• 上述结果说明模型免疫异常有着密切关系,是研究坏死免疫发生机理较理想模型。

    These results strongly suggest that the abnormal immunity involved in the liver cell necrosis in the model.


  • 研究重点随着年龄的增长,我们免疫系统发生什么变化。

    My research focus is on what happens to our immune system as we age.


  • 发生这些症状原因是,免疫系统错误地开始攻击关节内部,使发炎

    This occurs because your immune system mistakenly starts attacking the linings of your joints, making them inflamed.


  • 这些疾病可能发生免疫系统正常身上,HIV感染者的患病几率要高得多。

    These are diseases that people with normal immune systems can also get, but with HIV they occur at a much higher rate.


  • 第三种可能来自一个事实基因运作要通过激活控制免疫系统和头发生长的基因调节器

    A third possibility comes from the fact that the gene works by activating a gene regulator that controls the immune system as well as hair growth.


  • 居住拥挤牢笼中的动物由于环境压力,自身的免疫系统更弱而且可能发生心脏疾病,并且那些居住宽敞环境中的动物容易早死

    Animals who lived in stressful conditions such as crowded cages had weaker immune systems and a higher susceptibility to heart disease, and died at a younger age than those in less crowded conditions.


  • 研究指出,压力能够削弱人体的免疫系统对于肿瘤的防御能力或者通过血管促进新的肿瘤的形成,这些都会直接促进癌症发生

    Studies have shown that stress might promote cancer indirectly by weakening the immune system's anti-tumor defense or by encouraging new tumor-feeding blood vessels to form.


  • 这种病症往往发生捐献免疫细胞辨认接受体细胞外来细胞发出攻击

    The disease starts when the immune cells in donor bone marrow identify the recipient's cells as foreign and launch an attack.


  • 怀孕妇女小孩老人那些免疫系统比较差的人群更加容易发生食物中毒这些食物中毒可以导致恶心呕吐腹泻发烧肢体疼痛等疾病。

    Pregnant women, young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems are particularly vulnerable to food poisoning, which can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and body aches.


  • 尽管它们常常免疫系统有关,研究表明压力疲劳同样让你发生溃疡的原因。

    Though they are usually linked to problems with the immune system, research shows that stress and fatigue can also play a role in getting them.


  • 此类模型研究细胞增殖分化免疫功能提供新的视角同时理解正常组织稳态的维持疾病发生转变提供了提供了一个研究平台

    Such models offer exciting new insights into cell proliferation, differentiation and immune function, and are providing a platform to understand normal tissue homeostasis and transition to disease.


  • 然而到了第二冬季病毒N2蛋白发生突变因而无法免疫系统识别

    By the second winter, however, the N2 part of the virus had also changed somewhat through mutations and was no longer very recognizable to the immune system.


  • 最近确证苏门答腊爪哇病例发生5月31日至62以及6月29日开展的紧急扫荡免疫运动之外地区

    The recently confirmed cases in Sumatra and Central Java occurred outside the area where an emergency 'mop-up' campaign was held from 31 May to 2 June, and again on 29 June.


  • 销毁发生免疫介导血小板减少,其中血小板血小板抗体被,吞噬细胞循环系统中清除

    Destruction occurs in immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, in which platelets become coated with antiplatelet antibodies and are removed from the circulation by the fixed phagocyte system.


  • 特别提醒人们不要一开始就通过整日禁食净化来减肥因为这样似乎激发免疫系统发生重大变化,从而抵抗减肥

    He particularly cautions against beginning a diet with a fast or cleansing day, which appears to trigger significant alterations in the immune system that work against weight loss.


  • 成功中的一例,他们能够使病人在8 - 14个月内使用免疫抑制药物而不发生排异现象

    And in each of the four successful cases they were able take the patient off immunosuppressant drugs within 8-14 months, with no sign of rejection.


  • 城市黄热病如果受感染病毒带入人口稠密的地区,而这些地区很多缺乏免疫力,有伊蚊生存繁殖,就发生流行

    Urban yellow fever: Large epidemics occur when infected people introduce the virus into densely populated areas with a high number of non-immune people and Aedes mosquitoes.


  • 大脑蓝斑区部位神经元去甲肾上腺素的主要来源之一,去甲肾上腺素大脑重要免疫抑制剂,防止神经元发生炎症应激反应。

    Neurons in this part of the brain are a major source of noradrenaline, which plays an important role as an immunosuppressant in the brain, preventing inflammation and stress to neurons.


  • 一现象发生注意识别,推荐免疫接种程序做出相应调整

    It is important to recognize when this phenomenon occurs and to adjust the recommended immunization schedule accordingly.


  • 最近一次研究中,格鲁曼发现干扰素(免疫系统产生蛋白质)疾病发生一周内具有免疫作用。

    In a recent study, Grubman found that interferons-proteins produced by the immune system-can offer protection during that first week.


  • 注意,有时免疫之后儿童身上可能凑巧发生免疫接种完全无关的病状

    Please note that a child may suffer from a condition not related to immunization, which coincidentally developed after vaccination.


  • 随着AEFI监测系统敏感性提高,对强化免疫期间聚集发生无菌性脑膜炎的辨识能力也得到了加强。

    Recognition of the clustering of cases of aseptic meningitis has potentially been enhanced during mass immunization campaigns due to increased sensitivity of AEFI surveillance.


  • 要防止发生家畜流行病必须暴发之前进行动物免疫

    Animal immunization must be implemented prior to an outbreak if an epizootic is to be prevented.


  • 关于发生疫情时进行甲型肝炎免疫接种建议依具体地点而定包括迅速广泛开展免疫接种运动可行性

    Recommendations for hepatitis A vaccination in outbreaks should also be site-specific, including the feasibility of rapidly implementing a widespread immunization campaign.


  • 例如,当儿童流行性腮腺炎免疫接种覆盖率较低时(小于80%),导致不愿意看到流行病学现象,即流行性腮腺炎转而发生年龄较大的人群中

    For example, insufficient childhood mumps vaccination coverage (below 80%) may result in an undesirable epidemiological shift in the incidence of mumps to older age groups.


  • 病毒感染导致免疫系统发生进行性衰退,最后出现“免疫缺陷”。

    Infection with the virus results in the progressive deterioration of the immune system, leading to "immune deficiency."


  • 病毒感染导致免疫系统发生进行性衰退,最后出现“免疫缺陷”。

    Infection with the virus results in the progressive deterioration of the immune system, leading to "immune deficiency."


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