• 把手臂伸过来时,阿兹拉便将皮下注射器刺左臂

    As he reached over, Azrak slid a hypodermic syringe into his left arm.


  • 甜食时古费拉说:“读过报纸了?”

    At dessert, he said to Courfeyrac. "Have you read the paper?"


  • 约翰·厄普代通过笔耕把这些以及更多的事件编小说里,我们大家都知道一个人解脱我们大家都拥有东西时间

    John Updike chronicled these things and more in his decades of writing, and in this story he lets us in on the one release we all have: time.


  • 或者菲利普艾里一样愿意去相信因为他们自己文学世界以及所有陈词滥调中(它可能也会成为电影作品),例如被女人甩。

    Or so Phillip and Erik seem to believe, as they throw themselves into a life of literature (it might as well be cinema) with all the attendant cliches, like their disdain for (terror of) women.


  • 同时提供经济精神上支持,还将其介绍知名爱荷华作家工作坊建议成为作家。

    Offering both financial and psychological support, he introduces him to the renowned Iowa Writers’ Workshop and suggests the life of a writer.


  • 德里吧嗒一声货车后面挂锁,向方向点点头然后绕过去乘客位。

    Derek snapped shut the padlock on the back of the van, nodded in my direction and walked round to climb into the passenger seat.


  • 帕特里·白朗还是孩子的时候,就在自己睡房墙上挂了植物,把植物的鱼缸

    When Patrick Blanc was a boy, he suspended plants from his bedroom wall and ran their roots into a fish tank.


  • 听听卢·天行者忠告,远离hoth星球寒冷表面,躲款《星球大战》造型的睡袋吧!

    Take a tip from Luke Skywalker and survive the frigid surface of Hoth inside this classic Star Wars collectable sleeping bag.


  • 同年,肯尼迪与初社交界的上流社会年轻女子弗吉尼亚纳特(Virginia JoanBennett)成婚,琼来自纽约郊区布朗斯维尔(Bronxville),肯尼迪家族在那里住过。

    That same year, Mr. Kennedy married Virginia Joan Bennett, a debutante from Bronxville, a New York suburb where the Kennedys had once lived.


  • 帕斯特纳先生生物仿制制药威胁到了现有生物技术制药公司公司基因泰公司(现在已属瑞士制药巨头罗氏旗下),他们数十亿美元销售目标现在都风险

    Biosimilars threaten incumbent biotech firms such as Amgen and Genentech (now part of Roche, a Swiss drugs giant), which have billions of dollars of sales at risk, argues Mr Pasternak.


  • 奥罗拉、桑迪·奥兰多那些日子,总监恩·拉姆塞让它们明显坠噩梦领域决定看来是正确的。

    In a time of Aurora, Sandy Hook, and Orlando, director Lynne Ramsay's decision to tilt this distinctly into the realm of nightmare feels right.


  • 阿尔西屁股坐摇椅卡利斯塔开始紧张收拾起地板刚才缝制一节节棉布床单

    Alcée flung himself into a rocker and Calixta nervously began to gather up from the floor the lengths of a cotton sheet which she had been sewing.


  • 巴塞尔连续——亚历山大费雷球)费边费雷球,出乎意料地使得巴塞尔领先卡里当时还是抱着扳平希望的。

    The Swiss side scored three times in successionAlexander Frei (two) and Fabian Frei with the goals – to take Basel into a surprise lead but Carrick said he remained hopeful of an equaliser.


  • 诚心当然得到诚心:“煤气,再打气筒空气就是混合气体威力。”

    The sincere desire to learn surely gets sincere desire of teaching: 'Open the gas switch and add air with inflator , it is the power of mixed gas.


  • 溶液中加入铱元素同位素质量分馏校正常规的溶液雾化样条件下,采用同位素稀释准确测定的铼含量

    Combining the isotopic dilution (ID) method with the on-line fractionation correction method, the rhenium content can be determined accurately at sub-nanogram level using the normal solution n.


  • 加州州长健美先生阿诺德·施瓦辛格贝拉·奥巴马健身房

    California governor and former muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger says he'd like to get Barack Obama into a gym.


  • 对于索尔斯的表现满意,已经11个,并且许诺赛季结束15个

    I am pleased for Solskjaer, he has scored 11 goals and he has promised me 15 so he is on target.


  • 许多流言曾经切尔西需要一个赛季能够20个球员特别在哈赛尔巴因离开后,这种声音不绝于耳。

    A lot of rubbish has been said and written down the years about Chelsea needing a 20 goals a season player, especially since Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink left.


  • 这位中场球员球非别是主场对阵胡尔城斯托城时的,代表曼联表现已经获得了各方的赞誉

    The midfielder's two strikes so far came in the home wins over Hull and Stoke, but his overall performances for the Reds have earned widespread praise.


  • 磁带后,轮椅我推到楼下,扶我坐正在等回家轿车

    When the tape was over, Rick helped me into a wheel chair and took me downstairs to the limousine waiting to take me home.


  • 不过,在遇到黑暗绝地大师·蒂发现了。莎·蒂说服这愤怒学徒卢西亚。

    Before she could confront the Dark Lord, though, she was discovered by Jedi Master Shaak Ti, who convinced the angry Padawan to disappear into hiding on Felucia.


  • 医生建议孕妇天天至少27

    Doctors recommend that pregnant women eat at least 27 mg of iron daily.


  • 郑州科学仪器有限公司专业从事精密分析仪器的研发、生产销售代理服务

    Zhengzhou Collect Scientific Instrument Co. , Ltd. is professional at researching and development, manufacturing, selling and agent service for auto sample injector and precise analysis instruments.


  • 由于爸爸调动工作明莉跟着札幌找到新家前只能宿舍那里不能宠物,明莉只得斯寄养在

    Mobilization of the father, Ming Li moved to Sapporo to follow, find the new home only lived in the dormitory, where not a pet, and Ming Li had to put into the Sarbanes-Oxley foster home in the stars.


  • 熊队本来有次机会赢得比赛但是KyleLowry的带球上篮没有瓦里最后时刻分也没

    The Grizzlies had two shots at winning the game, but Kyle Lowry missed a driving layup in the lane and Hakim Warrick was off the mark on a three-pointer as time expired.


  • 悲剧精神亨利·易卜生品格也是的《罗斯莫庄》的基调。《罗斯莫庄》是一个包含着某种隐藏结构文本多少是由于作者自己有意识地将其编密码的。

    The "tragic spirit" is Ibsen's character as well as the keynote of his Romsersholm which is a text with a hidden structure deliberately encoded by the dramatist.


  • 悲剧精神亨利·易卜生品格也是的《罗斯莫庄》的基调。《罗斯莫庄》是一个包含着某种隐藏结构文本多少是由于作者自己有意识地将其编密码的。

    The "tragic spirit" is Ibsen's character as well as the keynote of his Romsersholm which is a text with a hidden structure deliberately encoded by the dramatist.


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