• 研究组怀疑机制延长衰老T细胞存活引起一系列导致机体攻击自身器官的自身免疫问题

    The team suspects that this mechanism prolongs the survival of older T-cells, causing a cascade of autoimmune problems that spur the body to attack its own tissue.


  • 根据世界卫生组织公布疾病统计数字,人类96%以上的疾病是因为年老力衰免疫问题而导致的。

    According to the announcement of WHO about disease statistics, more than 96% diseases occur due to old age and immunity problems.


  • 眼睛问题表明一种不健康生活方式以及随后免疫系统所受的抑制

    Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with subsequent suppression of the immune system.


  • 这些植入应该不会引发免疫反应,从而接收者避免了一个潜在问题

    The implants should not trigger an immune response, getting rid of one potential problem for recipients.


  • 通过学期大学课程拖延的大学生的免疫系统明显受到威胁,会容易出现伤风,感冒以及肠胃问题

    Just over the course of a single academic term, procrastinating college students had such evidence of compromised immune systems as more colds and flu, more gastrointestinal problems.


  • 二恶英一类剧毒物质,导致生殖发育问题损害免疫系统干扰激素还可以导致癌症

    Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental problems, damage the immune system, interfere with hormones and also cause cancer.


  • 讨论安全问题时,需要对佐剂对免疫应答影响及其作用机制透彻了解

    Safety issues will require a thorough understanding of the effects of adjuvants on the immune response and related mechanisms.


  • 尽管还存在大量问题研究团队已经开始他们工作转移生物界的工作上,探测细菌人类免疫细胞之间相互影响。

    Despite the huge scale of the problem, the team is already starting to translate their work into inter-kingdom studies, probing the interactions between bacteria and cells of the human immune system.


  • 由于医疗器械通常用于免疫系统处于最佳状态所以它们受细菌污染问题就显得尤为突出

    Bacterial contamination of medical devices is a particular problem, as those devices are then used on people whose immune systems may be in less than tip-top condition.


  • 继续写道,问题如果这些小孩无法接触细菌那么也就无法发育形成免疫系统

    The trouble is, she adds, such a baby will not have the contact with germs that are needed to build up a strong immune system.


  • 我们已经研究这个问题超过10年了,之前一些疫苗能够引发一定免疫反应但是并不足够有效

    "We've been working on this problem for over 10 years and the vaccines we've tried in the past have induced some immune responses but they have not been very effective."


  • 利用免疫系统力量治疗预防白血病我们研究领域优先考虑的问题

    Harnessing the power of the immune system to cure and protect patients from leukaemia is one of our priority areas of research.


  • 问题关键在于增强免疫而不是通过简单地消除症状来缓解病情,因为这些症状痊愈过程的必然环节

    The key is to help strengthen your immune system and modify symptoms without taking them away because they are part of the recovery process.


  • 使用病人自己的干细胞创造器官解决由于使用别人肾脏,不得不用功效强大的免疫抑制剂预防排斥问题

    Creating an organ using a patient's own stem cells solves the problem of having to use powerful immunosuppressant drugs to stop the body rejecting a another person's kidney.


  • 持久性有机污染物造成神经损害免疫系统紊乱癌症以及许多其他健康问题,因此是一种严重环境问题

    POPs are a major environmental concern due to neurological damage, immune system disorders, cancer and a host of other health problems they cause.


  • 由于癌细胞本身不是外部侵入的病菌而是人体自身问题细胞,因此免疫系统很难对癌细胞识别清除。

    The immune system has a hard time recognizing and fighting cancer because the enemy is not an invading germ but our own cells gone rogue.


  • 衣原体会导致健康动物感染疾病,如果有的动物具有免疫系统问题理所当然会想到它们容易感染更多疾病。”

    "Chlamydia will cause infections in healthy animals but if you have an immune-suppressed animal you would logically think it would get more infections and more disease, " he said.


  • 其中三分之一患者血液系统恶性肿瘤癌症强度化疗移植治疗而存在免疫系统严重低下的问题

    Around one third of these cases occurred in patients whose immune systems were severely suppressed by haematological malignancy, aggressive chemotherapy for cancer, or post-transplant treatment.


  • 问题免疫系统注意这么一个目标

    The problem is getting the immune system to pay attention to a molecule that is such a small target.


  • 这会损害人体免疫系统引起其他健康问题

    This leads to a weakening of the body’s immune system, and ends up causing other health problems.


  • 不仅仅一个向艾滋病患者(1600万患者表现出艾滋病症状自身免疫系统非常脆弱)提供药品问题

    It is not just a matter of bringing in those who should already be on the drugs (the 16m who show symptoms or whose immune systems are critically weak).


  • GACVS注意到,目前对于免疫超负荷”的定义存在问题现有证据进行了审阅讨论

    It noted that the concept of immune overload was ill defined - but the available evidence was reviewed and discussed.


  • 有证据显示压力会减低免疫这会引起很多上述身体症状包括易怒抑郁症这样的情感问题

    Evidence suggests that stress lowers immunity, which can lead to many of the physical symptoms outlined above as well as emotional problems, including irritability and depression.


  • 海星对于那些影响我们问题有着惊人免疫能力

    Starfish are also amazingly immune to problems that affect the rest of us.


  • 那些病情严重以致住院的人往往与其自身的健康状况有关心脏问题肺部疾病免疫疾病以及糖尿病

    The people who do get more serious cases that lead to hospitalization have tended to have underlying health conditions like heart problems, lung ailments, immune diseases, and diabetes.


  • 那些病情严重以致住院的人往往与其自身的健康状况有关心脏问题肺部疾病免疫疾病以及糖尿病

    The people who do get more serious cases that lead to hospitalization have tended to have underlying health conditions like heart problems, lung ailments, immune diseases, and diabetes.


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