• 申请奖学金成绩优秀者也有份,校内指定工作获得报酬。

    Scholarships can come before you enter, or during college, as the result of good grades or for doing specific volunteer work.


  • 一家非常不错的大学录取了,就读喜欢的专业之一,但是他要求推迟学期学,这样就能够旅行并且在成为一个新生之前一个青少年项目工作

    He has been acceptedto a great college, one of his top choices, and has asked to defer enrollmentfor a semester so he can travel and work for a youth program before starting asa freshman.


  • 4月7,马尔文命令康州大学部门,将马丁介绍的外国留学生的申请信退回。 马丁已经学期招生,15申请人等待着的消息。

    On April 7, Melvin instructed the UConn admissions office to return applications to candidates recruited by Martin, who had lined up 15 for next semester.


  • 留学生之后才能申请补助金计划,而且他们必须每个学期重新申请这项助项目。

    Students must have attended Mizzou for a year before they can receive a grant. And they must reapply for the awards each semester.


  • 我们娱乐休闲同时也要继续学习这样我们才不至于在假期里感到空虚无聊,才不至于学期开始时感到难以学习状态。

    We need to keep learning while we are playing so that we will not feel empty in holiday and will not feel hard to restart next semester.


  • 第一学期开始时候,能够学校艺术协会幸运

    At the beginning of the first term, it was fortunate for me to be admitted into the school art association.


  • 第一个学期开始时候,能够学校艺术协会幸运的。

    At the beginning of the firstterm, it was fortunate for me to be admitted into the school art association.


  • 对于第一学期开始学生,学院将收取第一学期全部学费余额学期学费。

    If the student is commencing after the start of term, the equivalent of one term must still be paid, the balance being credited to the following term's fee.


  • 请求你们考虑学期学的申请所需材料尽快奉上。谢谢

    It is requested that you consider my application for a later semester. The materials required will be provided very soon. Thank you.


  • 录取的通知指定的学期有效未能指定的学期注册会失去录取资格。

    Your admission offer is only valid for the current admission semester and will lapse if you fail to enroll in the semester for admission.


  • 留学生来校办理注册手续,须一次性缴纳学期报名费学费自己学习时间相一致的保险费。

    You should pay all registration, tuition, and insurance fees all together at the same time, in an amount consistent with your study time when registering for the school.


  • 父母同意学员完整学期作为条件

    Parents are required to complete this section as a condition of enrolment.


  • 然而不解申请是1999年春季学期却被打印成1999年夏季学期

    However, I was puzzled to find that it was for enrollment in the summer of 1999 while my application requested admission for spring 1999.


  • 确保学生顺利收到北京礼德国际学院(以下简称“学院”)录取通知函一周缴纳至少一个学期学费(全部学费的30%)作为学费定金。

    In order to secure the enrolment of a new student, at least 1 term's tuition fee (30%) must be paid within one week of an acceptance offer from International Leadership Academy Beijing (the "School").


  • 收到8月31日有关申请来信在此告知,我同意你们将我的申请1998年春季学期考试中

    With reference to your letter of August 31 regarding my application fro admission, I wish to inform you that I agree to have my application considered for spring semester 1998.


  • 延期假如学生但愿推延稍后将进行学期SIBT不会遭到处分,直至开端付出费用学率。

    Deferral If a student wishes to defer enrolment until a later semester SIBT will hold the fees paid until commencement, without penalty.


  • 2010年秋天来到加拿大今年1月份正式只用了学期(注:3个月)就通过语言中心英文考试。

    Ruochuan came to Canada in the Fall of 2010, taking one term to pass through the English Language Centre before enrolling in his first academic term in January of this year.


  • 学期获得了头等奖,1999年,我有幸研究生考试放弃

    I was granted First Class Prize every semester, In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.


  • 计划于学年新生家长,如需要取消新生学资格并申请退第一学期的学费不予退还,余下学期的学费予以退还。

    Parents of new students, scheduled to start at the beginning of the school year but who have decided to withdraw, will forfeit the equivalent of Term 1's fee. Any balance remaining will be refunded.


  • 随着学年快速到来大概已经学习状态了,时候一个成功的学期准备了。

    With the new school year quickly approaching or perhaps, already under way, it's time to get ready for a successful semester.


  • 随着学年快速到来大概已经学习状态了,时候一个成功的学期准备了。

    With the new school year quickly approaching or perhaps, already under way, it's time to get ready for a successful semester.


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