• 火狐浏览器——即使世界上90%电脑内置的免费浏览器我们打算一个更好的。

    Firefox - we are going to build a better web browser, even though 90 percent of the world's computers already have a free one built in.


  • 一款免费浏览器受欢迎开源浏览器火狐一样计划通过用户搜索网页带来的收益提成来赚钱

    Like other browsers, RockMelt will be free, and like the popular open-source browser Firefox, it plans to make money by earning a share of the revenue from Web searches conducted by its users.


  • 谷歌宣称,这个名为Chrome免费浏览器,可以作为微软Web浏览器之外一个时尚更快可靠浏览器选择方案现在75%的网民使用微软浏览器

    The free browser, called "Chrome," is being promoted as a sleeker, faster, safer and reliable alternative to Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which is used by about 75 percent of Web surfers now.


  • 如果平板电脑用户网络浏览器可以免费阅读新闻,那么这样没有什么意义了。

    There is little point doing that if a tablet user can simply read the news for free on a web browser.


  • 另外上述制造商作为预设安全性机制嵌入流行的免费浏览器

    Also, said manufacturer embeds it in its popular "free" browser as the default security mechanism.


  • 惠普智能网页打印软件用处很大的免费软件,能网上看到的有用内容直接浏览器中进行剪贴,而且编辑打印预览功能用处

    The HP Smart Web printing program is a useful free solution that organizes online research right in your browser. Its ability to modify and preview documents before printing is also a help.


  • 当然了,各大软件商竞争如此激烈,提供这么免费东西作为一个浏览器消费者”,感觉还是挺不错的。

    Yes, it is good being a browser "customer" with everyone competing so hard just to give me something for free.


  • 现在市场上已经有多种模式浏览器,其中一些提供免费试用版本参见参考资料。

    Numerous multimodal browsers exist in the market, some of which offer free trial versions (see Resources).


  • 只想感谢你们开发DROID最佳浏览器而且还是免费的。

    I just want to say thank you for the BEST DROID BROWSER and for it being free.


  • 对于信息记录程序,可以CCleaner免费清除已经存在的,然后进行浏览器设置禁止全部或者允许一些特定类型的。

    When it comes to cookies, you can use CCleaner (free) to clear out existing cookies, then set your browser to ban them or only allow certain types.


  • 对于信息记录程序,可以CCleaner免费清除已经存在的,然后进行浏览器设置禁止全部或者允许一些特定类型的。

    When it comes to cookies, you can use CCleaner (free) to clear out existing cookies, then set your browser to ban them or only allow certain types.


  • 谷歌推出市场期待已久电子书店服务Google e- books——它美国境内拥有网页浏览器所有设备提供超过300万本书籍其中很多免费的。

    Google has launched its long-awaited e-bookstore, Google e-books, bringing more than 3 million books - many of them free - to any device with a web browser in the U.S..


  • 本文中,了解如何使用Firefox浏览器免费开源扩展Firebug提供了很多有用的开发特性工具

    Tweak CSS instantly? In this article, learn to use Firebug, a free, open source extension for the Firefox browser that provides many useful developer features and tools.


  • 只是一定利用免费工具adobe浏览器实验室确保布局主流浏览器不会被破坏

    Just make sure to take advantage of free tools like Adobe's browser lab to ensure that your layouts don't break when viewed on any major browsers.


  • 这一操作系统基于GoogleChrome浏览器,并因此而得名。今年秋天将会免费发布

    The operating system based on Google's Chrome browser, hence the name, should be released for free this coming autumn.


  • 假如一样,几百年都更新浏览器收藏夹书签的话很方便免费方案可以解决无效链接的问题。

    If you're like me and haven't updated your web browser's Favorites or Bookmarks in a decade or so, here's an easy and free to solution to cleaning up the outdated links.


  • 开发者可以使用免费开源flex框架浏览器构建RIA,并通过AIR将其扩展桌面上

    Developers can use the free, open source Flex framework to build RIAs for the browser and extend them to the desktop with AIR.


  • 可以Zinio下载免费电子版PC World杂志,杂志采用Flash技术,可以浏览器打开阅读。

    The digital PC Magazine magazine, which you can download a free sample of at Zinio, employs Flash technology and opens in a web browser window.


  • 我的朋友发了一封电子邮件告诉firefox浏览器推出了一个免费的Adblock plus(广告拦截插件),这个插件可以清除网络上的广告。

    I sent an E-mail message to a friend telling him about Adblock Plus, an easy-to-use free addition to the Firefox Internet browser that deletes advertisements from Web sites.


  • 监控网格可以通过IBMOpenAdmin Tool轻松完成,这是一个基于Web免费管理工具,支持通过浏览器监控管理网格服务器。

    Monitoring the grid is easily accomplished with IBM OpenAdmin tool, a free web-based management tool that allows you to monitor and administer grid servers through a browser.


  • 简介Google地图一种免费服务,可通过Internet提供基于浏览器方位向导以及特定位置的地图。

    Summary: Google Maps is a free service that provides browser-based directions as well as maps of particular locations through the Internet.


  • OperaMini提供免费移动浏览器

    Opera Mini: A freely available mobile browser.


  • Evernote一个移动笔记本可以台式机浏览器软件同步(免费)。

    Evernote is atraveling notepad that synchronizes with desktop and browser software (alsofree).


  • 可以使用IBMOpenAdmin Tool (OAT)forInformix轻松监控网格,这是一个基于Web免费管理工具,支持通过浏览器监控和管理Informix服务器。

    You can easily monitor the grid with the IBM OpenAdmin tool (OAT) for Informix, a free web-based management tool that allows you to monitor and administer Informix servers through a browser.


  • AdobeFlex一个高效免费开源框架,可用构建维护表述性Web应用程序,这些应用程序被一致地部署所有主要浏览器桌面操作系统上。

    Adobe Flex is a highly productive, free, open source framework for building and maintaining expressive Web applications that deploy consistently on all major browsers, desktops, and operating systems.


  • AdobeFlex一个免费开放源码框架用于构建可以一致地部署到所有主流浏览器桌面操作系统高度可交互表达性很强的Web应用程序。

    Adobe Flex is a free, open-source framework for building highly interactive, expressive Web applications that deploy consistently on all major browsers, desktops, and operating systems.


  • PHP一个免费开放源码编程语言出现1995年,可以通过连接器数据库使用PHP,生成XHTMLHTML,然后Web浏览器呈现内容。

    A free and open source programming language that appeared in 1995, you can use PHP with databases via a connector to generate XHTML and HTML for rendering in a web browser.


  • 令人欣慰的是免费在线图标转换服务ConvertIcon,这项服务允许上传图片然后返回一个。ico文件给你,这样就可以解决微软IE浏览器兼容性问题了。

    Happilly, there's ConvertIcon a free online service that allow you to upload an image and get a.ico file, for maintaining compatibility with Microsoft's browser.


  • 微软发布第一款完整测试版半年3月14日,一代网页浏览器ie9最终开始提供免费下载。

    On March 14, six months after Microsoft released the first full-blown beta version of Internet Explorer 9, it made the final version of its new Web browser available for download.


  • 微软在Hotmail论坛上已经建议他们用户停止使用苹果Safari3Firefox2浏览器防止无法登陆他们的免费邮箱服务

    Microsoft, via the Hotmail forum, has been advising its customers to stop using Safari 3 and Firefox 2 in order to access its free webmail service.


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