• 第十一届亚洲奥林匹运动会主办

    China is the host of the Eleventh Asian Olympic Games.


  • 下周召开老虎论坛上佐利13个老虎分布以及日本首脑部长们聚会。

    At next week's tiger Forum, Zoellick will join heads of state and ministers from the 13 tiger-range countries, in addition to Germany, Japan and Korea.


  • 这家航空公司提供阿拉伯联合酋长飞机坠毁受害者亲属免费前往印度,帕有约20接受邀请

    The airline has offered relatives of crash victims in the United Arab Emirates free passage to India, Pathak said, and about 20 people have accepted the offer.


  • 佐利宣布世行敞开象牙塔大门寻求同借款客户研究人员世行外部人员和机构开展更多合作,同时寻求其加大投入力度。

    Zoellick announced the Bank would open the doors of its "ivory tower" and seek more collaboration and input from country clients, researchers and others outside the Bank.


  • 2004年2008年希腊先后举办奥运会双方领域合作不仅将有助于更好弘扬奥林匹精神而且也将会揭开关系新篇章

    Greece and China will host the Olympic Games in 2004 and 2008 respectively. Bilateral cooperation in this field will help carry on the Olympic spirit and open a new chapter in bilateral relations.


  • 无论是到下,还是,首先映入眼帘茱丽大儿子岁的麦德斯的出生——柬埔寨的经度纬度

    From the top down, and from left to right, is the longitudinal and latitudinal location of Cambodia, where the Oscar-winning actress 'eldest son, Maddox, five, was born.


  • ·斯成为合众一个而言,主要问题却在于合众本身

    Jackson wanted to make Texas a state in the Union. But more important to him was the Union itself.


  • 由于斯三意识他们市场非常因而这南斯拉夫内部公司之间合作又一例证

    It is another example of companies in the former Yugoslavia co-operating as they realise how small their domestic markets are. And it has big international ambitions.


  • 认为如果给予·合众州的地位,那么加深南北各州之间矛盾。

    Jackson felt that to give statehood to Texas would deepen the split between the northern and southern states.


  • 尽管俄罗斯货币储备世界第三去年俄罗斯GDP还是下降了8%,降幅20集团的其他成员都要大,使得林姆林宫着实感到震惊

    The Kremlin is still shocked by Russia losing 8 percent of its GDP last year, more than any other G-20 nation, despite having the third-largest international currency reserves in the world.


  • 今年,欧罗巴利亚—艺术节法兰书展中主宾活动成功举行

    This year, the Europalia-China Arts Festival and the Frankfurt International Book Fair have been successfully held.


  • 此文讲述俄罗斯乔治亚汽车拉力大赛经过一部分地方,准确的说,卡尔梅共和及其首都埃里斯特。

    In this article we are going to tell you about one part of the big auto race from Russia to Georgia, to be more precise, about the Republic of Kalmykia and its capital – Elista.


  • 去年的欧罗·巴利亚艺术节法兰书展不约而同地把为主

    Last year China was invited as main guest of honor to Europalia Arts Festival and the Frankfurt International Book Fair.


  • 胡迪诺夫哀叹尽管于2002年签署反恐协议形成联合工作组,但除此之外什么都没有发生

    Shaikhutdinov lamented that though the two countries had signed an agreement to fight terror in 2002 and formed a joint working group, nothing much has happened.


  • 联合儿童基金会德里分部的沙拉·洛认为这是“公共健康史最大的公众动员”。

    Sarah Crowe, of UNICEF in Delhi, credits “one of the biggest mass mobilisations ever for public health”.


  • 在此情形之下外交大臣哈利勋爵波兰伦敦大使康特·瑞斯恩斯奇经协商约定一旦发生武力冲突,两之间互帮互助

    Under it Lord Halifax, the British foreign secretary and count Raczynski, Poland's ambassador in London, agreed that their countries would aid each other in the event of attack.


  • 佐立先生使这些捐助相信世行最好就是低姿态去弥补那些热衷于夸耀自己如何慷慨捐助留下的捐助金缺口

    Mr Zoellick will have to convince donors that the bank's best work is often its least showy, filling in the gaps left by other aid-givers keen to boast about their own generosity.


  • 佐利指出世界银行五分之四借款目前都已将气候变化列为反贫困计划主要重点之一

    Zoellick noted that four out of five of the World Bank Group's client countries have now made climate change among key priorities for their anti-poverty plans.


  • 如果说通过碾碎米兰发出了夺冠的预兆那么尤文图斯奥林匹球场3 -1击败罗马就是最好回应

    If Inter looked ominous as they moved through the gears against Milan, then Juventus responded in the best possible way with a 3-1 win over Roma at the Stadio Olimpico.


  • 图斯赢得了欧元区的妥协,他们承诺欧元区成员可以加入一个“欧元附加”的特别集团

    Mr Tusk won a reprieve, with a promise that the outs could join in a special "euro plus" group.


  • 令人担忧的是:普京执掌俄罗斯期间,已经向世人证明了作为供应的不可靠性,只要惹恼了林姆林宫,燃气供应就会被切断,正像其对待白俄罗斯一样。

    That is a worry: under Vladimir Putin Russia has proved itself an unreliable supplier, cutting gas to countries such as Ukraine and Belarus that have incurred the ire of the Kremlin.


  • 这项措施不成熟的”,阿卜杜勒·拉扎·伊迪说,来自大马宣言激进分子。

    "This measure is insufficient," said Abdel Razak Eid, an activist from the "Damascus Declaration" group.


  • 截止中场休息哈维凯塔布斯伊涅斯塔就已经完成了153脚传球中场大将只完成50次

    By the break, Xavi, Keita, Busquets and Iniesta had played 153 passes; Inter's midfield four had barely made 50.


  • 一位官员坚称,“已经理性地大大恢复了两之间的友好关系。”

    “There has been a spectacular conceptual rapprochement between Merkel and Sarkozy, ” insists a French official.


  • 表示,此次访问倾听世行如何才能成为更好合作伙伴的建议学习”的机会。

    Zoellick described the trip as a chance to "listen and learn from them about how we might be a better partner."


  • 悉尼,2000年主办,之前并没有对会后详细的计划但是奥林匹广场,却运行成功

    Sydney, host in 2000, didn't have much of a plan when its games ended but has made a success of its Olympic quarter, built.


  • 悉尼,2000年主办,之前并没有对会后详细的计划但是奥林匹广场,却运行成功

    Sydney, host in 2000, didn't have much of a plan when its games ended but has made a success of its Olympic quarter, built.


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