• 1961年,授予·哈马舍尔和平奖,1931年,授予瑞典诗人埃里·尔·卡尔菲德文学奖。

    The 1961 Peace Prize was awarded to Dag Hammerskjold, and the 1931 Literature Prize was awarded to the Swedish poet Erik Axel Karlfeldt.


  • 除了海边大部分时间处于封冻之下尔汉尔斯这个国家没有一个通向世界海运航线入口。

    Apart from Archangel on the White Sea, closed by ice for most of the year, the country had no access to the world's shipping lanes.


  • 年前·扎出现美国加州图市的时候,没房没工作。

    When Mark Zuckerberg showed up in Palo Alto three years ago, he had no car, no house, and no job.


  • 实际上,早20世纪页,间日疟地区发现过,俄罗斯尔斯

    Indeed, in the first half of the 20th century it was found as far north as Archangel, in Russia.


  • 今天年度人物并列第二两位人选,朱利安··扎没有受到很多传统权威尊敬

    Like two of our runners-up this year, Julian Assange and the Tea Party, Mark Zuckerberg doesn't have a whole lot of veneration for traditional authority.


  • 威尔斯基木材加工公司尔汉尔斯地区木材加工领域主要工厂之一

    Velskiy Wood-working Enterprise in the Arkhangelsk region is one of the main factories on the territory of this region.


  • 某种程度上,桑奇一个硬币两面

    In a sense, Zuckerberg and Assange are two sides of the same coin.


  • 了解蛔虫嗅觉后,巴曼博士同样研究嗅觉理查德·坠入了爱河

    While working out the worm's sense of smell, Dr. Bargmann fell in love with another olfactory researcher, Richard Axel.


  • 这个夏天印度卡纳塔南部树木丛生尔,两个农民田间劳作时,一对头幼象林中出现了

    TWO farmers in Anekal, a forested bit of the south Indian state of Karnataka, were in their fields this summer when a pair of cow elephants and a calf emerged from the trees.


  • 了解蛔虫嗅觉后,巴曼博士同样研究嗅觉理查德·坠入了爱河

    While working out the worm's sense of smell, Dr. Bargmann fell in love with another olfactory researcher, Richard Axel. Dr.


  • ·本还进一步设想通过手机植入传感器,手机便可以监测空气质量充当分布式监视系统

    Arkenberg takes the idea further by suggesting that sensors could be built into mobile phones that could monitor air quality or act as a sort of distributed surveillance system.


  • 不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里·布赖恩·邓布利多伟大男巫之一,是沃兹魔法学校校长,建立了凤凰社。

    Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is one of the greatest living wizards, the headmaster of Hogwarts, and founder of the Order of the Phoenix.


  • 随着脸谱网大受欢迎收拾行装,将这家公司搬入加州帕洛·托市永远离开了哈佛神圣殿堂

    As Facebook's popularity exploded, Zuckerberg packed up his bags and relocated the fledgling company to Palo Alto, California, forever leaving behind Harvard's hallowed halls.


  • 一些毕业生雷莫纳传统工艺带回了自己家乡著名的美国提琴制师约瑟夫柯廷戈‧尔夫就受训此。

    Some take the tradition home: two of America’s best-known violin-makers, Joseph Curtin and Gregg Alf, trained in Cremona.


  • 人称扎(Zuck)的扎加州帕洛·尔托市不张扬房子里常常步行上班

    Zuck, as he's known to most, lives in a modest house in Palo Alto and often walks to the office.


  • 战略预测顾问里斯··本伯(Chris Arkbenberg)近日博客发表了有趣的观点

    Strategic forecast consultant Chris Arkenberg hits on an interesting idea in a recent blog post.


  • 评价法律无围墙项目专家.哈里斯(Mark Harris),事实上律师律师繁重工作搞得筋疲力竭,2000年他一名业务主管克.特尔(AlecGuettel)共同创建了Axiom

    One expert judging the LawWithoutWalls projects, in fact, was Mark Harris, an attorney who, burned out by Big Law's treadmill, co-founded Axiom in 2000 with business executive Alec Guettel.


  • 今年夏天,新闻集团(News Corporation)、尔-斯普林出版集团(Axel SpringerVerlag)、媒介新闻集团(MediaNewsGroup媒体企业高层人士纷纷扬言开始对在线新闻收费

    This summer senior figures at big media firms such as News Corporation, Axel Springer Verlag and MediaNews Group have all threatened to start charging.


  • Facebook创始人- - -·扎评为2010时代》杂志年度人物,朱利安·遗憾落选。

    Sorry Julian Assange, but Time magazine's Person of the Year is Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook.


  • 随着Facebook迅猛普及打点好行囊,羽翼未丰的公司到了加利福尼亚州帕落尔托,从此永远地离开哈佛圣坛

    As Facebook's popularity exploded, Zuckerberg packed up his bags and relocated the fledgling19 company to Palo Alto, California, forever leaving behind Harvard's hallowed20 halls.


  • 去年春季加州帕洛·尔托喜来登酒店(Sheraton)召开一次会议上,数百员工酒店闷热地下大厅之前引用电影《特洛伊》(Troy)中的对白。

    At a meeting last spring, Mr. Zuckerberg quoted from the movie 'Troy' before hundreds of employees crammed into the steamy basement of a Sheraton hotel in Palo Alto.


  • 德国塞尔·施普林出版社(AxelSpringer AG)股价上涨4.1%,至125欧元,创下2007年来最高股价。

    Axel Springer AG gained 4.1 percent to 125 euros, the highest price since 2007.


  • 斯皮尔伯对《娱乐周刊》(Entertainment Weekly)说:“像是永远不会一个弗雷德·泰尔(Fred Astaire,百老汇歌舞巨星),或者·贝利(ChuckBerry,黑人摇滚吉他大师),另一个猫王,也不会再有人比得上·杰逊了。

    Mr. Spielberg told Entertainment Weekly: “Just as there will never be another Fred Astaire or Chuck Berry or Elvis Presley, there will never be anyone comparable to Michael Jackson.


  • 默特欧冠赛后接受采访时承认如果不是不阻止,2010年夏天已经准备好加盟森纳。名高大的中后卫本来已经放弃了转会到英超的愿望,直到上个月温重新提出报价。

    Per Mertesacker has revealed that he would have joined Arsenal in the summer of 2010 had his move not been blocked by Werder Bremen.


  • 夫妇本周一离开罗马推测他们去那不勒斯南部玛菲海岸游览,然后再返回美国

    They left Rome on Monday, with speculation that they might be heading towards the Amalfi Coast south of Naples before heading back to the US.


  • 夫妇本周一离开罗马推测他们去那不勒斯南部玛菲海岸游览,然后再返回美国

    They left Rome on Monday, with speculation that they might be heading towards the Amalfi Coast south of Naples before heading back to the US.


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