• 印第安人不满导致庞蒂亚战争爆发后,英国当局决心平息不同殖民地间的对立争端

    After Indian grievances had resulted in the start of Pontiac's War, British authorities determined to subdue intercolonial rivalries.


  • 还有巴马先生为什么·黑格尔,这位作为受勋越战退伍军人而对伊拉战争大加批判内布拉斯加州共和党人呢?

    And why doesn't Barack Obama pick Chuck Hagel, a Nebraska Republican and decorated Vietnam war veteran who has been one of the loudest critics of the Iraq war?


  • 印第安不满导致庞蒂亚战争(1763-64)爆发后,英国当局决心整体解决印第安问题,以平息不同殖民地间的对立争端

    After Indian grievances had resulted in the start of Pontiac's War (1763–64), British authorities determined to subdue intercolonial rivalries and abuses by dealing with Indian problems as a whole.


  • 奎尼匹埃大学的另一位民意调查员彼德.布朗美国民众认为伊拉战争得不偿失补充说他们只是下一步如何走有分歧

    Quinnipiac pollster Peter Brown says Americans have concluded the Iraq war was not worth the cost, but he adds that they remain divided on what to do next.


  • 伊拉战争上布莱尔撒了谎,面对奇尔的质询,拒绝表达任何悔意救赎自己良知企图丝毫不能安慰那些伤者那些失去亲人的人。

    Blair lied about the Iraq war, he refused to express any regret at the Chilcot inquiry and his attempt to save his conscience will be little comfort to those injured or who have lost their loved ones.


  • 例如乌鲁两个守护神——阿努天空,是所有其他主宰;伊娜娜,是战争女神还有其他不同城市守护神。

    Uruk, for instance, had two patron gods—Anu, the god of the sky and sovereign of all other gods, and Inanna, a goddess of love and war—and there were others, patrons of different cities.


  • 知道勋章意义——作为名士兵战争赢得过枚。

    Zac knows the meaning of a Purple Hearthe earned one himself in a war as a soldier.


  • 战争结束和平再次回到邦达兰。

    Peace returned to Mbundaland again after the war with the Chokwe.


  • (美军)阿富汗行动却正好相反非常复杂令人沮丧,强烈暗示着阿富汗战争CIA在阿富汗秘密行动未来—以迪

    The Afghanistan operation was quite the oppositehighly sophisticated and devastating, with vast implications for both the war in Afghanistan and future clandestine CIA operations.


  • 娜奥米·诺维“龙船长”系列小说,可能是该书主流”的作品了,拿破仑战争历史奇幻故事,主角是一名叫劳伦斯英国上校

    Probably the most 'mainstream' entry on this list, the Temeraire series, by Naomi Novik, is an alternative history of the Napoleonic Wars, following a British captain named Laurence.


  • 贾帕要想王朝延续多年战争玷污名声的年轻儿子继位铺路,这会家族精明之举 。

    If the Rajapaksas want a dynasty preserved for many years, preparing the way for a young insider, untainted by any role in the war, could be the family’s canniest strategy.


  • 后来波尔这样写到:“我们并不是为了征服战争而是为了我们尽可能和平方式从墨西哥获得加利福尼亚其他地方不得已而为之。”

    Later, Polk wrote: "we had not gone to war for conquest. But it was clear that in making peace we would, if possible, get California and other parts of Mexico."


  • 另一个传说为了感谢科马·麦卡锡在班诺战争支持,1314年罗伯特·布鲁斯把这块石头赠予了

    Another legend tells that the stone was given to Cormac McCarthy by Robert the Bruce in 1314 thanking him for his support in the Battle of Bannockburn.


  • 伊拉美军最高指挥官彼得雷乌斯将军美国巴格达大使美国国会提供一份最新战争进展状况报告。

    General David Petraeus, the commander of American forces in Iraq, and Ryan Crocker, America's ambassador in Baghdad, provided Congress with an update on the progress of the war.


  • 于是乎英国媒体决定重演战争辉煌,随之阿根廷队长迪耶果·马拉多纳成了头版头条主角

    So the British media decided to restage the glorious Falklands War instead, with the Argentinian captain Diego Maradona cast in the role of the headlines.


  • 教授在此处引用了足够关于战争邪恶残忍证据,以此告诉读者我们天性坏的一面其实冷酷可怕的制造者。

    Here Professor Pinker includes enough evidence of wickedness and brutality to remind readers that the worst angels of our nature are grimly inventive creatures indeed.


  • 这场战争本来完全无形的对手赋予了清晰形式:“癌症这种形式非常多变疾病刻画一种单一整体的存在。”

    It gave definite form, Mukherjee says, to an adversary that was essentially formless: "Cancer, a shape-shifting disease of colossal diversity, was recast as a single, monolithic entity."


  • 1864年的10月30日,第二次什勒苏益格战争(或译普丹战争)结束弗雷德里公爵丹麦皇室承认了普鲁士奥地利对于什勒苏益格、荷尔斯泰因鲁恩伯格的所有地位。

    October 30, 1864, Second war of Schleswig ends: Duke Frederick and the Danish Crown recognize Prussia's and Austria's annexation of Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg.


  • 虽然墙板马赛战争消失,但俄国还是迅速将琥珀100余件藏品中的大部分安全地保存西伯利亚。

    While the panels and mosaics disappeared during the war, the Russians were able to whisk most of the 100 or so objects in the Amber Room collection to safety in Siberia.


  • 令人痛心的是,战争爆发以来,第四斯瑞装甲已有55名士兵献出了自己生命,他们是为伊拉牺牲的4400多名美国人中的一份子

    Most painfully, since the war began fifty-five members of the Fourth Stryker Brigade made the ultimate sacrifice -part of over 4, 400 Americans who have given their lives in Iraq.


  • 第一作者是伊拉老兵菲尔通过名士兵在摇旗欢呼回家故事讲述战争美国影响

    The first, by Phil Klay, an Iraq veteran, tells of the impact of the war on America through the story of a soldier who has come home, after the flag-waving and the cheers.


  • 萨斯主行星出现《波·费特》青少年系列读物、《星球大战隆人战争电视游戏《星球大战:力释放》中。

    Raxus Prime is featured in both the Boba Fett young reader series of novels, the Star Wars: The Clone Wars console game, and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.


  • 凯·埃隆人战争期间颇具影响力议员,是在那段危难时期辅弼议长帕尔帕忠诚派核心中的

    An influential Senator during the Clone Wars, Chi Eekway was a member of the inner circle of loyalists that advised Chancellor Palpatine during those trying times.


  • 如果是一家美国公司赢得艾纳矿,一些阿富汗人会苦笑批评者难免指责美国发动战争是为了霸占这个国家矿产资源

    Had an American company won Aynak, some Afghans noted wryly, critics inevitably would have accused the United States of waging war to seize the country's mineral wealth.


  • 16帮助托马斯•费尔法勋爵考察雪兰多陆地1754被任命为中校,他参加次小规模战争,那场战争后来演变战争

    At 16 he helped survey Shenandoah lands for Thomas, Lord Fairfax. Commissioned a lieutenant colonel in 1754, he fought the first skirmishes of what grew into the French and Indian War.


  • 16帮助托马斯•费尔法勋爵考察雪兰多陆地1754被任命为中校,他参加次小规模战争,那场战争后来演变战争

    At 16 he helped survey Shenandoah lands for Thomas, Lord Fairfax. Commissioned a lieutenant colonel in 1754, he fought the first skirmishes of what grew into the French and Indian War.


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