• 王翰,元代河西诗人党项羌族。

    Wang Han was a poet of Hexi, Qiang Minority in Yuan Dynasty.


  • 不久党项族占据

    Will soon be occupied by the party of the people.


  • 西夏宇宙起源宇宙结构认识中,有党项本民族的看法,有中国古代宇宙学说,还受到佛教影响

    Understanding of the origin and structure of universe in XiXia includes the view of Tangut, the universal theories in ancient China and the influence fr om Buddhism.


  • 党项活动我国西北地区游牧民族之一,1038年至1227年间银川为中心建立了雄强一时西夏王朝

    As one of the active nomadic nations in the Northwest of China, the Tanguts founded the Western Xia Dynasty centering now Yinchuan from 1038 to 1227 in the history.


  • 笔者历史史实逻辑推理两个方,论证了党项民族是直接宗族部族基础上,完成了民族统一国家的建立。

    The writers discussed that the Dangxiang nationality finished the national unity and the country formation directly at the new basic of the clansman and tribe from historical fact sand analysis.


  • 他们已经提出一项动议下次党的会议上进行辩论。

    They have tabled a motion for debate at the next Party Conference.


  • 反对党可能会政府提出项不信任议案。

    Opposition parties are likely to bring a no-confidence motion against the government.


  • 但是1997以来保守党一项进步欣喜不已。

    The Conservatives will be grateful for one development since 1997, though.


  • 将会一项艰巨工作不过成员已经表示有意从事这项工作,而且准备加入他们

    This will be a tough job, but members of both parties have expressed interest in doing this, and I am prepared to join them.


  • 来自众议院参议院相关委员会高级成员立下誓言至少避免即将来临其中一税务增长

    The senior members from both parties on the relevant House and Senate committees have promised to avert at least one of the impending tax increases.


  • 保守党财政部发言人乔治斯伯恩坚称要消减财政赤字,并称50选举中保留一项紧急预算

    George Osborne, their Treasury spokesman, has talked tough about reducing the deficit, and says he would hold an emergency budget within 50 days of the election.


  • 参议员约翰·麦凯恩一度坚持拥护更加温和移民政策,但共和党预选赛中避免相关质问,而转变为移民鹰派

    Senator John McCain, once a stalwart proponent of a more moderate immigration policy, turned himself into an immigration hawk to parry a challenge in the Republican primaries.


  • 大老另一项遭到强烈反对提议撤销教育部,教育部和学校午餐计划一样向来都享有两党的有力支持

    Another GOP proposal that met stiff resistance was its move to eliminate the Department of Education, which, like the school lunch program, had always enjoyed strong bipartisan support.


  • 党的一些议员星期四表达了一些乐观情绪认为很快就会达成一项协议

    Some lawmakers from both parties were expressing optimism on Thursday that a deal could be concluded soon.


  • 不同寻常保守党内有扩大公民自由权利减少入狱人员谈论另一自由党示好的提案是,英国公民来年投票决定是否改变投票制度

    Unusually for the Tories, there is talk of increasing civil liberties and imprisoning fewer people; and in another SOP to the Liberals, Britons next year will vote on a change to their voting system.


  • 国会必须一项能够得到众议院参议院议员们支持计划寻找共同点

    Congress must find common ground on a plan that can get support from both parties in the House and in the Senate.


  • 这个行业受到修正案惊吓,这项修正案得到两党的联合支持阻止银行选择他们雇佣评级机构来进行特定评级

    The industry is also spooked by an amendment, enjoying bipartisan support, that would stop Banks from choosing which agency they hire to rate a particular offering.


  • 上个月美国众议院两党绝大部分赞成的情况下通过一项法案允许美国企业汇率过低国家寻求关税保护

    Last month the House of Representatives passed a law allowing firms to seek tariff protection against countries with undervalued currencies, with a huge bipartisan majority.


  • 1929年,美国共和党保护主义者威利斯霍利里德‧斯穆特,国会上提出了一项议案--关税提高至美国史最高水平

    IN 1929 Willis Hawley and Reed Smoot, two protectionist Republicans in Congress, sponsored a bill to raise tariffs to the highest levels America had ever seen.


  • 天后民事检察官提出控诉,指控一位在上校涉嫌参与一项颠覆ak党的计划,此军官随即被拘捕

    Four days later a civilian prosecutor charged and briefly arrested a serving colonel for his alleged involvement in a plan to overthrow AK.


  • 随后华盛顿共和党众议院自然能源委员会的负责人多克哈斯廷斯提出了三项法案

    Then there are three bills offered by Doc Hastings, the Washington Republican who leads the House Natural Resources Committee.


  • 保守党迅速地通过一项紧急预算可以帮助实现他们填补英国公共差额的宣告。

    The Tories will quickly pass an emergency budget, which will go a small way towards fulfilling their vow to right Britain's public finances.


  • 接着,奥巴马年底也勉力共和党达成了一项协议削减总额增加失业补助

    Then, at the end of the year, Barack Obama struck an agreement with the Republicans to cut payroll taxes and extend unemployment benefits.


  • 周二晚上共和党控制众议院代表以234:190的比例通过一项受保守派支持的“削减限制平衡计划

    On Tuesday evening, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed a so-called "cut, cap and balance" plan - which conservative Tea Party members backed - by a vote of 234-190.


  • 共和党放弃了一项条款,该条款允许企业索回过去上缴的部分税款。

    Republicans dropped a provision that would have allowed businesses to reclaim taxes previously paid.


  • 共和党通过了一项代金券来替代传统医保预算方案。

    Republicans have passed a budget that would replace traditional Medicare with vouchers.


  • 项任命令人意外地几乎未被共和党指摘

    Yet even these two appointments have drawn surprisingly little Republican criticism.


  • 另一保守党同僚汉宁·菲尔德勋爵最近会计造假方面被指控有六项罪名成立,并且很快被判刑

    Another Tory peer, Lord Hanningfield, was recently convicted on six counts of false accounting and will soon be sentenced.


  • 本周众议院开始废除卫生保健法作为共和党多数项议题进行讨论。

    This week, the House will take up the repeal of the health-care law as the new Republican majority’s first order of business.


  • 然而南部非洲发展共同体各国领导人提出一项根本不可行的方案—两党瓜分内务部。茨瓦吉拉伊拒绝提议。

    Yet leaders of the Southern African Development Community (see map) say the interior ministry should be shared-an unworkable proposal rejected by Mr Tsvangirai.


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