• 间距变化有明显规律性

    The change of the distance between two screw points was regular.


  • 对于渗透,其切入点诗、以禅喻诗两个方面

    There are two aspects that Chan permeates through poetry: fusing Chan into poetry and explaining poetry with the doctrine of Buddhism Chan.


  • 锯链的最大张力发生驱动链轮附近数值相当

    The biggest tension is at meshing point of driving gear and this value is very big.


  • 每个组件一个不同系统可以这些应用

    Each component is a different point through which the system can enter your application.


  • 最后请注意函数调用分支目标不是启动的代码,而是.opd描述符

    Finally, notice that the branch target for the function call is not the code that starts it, but the.opd entry point descriptor.


  • 不同层次预算管理目标模式编制技术方法构成选择预算假设的契入点支撑

    Different patterns of management goals and techniques of budget-making constitute the basis and support when selecting budget hypothesis.


  • 以及一辐射金属线具有第二信号述第二信号馈入点邻近于所述第一信号馈入点

    Radiation metal line has second signal feeder point which is near to the first signal feeder point.


  • 摘要文章市政道路工程施工技术及其质量防治为着分析市政道路工程施工的质量管理策略

    Abstract: : the article with the municipal road construction technology and quality control of the entry point, analysis of the municipal road construction project quality management strategy.


  • 通过司法礼统审判方法以及对以礼注推动,最终达到了以礼律礼律融合目的

    The turning point based on rites to make judicial decision and the way of trial dominate law, and the practice that explains law with rites get to the goal blending rites and law.


  • 随即调动神念所有吸取能量都集中手上其中 再掺 自己的先天真气这样一来,我就可以通过少量的先天真气来控制大量天地元气了。

    Immediately, I move my spirit force to let all absorbed energy concentrate on my both hands and mix few own na?ve Qi, using this way I can control the massive world original Qi through few naive Qi.


  • 公园最晚的园时间下午4

    Last admissions to the park are at 4 p.m.


  • 在明天下午1办理住手续。

    Please check in after 1:00 pm tomorrow.


  • MRI状位海马回内缘可以作为选择的解剖标志

    The midpoint of the internal edge of the parahippocampal gyrus on coronal MRI images provides a landmark to choose appropriate approaches.


  • 我们把努力水滴看做是微小上时,滴或许不是海洋而是块石头上

    But think of those same drops of effort dripping onto one tiny spot, perhaps not in the ocean but on a rock.


  • 中的箭头(共三个)中配置,这个可限制应用程序接着进资源请求

    At each one of the three arrows in the figure is a configuration point gating the incoming requests into the application and subsequently to the backend resource.


  • 瑕不掩瑜,本书仍是引人胜(插图精良)的作品,从中至少可以窥得两

    Whatever the flaws, this remains an often gripping (and splendidly illustrated) work from which two main lessons can be drawn.


  • 不是只有变色龙利用颜色背景,在蜘蛛世界里存在着许多8条腿的变色龙比如

    It isn't just lizards that can use colour to blend into the background the spidery world also has many 8-legged chameleons including the four spot orb weaver and the crab spider.


  • 女儿早上7到下午6幼儿园不久前,萨利娜忽然很才送孩子园,很早就回家。

    Her daughter used to be in day care or preschool from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., but Mrs. Salinas began dropping her off later and picking her up earlier.


  • 烹调时,雷哲毕先是将海螯虾在铁板稍加炙烤,然后裹上奶油牡蛎酱,再撒海藻,最后厚重粗犷岩石盘子就可以上桌了。

    They are cooked only briefly on a plancha, then served amid dabs of emulsified oyster purée and drifts of seaweed powder on hefty, craggy rocks instead of plates.


  • 移植级别手术室中,替换支气管气管的分支,通中)听起来在一个新的心脏搭桥相比困难

    IN THE hierarchy of transplant surgery,replacing a bronchus (the passage from the main windpipe, the trachea, into alung) does not sound difficult compared with, say, plumbing in a new heart.


  • 因此我们欣赏到的像是个大拼盘:黑白片加一音乐剧表演,还有一费里尼匠气菜——谁不爱费里尼呢,尤其是表现一个男人的渴望时?

    There's a little black and white, a little musical number, a little Fellini, which is always helpful in evoking a man in the act of yearning.


  • 也不引人胜。

    Not really spectacular.


  • 现在所有工作应该得到合并可以Integration视图下检查。

    All of your work should now be merged and checked in, which you can verify in the Integration view.


  • 如果能够问题出现的时间进程,在错误发生,能够VisualStudio获得一个发生应用程序中的事件历史这样是不是很不错

    Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just break into the process at this point, after the error occurred, and get a history of what happened in the application from Visual Studio?


  • Monitor确定哪些监测上下文实例应该接收事件之后,通过匹配关联谓词将事件发送每个事件

    After monitor has determined which monitoring context instances should receive an inbound event, it delivers the event to each event entry point with a matching correlation predicate.


  • 可以instance of操作符来手动验证操作符是PHPV 5介于对象实例之间的一个便捷工具

    You can verify it manually with the instanceof operator, a handy tool introduced with PHP V5 that sits between an object instance and a class name.


  • 服务器空间使用系统影响可以忽略不计任何情况下使用高效相比压缩tar文件占用略微的空间。

    The repercussions for server space usage are negligible to the system, and in any case compressed tar files take up only a little more space than using efficient check-in.


  • 一个注释屏幕右边立即出现在那里评论add存放在这个文件文件夹朋友里。

    A comment box will immediately appear on the right side of the screen, where I can type my comment and click "add" to store it with the file, folder, friend, etc.


  • 一个注释屏幕右边立即出现在那里评论add存放在这个文件文件夹朋友里。

    A comment box will immediately appear on the right side of the screen, where I can type my comment and click "add" to store it with the file, folder, friend, etc.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定