• 人造太阳进行试验的过程克雷有了另一个有趣的发现

    In experimenting with artificial suns, Kramer made another interesting discovery.


  • 另外一实验克雷鸟笼周围放置了完全相同的食盒,这些食盒只有个食盒食物

    In another set of experiments, Kramer put identical food boxes around the cage, with food in only one of the boxes.


  • 欢声笑语开了克雷文医生梅德洛克太太走了进来

    In the midst of the fun the door opened and in walked Dr. Craven and Mrs. Medlock.


  • 克雷早期研究发现被关在笼候鸟它们通常开始在迁徙的大致时间变得非常不安

    Early in his research, Kramer found that caged migratory birds became very restless at about the time they would normally have begun migration in the wild.


  • 克雷布斯发现大蓝较小的群体较大群体容易抬头,这完全是由于恶劣饲养条件造成的。

    Krebs has discovered that great blue herons look up more often when in smaller flocks than when in larger ones, solely as a consequence of poor feeding conditions.


  • 克雷先生认识到许多复杂现代过程情况并非如此

    Mr Kremer recognised that in many complex modern processes that was not the case.


  • 克雷计算了一下如果海地人类排泄物的50%养分回收利用农田那么每公顷氮投入跃升17千克

    Kramer calculates that if Haiti recycled 50 percent of the nutrients in human waste onto farmland, input would leap to 17 kilograms per hectare.


  • 联营会社社长弗朗西斯科·认为琴匠们克雷莫纳悠久的制琴手艺受益匪浅远远不够。

    Francesco Toto, the consortium's vice-president, thinks that the luthiers benefit from the craft's long tradition in Cremona. But that has been far from continuous.


  • 心理科学》(·克雷,2010),荷兰心理学家大卫·德·克雷他的同事一项新的研究阐述了这些期望值

    Just how high these expectations are is demonstrated by Dutch psychologist David DE Cremer and colleagues in a new study published in Psychological Science (DE Cremer et al., 2010).


  • 假使马吕斯古费拉克就是说,是个能生活随时发现笑料见了容德雷婆娘的模样一定会忍俊不禁。

    If Marius had been Courfeyrac, that is to say, one of those men who laugh on every occasion in life, he would have burst with laughter when his gaze fell on the Jondrette woman.


  • 1987年的电影,小罗伯特·唐尼出演了大学新生克雷回家与吸毒朋友朱利安(安德鲁·麦卡锡饰)以及前女友布莱尔杰米·格尔兹饰)相聚。

    The 1987 film stars Robert Downey Jr. as college freshman Clay, who returns home to reunite with his drug-addicted friend Julian (Andrew McCarthy) and ex-girlfriend Blair (Jami Gertz).


  • 1983年,悄无声息地加利福尼亚州克雷斯敦的一个马场定居下来。

    In 1983, he settled quietly on a horse farm in Creston, California.


  • 美国人停留类似阿雷克西•托克维尔19世纪发现他们的那样:”这么幸运,在丰盛的物质躁动不安”。

    Americans too have remained much as Alexis de Tocqueville found them in the 19th century: “So many lucky men, restless in the midst of abundance.”


  • 大卫·里斯,47岁,演过最有角色《哈利·波特》系列电影里的雷姆斯·卢平;弗雷尔,34岁电视剧《灵指神探扮演查克

    Thewlis, 47, is best known for his role in the 'Harry Potter' series as Remus Lupin; Friel, 34, played Chuck on TV series' Pushing Daisies. '.


  • 普雷特三明治连锁店的超级鹰嘴豆芝麻沙拉含有3.2,同样的,在肯德基所有的沙拉Zinger套餐含有3.1克盐,原味鸡套餐含2.9克盐。

    Pret A Manger's super houmous salad had 3.2g of salt, while, among KFC salads, the Zinger had 3.1g and the original chicken 2.9g.


  • 春天暮色火车雷北克车站他们沿着站台等候马车走去

    In the spring twilight the train stopped at the Rhinebeck station, and they walked along the platform to the waiting carriage.


  • 每当谈及平克尼时声音总是带有一种异常温暖、柔和的语调

    When Ray spoke of Pinckney it was with a special-warm, tender-intonation in his voice.


  • 出发前渥克巫师洛格雷给了每位队员一个行程帮助他们圣物

    Prior to departure, the Ewok shaman Logray gave each traveler a sacred token to help them on their journey.


  • 马克斯·里博乐队,阿克—雷夫一个身材魁伟打击乐手。这个面色冷酷威奎人很节奏感

    One of the burly percussionists that accompanied the Max Rebo Band, Ak-rev is a grim-faced Weequay with a sense of rhythm.


  • 第一作者是伊拉克老兵菲尔克雷通过名士兵在摇旗欢呼回家故事讲述战争美国影响

    The first, by Phil Klay, an Iraq veteran, tells of the impact of the war on America through the story of a soldier who has come home, after the flag-waving and the cheers.


  • 寻找格里多过程帮助帕帕诺依达男爵提列克舞女没有名字,不过在剧本演职员表称为特蕾拉·巴雷

    The Twi 'lek dancer who AIDS Baron Papanoida in finding Greedo is unnamed in the episode, though she is identified as Trella Bare 'ah in the script and credits.


  • 同时托雷斯承认想争夺英超冠军,球队需要对阵难缠斯托克的比赛,克服困难以求胜利。

    Meanwhile, Torres admits Liverpool must fly out of the blocks against a stubborn Stoke side on Wednesday if they are to kickstart their Barclays Premier League campaign.


  • 卡拉格没有昨天利物浦对雷克·瑟姆比赛亮相。他们在每年一次会面以3 - 2战胜了雷克·瑟姆,这也是他们在这个夏天第一场友谊赛

    Carragher did not play yesterday as Liverpool enjoyed a victory in their first friendly of the summer, beating Wrexham 3-2 in their annual meeting.


  • 实际上克雷使自己潜入流沙之利用十条有力的沙丘穿梭

    The greater dragon actually submerges itself in the shifting sands, and can use its ten powerful limbs to swim through the dunes.


  • 除了一名伟大的防守球员外,还有出色任意球技术,就象雷克·巴兰·迪亚击败德纳比赛进的那个,同时头球方面,他在角球战术所有后卫的心病。

    Apart from being a great defender, he also excels in free kicks, as the one against Modena in Recobalandia, and in headers, pain in the neck of all defences in corner kicks.


  • 除了一名伟大的防守球员外,还有出色任意球技术,就象雷克·巴兰·迪亚击败德纳比赛进的那个,同时头球方面,他在角球战术所有后卫的心病。

    Apart from being a great defender, he also excels in free kicks, as the one against Modena in Recobalandia, and in headers, pain in the neck of all defences in corner kicks.


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