• 1显示一个组织组织任何区域不是太强太弱

    Figure 1 shows a well rounded organization that is not overly strong or weak in any area.


  • 条鱼连续张照片显示如何几乎通体银色变成条纹、再变成橘红色,这转变发生几秒钟之内

    This sequence of three frames of the same fish shows how it can change from largely silver to striped to solid orange-red, a transformation that occurs in a matter of seconds.


  • 工具基于WYSIWYG,可动态显示粗体斜体下划线,根据不同理由以缩进列表样式作为一个作者输出它们

    This tool is fully WYSIWYG, dynamically displaying bolds, italics, underlines, strikethroughs, with various justifications, indents and listing styles as an author inputs them.


  • 清单4显示过程带有必要的输入参数——文件的名称类型以及文件中的数据装载的目标表的限定名称。

    The procedure shown in Listing 4 takes the necessary input parameters — the name and type of the file and the fully qualified name of the table into which the data from the file is to be loaded.


  • 15显示Browsetroubleshootinglinks模块,而且模块被扩展视图

    Figure 15 shows the Browse troubleshooting links module, expanded to its full page view.


  • 查询计划显示扫描

    This query plan shows full table scans.


  • 查询计划显示一个扫描

    This query plan shows a full table scan.


  • 能够显示尺寸仪器图表清单以及移动地图

    TacView can display full-size instrument approach charts, checklists, and moving maps.


  • 范佩西原来估计的伤势现在严重得多了。还说:“扫描结果显示基耶利尼踢的脚踝处韧带几乎撕裂了,不是有意的。”

    Van Persie accepted his injury could have been much worse, adding: "a scan showed that my ankle ligament was almost completely torn off where Chiellini caught me but it was not intentional."


  • 现在很难相信上面看到行李箱大小奥斯本电脑那个年代的高科技产品,那个电脑仅有一个微型显示硬盘驱动器尺寸键盘

    It’s hard to believe now, but the suitcase-sized PC shown above was state of the art for its time, with a tiny but usable CRT, disk drives and a full-sized keyboard.


  • 而且没有证据显示慢跑者较关节炎需要膝关节置换等情况,这也是一些学者较害怕的部份。

    And there was no evidence that runners were more likely to suffer osteoarthritis or need total knee replacements than non-runners - something scientists have feared.


  • 神学智库今天发表信仰分布图显示英格兰地区英国不相信上帝地区

    The east of England may be the most godless region of the UK, according to a "belief map" published by a theology thinktank today.


  • 电视画面显示,还缓慢燃烧的坠机附近布满面目残骸大片机翼农田里

    Television footage showed a smouldering crater strewn with mangled wreckage, with a large piece of wing lying in farmland.


  • 可以单击更改kpi显示方式:显示、半尺度尺度、简单显示如图4所示。

    You can also click to change how the KPI is displayed: as a table, half-gauge, full gauge, bar, or simple, as shown in Figure 4.


  • 1951年,海明威生活杂志上替百龄啤酒代言,占了整整两页面,照片显示是其本人在哈瓦那个人住所里幅完完的男子汉气派

    In 1951, Hem endorsed Ballantine Ale in a double-page spread in Life magazine, complete with a shot of him looking manly in his Havana abode.


  • 只要宽和就会显示各种不同栏距栅格模板

    Just put in the overall width and the number of columns and it will spit out a variety of grid templates with varying gutter widths.


  • WVGA显示屏具备800x480分辨率参数,大部分网页必须使用这个分辨率进行显示

    WVGA displays are typically the resolution (800x480) that is necessary to show most Web sites in full page-width.


  • 6显示Flashesand alerts模块对应的的真实模样

    Figure 6 shows you what full page for the Flashes and alerts module looks like.


  • 构造函数参数是正在显示元数据服务限定url我们使用私有HostDescriptor中的方法构造了它。

    The argument to the constructor is the fully qualified URL of the metadata service being exposed, which we construct using methods in the private class HostDescriptor.


  • 通过英国年龄大于18岁2137调查显示,当以上相同问题时,回答更倾向于短信

    The survey, which polled 2, 137 people aged over 18 across the UK, also asked if any of the respondents had ever been dumped by text message.


  • 通过英国年龄大于18岁2137调查显示,当以上相同问题时,回答更倾向于短信

    The survey, which polled 2,137 people aged over 18 across the UK, also asked if any of the respondents had ever been dumped by text message.


  • 最新高清晰DCGS工作站配备四面板阵列彩色液晶显示分析师同时查看多个动态视频

    The latest, high-definition workstations are equipped with a four-panel array of color LCD monitors that enable analysts to simultaneously view and act on multiple, full-motion video feeds.


  • 个“受欢迎铃”调查显示清晨闹铃中,鸟鸣人们的最爱

    Birdsong is the best sound to wake up to in the morning, according to a survey of the nation's favourite alarm tones. Photo: alamy.


  • 图解哈佛医学院主持,提供不同疾病状况显示的核磁共振及功能核磁共振图片

    The Whole Brain atlas is a site that is hosted by the Harvard medical school which displays pictures from MRI to fMRI in various disease states.


  • 使用适当的模式所以分辨率视网膜显示

    Using proper fullscreen mode, so the full resolution is available on retina displays.


  • 能够尺寸显示显示视频文件游戏同时还可以使用外部备份存储这些只是智能手机扩展坞几点好处

    Being able to display video, documents and games on a full sized monitor while having additional backup storage are just a couple of benefits of the smartphone dock.


  • 分析VGA有源矩阵液晶显示缺陷分类产生原因。研制出了有源矩阵液晶显示器的断路测试板、短路测试板以及显示测试板。

    The defect classification and the reason forming defect of VGA thin film transistor active matrix liquid crystal displays are analysed. Open tester, short tester and display tester are developed.


  • 分析VGA有源矩阵液晶显示缺陷分类产生原因。研制出了有源矩阵液晶显示器的断路测试板、短路测试板以及显示测试板。

    The defect classification and the reason forming defect of VGA thin film transistor active matrix liquid crystal displays are analysed. Open tester, short tester and display tester are developed.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定