• 标致米其林松下都是跨国公司,它们希望通过投资团队数百万美元获得全球回报

    Peugeot, Michelin and Panasonic are multi-national corporations that want worldwide returns for the millions they invest in teams.


  • 人们提供一个自己的精力投入全球受欢迎运动获得一些能量回报机会

    It offers people a chance to put their energy into the world's most popular sport and get some energy in return.


  • 在目前已经破灭房地产泡沫背后,有着追求回报海量全球流动性私人资产证券化兴起许多原因

    There were many reasons for the housing bubble that has now burst, from huge amounts of global liquidity seeking high returns to the rise of private-label securitisation.


  • 对于作家律师基金经理全球市场这些处在博弈顶层人群更优厚的回报

    A global market offers far bigger returns to those at the top of their game, be they authors, lawyers or fund managers.


  • 对于某些领域银行、法律投资业人才来说,一个全球市场出现也许可以解释为什么顶尖0.1%得到如此可观回报

    The emergence of a global market for talent in areas such as banking, the law and investment may explain why the top 0.1% have been so well rewarded.


  • 中国带来回报——全球其它国家将因此接受它崛起

    This would be rewarded by the rest of the world accepting the rise of China.


  • 实施该机制的回报将会一个安全性显著提升的全球金融体系

    The reward for its implementation would be a much safer global financial system.


  • 纵观全球财务回报潜力巨大的数千能效项目并未得到青睐。

    Around the world, many thousands of energy efficiency projects with potentially strong financial returns have not been tried.


  • 这个全球减排成本曲线突出的地方在于,显示通过保护热带雨林减少温室气体排放可获得的回报

    What is striking about the global cost-abatement curve is what a bargain it seems to be to lower emissions by protecting rainforests.


  • 鉴于全球网络犯罪回报犯罪组织面对执法有限性合法商业组织毫无疑问地成为犯罪组织频繁攻击的对象

    Given the high profitability of global cybercrime networks and the limited threat they face from legal authorities, legitimate businesses will undoubtedly become targets more frequently.


  • 对于经济学家来说到底技术还是全球导致资本回报超过劳动力报酬率讨论非常重要,这一问题很复杂而且尚无定论

    For economists, the debate about whether technology or globalisation is responsible for capital's rewards outpacing those of Labour is crucial, complicated and unresolved.


  • 希望2014股权产生一个振奋人心15%至20%的年回报,与这个全球银行危机自设的25%的目标相差不远

    He also hopes to produce a heady 15% to 20% annual return on equity by 2014, not that far from the 25% target that global Banks used to set themselves before the crisis.


  • 现在,英语作为当代世界全球语言,已经有了大量地域性变体——或许,作为英语协助抹灭那些单词的一种回报越来越多的语言被灭绝了。

    As the global language of the modern world, it now has lots of local variants-some recompense perhaps for the words it helps to obliterate as more and more languages become extinct.


  • 尽管目前天然气价格低迷,但萨瓦·伊迪对于全球液体天然气市场信心似乎得到回报

    Despite the current price slump, Mr Suwaidi's faith in a global LNG market seems likely to be rewarded.


  • 根据经济学家杂志全球房价指数来看房产已经许多国家提供了两位数回报过去20年中

    According to the Economist's global house-price indices, housing has yielded double-digit returns (including rental income) in most countries over the past 20 years.


  • 这些投资者获利颇丰:摩根·斯坦利的新兴市场指数(MSCIEM)的回报2009年达到79%,2010年是19%,同期全球股票回报率则是31%12%。

    They were handsomely rewarded, with the MSCI Emerging Markets index (MSCI EM) returning 79% in 2009 and 19% in 2010, compared with 31% and 12% for shares globally.


  • 所有员工都有机会全球客户紧密工作一起,他们职业生涯带来长期的回报

    All employees having the chance to work closely with our customer in the world will be the most rewarding part of their career.


  • 科技全球教育的人带来与日俱增的回报这教育却是这一社会阶层的成员所缺少的。

    Technology and globalisation have increased returns to education, which its members lack.


  • 无疑亚太地区其34.8%的平均回报荣登全球IPO表现最好的地区。北美欧洲拉美的平均回报分别为8.1%,4.8%和4.7%。

    Not surprisingly, Asia Pacific was the top performing region with a 34.8% average return, while North America, Europe and Latin America lagged with 8.1%, 4.8% and 4.7% average gains, respectively.


  • 表示美国拥有全球最低贸易壁垒-作为回报也希望能自由公平进入其它国家市场。

    He said the United States offers some of the world's lowest barriers to trade — and expects free and fair access to other countries in return.


  • 这样做也取得了回报澳大利亚是1900年到2009年全球表现最好股市

    And it's paid off, as Australia has had the best performing stock market in the world from 1900 to 2009.


  • 1979~1994年间回报”个例,探讨了模式ENSO引起的全球气候异常预报

    With the prediction cases during the period of 1979 to 1994, the predictive capability of the model for ENSO-caused global climate anomalies is discussed.


  • 他们发现对付营养不良疾病花费无多却解救许多生命然而对抗全球变暖耗资巨大却难以得到直接的、确定性回报

    They found that efforts to fight malnutrition and disease would save many lives at modest expense, whereas fighting global warming would cost a colossal amount and yield distant and uncertain rewards.


  • 美国而言,随着全球投资者美国市场之外寻求回报,他们的避险倾向将随之消退,或许不利于美元美国国债

    As global investors seek higher returns outside US markets, the accompanying decline in risk-aversion probably won't be good, either for the dollar or for US Treasuries.


  • 全球股市的牛市氛围下亚洲(日本除外)市场4月份都取得回报

    Asia ex-Japan markets posted positive returns again in April, aided by generally strong environment for global equities.


  • 这些政策的目的刺激经济推动全球投资者转向可以获得更多回报地方——比如基于美元的股票债券

    Those policies are meant to stoke the economy, but they are prompting global investors to seek better places to get a return on their money - like dollar-based stocks and bonds.


  • 鲑鱼就象野牛协议支持人类健康中障齑做,尽管全球捕获鲑鱼的人类一直以来所回报的爱并不直至近期以来为止。

    Salmon like Buffalo has agreements to support human well being and does so in love although not much love until recent times was returned by humans harvesting Salmon global wide.


  • 鲑鱼就象野牛协议支持人类健康中障齑做,尽管全球捕获鲑鱼的人类一直以来所回报的爱并不直至近期以来为止。

    Salmon like Buffalo has agreements to support human well being and does so in love although not much love until recent times was returned by humans harvesting Salmon global wide.


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