大大扩大治疗范围

    But an infusion of funding from the Global fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, starting in 2003, helped substantially expand treatment coverage.


  • 艾滋病结核疟疾全球基金世卫组织捐赠5万顶经杀虫剂处理蚊帐以便尼日尔分发有患疟疾危险儿童

    The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has donated 50 000 insecticide-treated mosquito nets to WHO for distribution in Niger to children at risk of malaria.


  • 我愿宣布今后年内,中国将全球艾滋病结核疟疾基金捐款1400万美元

    Please let me to declare on this occasion a donation of 140 billion dollars to the global fundation of AIDS, ague and tuberculosis within the next three years.


  • 自从上任以来,我们加强防治艾滋病结核疟疾全球基金支持

    Since I took office, we've increased support for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.


  • 双方继续支持全球抗击艾滋病结核疟疾基金”,继续基金作出贡献

    The two sides plan to continue to support and contribute to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.


  • 自从上任以来,我们加强了防治艾滋病结核疟疾全球基金支持

    Since eI took office, we've increased support for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.


  • 这种资助体系可以作为对付艾滋病结核疟疾全球基金一部分,也可以作为一种单独基金,如果实现终止贫困承诺,这种资助体系至关重要。

    The funding mechanism - either as part of the Global fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria or a separate fund altogether - is vital if pledges to end poverty are to be fulfilled.


  • 全球艾滋病结核疟疾基金要求进行一项研究确定是否干预有益的。

    The Global FundtoFight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria requested a study to see iftheinterventions were helping.


  • 全球抗击艾滋病结核疟疾基金一直到2014年都得不到新的赠款而且现有项目都受到威胁

    The Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB and Malaria will make no new grants until 2014, and there is a threat to some existing projects.


  • 全球基金组织大幅削减对华援助艾滋病结核疟疾资金削减幅度达50%80%。

    Global fund will be significantly reduced aid to China to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria funding, reductions of 50% or 80%.


  • 本届论坛全球抗击艾滋病结核疟疾基金主办

    The forum is organized by the Global Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Fund host.


  • 会议讨论批准全球基金第八项目申请,批准94个艾滋病结核疟疾防控项目

    The meeting discussed the Global Fund approved the eighth round of applications for the project, approved by the 94 AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria prevention and control projects.


  • 目前全球用于防治艾滋病国际资金有23%来自全球基金防治结核疟疾的国际资金分别有57%60%来自机构

    The current global fight against AIDS for 23% of international funds from the global fund to fight tuberculosis and malaria, respectively, of the international funds, 57% and 60% from the agency.


  • 目前全球用于防治艾滋病国际资金有23%来自全球基金防治结核疟疾的国际资金分别有57%60%来自机构

    The current global fight against AIDS for 23% of international funds from the global fund to fight tuberculosis and malaria, respectively, of the international funds, 57% and 60% from the agency.


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