• 美林表示雇用任克英有助于加强银行中国特许经营业务

    Merrill Lynch said that Ms ren had been employed to help strengthen the bank's China franchise.


  • [1]克英叶片式液压泵马达[m]。北京机械工业出版社,1993。

    LI Keying. Vane Pumps and Motors [m]. Beijing: Machinery Industry Press, 1993.


  • 现年48克英自诩曾贝尔斯登花旗集团有过12投资银行从业经验。

    Ms Ren, 48, who boasted 12 years of investment banking with Bear Stearns and Citigroup.


  • 格斯团队设计西57街项目,为纽约城引入了全新住宅类型增加一条连通曼哈顿天际线的迷人纽带。

    West 57th, designed by BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group, introduces an entirely new residential typology to New York City that will add an inviting twist to the Manhattan Skyline.


  • 美林太平洋地区投行业务主管达米安丘尼拉利没有理会对任克英过时银行家”的担忧离开期间市场环境发生改变

    Damian Chunilal, head of Pacific Rim investment banking at Merrill Lynch, brushed aside fears that Ms Ren was "yesterday's banker", given that market conditions have changed during her absence.


  • 许多伊朗人一样,摩萨德想要公平分配伊朗石油所创造的财富而这些财富为人控制的伊石油公司所掌控。

    Mossadeq, in common with many Iranians, wanted a more equitable distribution of Iran's new oil wealth, which was still overseen by the British-controlled Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.


  • 紫外线处理使大肠杆菌李斯特数量减少99%以上而不会改变液体口味

    The UV treatment reduced populations of E. coli and Listeria innocua by more than 99 percent without changing the liquid’s flavor.


  • 获奖者理查德-、根铃木彰原子作催化剂

    The winners, Richard Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki, used palladium as a catalyst.


  • 理查德·,根铃木分享诺贝尔化学奖。

    Richard Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki shared the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.


  • 预期使用伦敦斯罗机场乘客受到的影响要大于伦敦·盖特·机场的乘客,这两个机场是主要服务枢纽

    Passengers using London Heathrow are expected to be hit worse than those through London Gatwick, the airline's two major hubs for services in the UK.


  • 妮内特·瓦卢瓦艺名,她的真名是爱德莉·斯坦奴,1898年6月6日出生于爱尔兰罗郡的裔爱尔兰军人家庭

    Ninette DE Valois was the stage name of Edris Stannus, born into an Anglo-Irish military family in County Wicklow, Ireland, June 6, 1898.


  • “高分子材料板局部吸收光从而自我折叠”论文十一月十日在杂志《物质》上发表,NC州立大学生化工程人造丝教授•干渃;NC州立大学博士以及州立大学在校大学生朱丽叶•博伊尔斯合著

    Soft Matter, and was co-authored by Dickey; NC State Celanese Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Jan Genzer; NC State Ph.D. student Ying Liu; and NC State undergraduate Julie Boyles.


  • 很明显帕特里感到那些的话严重侵犯了他,现在足总做决定的时候了。

    Obviously Patrice feels very aggrieved at what was said to him and it rests with the FA now


  • 先生而言,这场危机仅仅证明40年前迪拉·甘地(IndiraGandhi)国有化银行系统明智而且有远见的”。

    For Mr Mukherjee, the crisis only proves that Indira Gandhi's decision to nationalise the banking system 40 years ago was "wise and visionary".


  • 最近金牌2007年3月举行Yonex羽毛球公开赛上与郑波搭档在三轮的决赛击败了组合AnthonyClark

    Her most recent medal was in March 2007 at the Yonex All England Open Badminton Championships where she partnered Zheng Bo and defeated British pair Donna Kellogg and Anthony Clark in a 3 game final.


  • 约翰·威尔斯:迪亚,奥哈拉先生的女儿们了。欢迎一下。

    JOHN WILKES: Oh, India, here are the O 'hara girls, we.


  • 09年莱切斯特城征战甲,之后代表沃特福德出赛冠,而这个赛季竞技发挥的很出色。 莱弗利仍旧专注于维冈竞技最后一斯托城的保级生死战,但是不忘记关注一下自己在未来的道路。

    Cleverley's focus remains on helping Wigan avoid relegation in his final game for the Latics against Stoke, but he is also looking further into the future.


  • 声称丽莎凯伦太虚了以致于无法经受搭乘气垫摩托或是鲁达搬运机回到医疗组临时总部旅程

    Jean claimed that Rick, Lisa, and Karen were too weak to endure the trip back to the med group's temporary hq by Hovercycle or Garudan flitter.


  • 背景罗恩病患者中,夫利西单抗硫唑嘌呤治疗联合治疗相对疗效安全性尚未了解

    Background the comparative efficacy and safety of infliximab and azathioprine therapy alone or in combination for Crohn's disease are unknown.


  • 很抱歉成千上万的格球迷观看贝利·奇笑容

    Sorry, but watching thousands of New Englanders attempt to boogie is like watching Bill Belichick attempt to smile.


  • 泛美的747听到下面航747(呼号为速鸟206)法兰地面控制对话的时候,喷饭不止。

    So it was with some amusement that a Pan am 747 listened to the following exchange between Frankfurt ground control and a British Airways 747, call sign Speedbird 206.


  • 不幸的是,一个骑兵认出了身上的他父亲装甲

    Unfortunately, a NCR ranger identified his father's armor as Enclave property.


  • 建筑群著名丹麦建筑事务所比亚·斯团队设计,这也是BIG事务所在北美的第一个项目

    The building is designed by renowned Danish Architect firm BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group and is their inaugural North American project.


  • 去年夏天为止,斯图尔特曾经在双方家庭全县赞许下追求迪亚·威尔斯。

    Until the previous summer, Stuart had courted India Wilkes with the approbation of both families and the entire County.


  • 创立就是为了打破人与人之间地理语言文化上障碍奥林匹宗旨相呼应。

    EF was founded with the mission of tearing down the geographic, language and cultural barriers that separate people, and this mission fits well with the Olympic cause.


  • 斯特:密歇根东南城市,是底特律居住郊区人口30,772。

    A city of southeast Michigan, a residential suburb of Detroit. Population, 30,772.


  • 采取措施账户密码作废,伯格帐号被盗事件显示一些账户依然面临着风险,尤其是那些账户,处于休眠状态的账户。

    LinkedIn has taken steps to invalidate passwords from older accounts, but the breach against Mr. Zuckerberg shows that some accounts, especially those that are old or dormant, remain at risk.


  • 无独有偶今年位居榜单第二艾丹特纳剧《波尔达》的时候刮胡子表示:“下一个角色希望能演体型壮硕的大胡子。”

    And he's not alone, Aidan Turner, who was placed at number two this year, also doesn't shavewhen he's not filming Poldark saying: 'In my next role I want to grow a beard and put on loadsof weight.


  • 最终的机会我们可以看看昨天保加利亚的比赛,在费丁斯托达尔为了哈特替补

    The end result could be seen in Bulgaria last night, where Frank Fielding and David Stockdale, who are both playing in the Championship, were the back-up options for Hart.


  • 最终的机会我们可以看看昨天保加利亚的比赛,在费丁斯托达尔为了哈特替补

    The end result could be seen in Bulgaria last night, where Frank Fielding and David Stockdale, who are both playing in the Championship, were the back-up options for Hart.


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