• 法国的麦道一种好的

    Medoc is a very good wine.


  • 普罗·塞克酒甚至都不用主菜了。

    Throw in some Prosecco, and you may not even have to cook the second course.


  • 自己的想象力因梅多克酒兴奋起来。

    My own fancy grew warm with the Medoc.


  • 研究人员推断每天饮用20延长男子寿命,使他们比不喝的人

    The researchers concluded that drinking up to 20 grams a day could extend men's lifespan by up to two years over those who avoided alcohol.


  • 2月21日,公司宣布收购土耳其种茴香,即拉克酒最大制造商MeyIcki

    On February 21st the company announced the takeover of Mey Icki, Turkey's largest maker of raki, an aniseed drink.


  • 结论:本法作为山西地方药材蚂蚁蚂蚁)及其制剂风湿亮氨酸含量测定方法

    CONCLUSION:The method may be used for determination of the contents of leucine in Shanxi local medical material-ant(black ant, Formica fusca Laureile)and its preparation-Fengshike wine.


  • 除此之外,我们葡萄园生产的其它进行分类例如香槟干邑白兰地阿马尼亚克酒

    Apart from this, we also group all the products made in vineyards, such as Champagne, Cognac and Armagnac .


  • 卡瑟天堂曾经是克酒庄的财产,见证了留塞克酒20世纪末动荡混乱历史

    Cather was left Seck heaven winery winery's property, it also witnessed the Prosecco wine in the late 20th century remain turbulent and troubled history.


  • 摘要现在普罗·起泡全球的销量已经超过香槟不过法国香槟明确定位,会普罗·塞克酒崛起中受益。

    ABSTRACT: Global Prosecco sales may now outstrip Champagne, but the French sparkling wine stands to benefit from its rival's success if it positions itself carefully.


  • 海军港,喧哗的新建的蒙托店里,同样鸡尾系列里备有圣日耳曼烈性其中有款叫做多夫,单子上对这样描述相信,它真得很棒

    Navy Beach, the buzzing new Montauk restaurant, uses St-Germain in cocktails, including one called the Madoff (the description on the menu: “it’s good... trust us”).


  • 已擅自主张了这种葡萄

    Knox had taken it on himself to choose the wine.


  • 菲尔口感什么相似

    What is the texture of kefir in the mouth similar to?


  • 普罗赛嘶嘶冒气不起泡,因此视为免税Perlwein,而不是Schaumwein,这让德国的香槟制造商感到懊恼。

    Prosecco fizzes rather than foams and so, to the chagrin of German bubbly-makers, is deemed to be a tax-free Perlwein, not a Schaumwein.


  • 我们沿着朝北走,我们拐街的廊买一瓶,又出来了。

    I veer into Clark street Liquors for a bottle of wine. Back on the street Clareis puzzled.


  • 品尝了开胃色拉鲜美猪肉后,我们开始享用烤鸭屋里取暖火炉出来的,佐餐的是一瓶玫瑰

    After gizzard salad and some tasty charcuterie, we ate duck - grilled on the same fire that was keeping the room aglow -washed down with a bottle of Gaillac rose.


  • 杰弗逊先生藏发现者一个从乐队经纪人转为葡萄商人德国人哈迪·罗德斯·从不的这瓶或者那个地窖有多少藏品。

    The discoverer of the Jefferson bottles, a German pop-band manager turned wine dealer called Hardy Rodenstock, would not say who had sold them to him, or even how many were in the cache.


  • 波亚的拉图尔人们依靠马匹耕作葡萄园14世纪那样那个时候,葡萄藤第一次这个庄园里种植

    At chateau Latour in Pauillac, horses plough the vineyards just as they did in the 14th century, when vines were first grown on the estate.


  • 如果只要1982年份图斯庄园1947年份的白马庄园热门的葡萄,那就睁大眼睛小心上当。

    'If all you want is 1982 petrus or 1947 Cheval Blanc, two of the most knocked-off bottles out there, you've got to watch out,' Kopec says.


  • 梨子已经熟透,纷纷掉来做成了普洛鸡尾翻转塔,李子和青梅更是大大满足了我们挑剔胃口

    Pears have been tumbling to the ground in ripeness and been converted into Prosecco cocktails and pear tatins, while the plums and greengages are outdoing even our appetites.


  • 海浪波峰如果它们移动过快葡萄开始瓦解变为泡沫,莱·拉里

    Just like an ocean crest, wine waves begin to break, turning frothy, if they're moving too quickly, he says.


  • 星期六下午莱斯电台里,有的主持人一边播着音,一边

    One Saturday afternoon while Les was at the station, a deejay named Rock was drinking while on the air.


  • 如果此刻去买的话,他冲到街上去给他买更多

    He would have run down the street for more booze if Rock had asked.


  • 比罗夫妇那幅指纹是否造假时,专注地自己

    When I asked Biro about the allegedly forged fingerprints on the Parkerspainting, he peered intently at his glass of wine.


  • 美国人罗伯特·位大师级鼻子就足以使的那种价格一路下跌他在波尔多时所在的还要低。

    A WRINKLED nose from Robert Parker, a masterly American wine critic, used to be enough to send wine prices down deeper than the Bordeaux cellars where he does his tasting.


  • 热心人士还随时听从葡萄专家罗伯特•帕),专家们的评论评级随手可得。

    Aficionados can instantly defer to gurus of the trade, like Robert Parker, whose reviews and ratings are also to hand.


  • 正是这种新生思想解放——用先生的话说是“尝试事物的愿望”——助推成立运作至今生意,一家葡萄进口公司

    It is that new openness of spirit "a readiness to try new things" in Crook's words, that has fueled the business that he founded and now runs - a wine importing company.


  • 来自菲尔德的劳拉·费舍尔告诉代表首次教师生活,一个同事看着说到:“回家一瓶!”

    Laura Fisher from Wakefield told delegates how two weeks into her first job as a teacher, a colleague looked at her and said: "' Go home and drink a bottle of wine and you'll be fine."


  • 罗地亚佩列沙茨半岛塞恩特葡萄园陡峭斜坡上当地葡萄生产者杜布拉夫卡•塞尔·科维说道葡萄永远在这里驻足了。

    Standing on the steep slopes of the Saints Hills vineyard on the Peljesac peninsula in Croatia, Dubravka Serkovic, a local producer, says wine has been made here "for ever".


  • 表演开始前会点一杯周围的随便什么聊着——主要斯特亚,因为他大多数时候除了坐在吧里以外,没什么其他可的了。

    Before the show, he nursed a drink and talked to whoever was around-mostly to Kostya, who had little to do but sit at the bar.


  • 表演开始前会点一杯周围的随便什么聊着——主要斯特亚,因为他大多数时候除了坐在吧里以外,没什么其他可的了。

    Before the show, he nursed a drink and talked to whoever was around-mostly to Kostya, who had little to do but sit at the bar.


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