• 迈克克勒格补充说, “认为人们期望努力程度水平的'质量'我们。

    Mike Kroeger adds that, "I think people expect that level of effort or level of 'quality' from us."


  • 弟弟贝斯手迈克·克勒尔,补充说,“任何艺术家甚至生存权利现在是一黑马,因为事物的变化非常。”

    His brother, bassist Mike Kroeger, adds that, "Any artist that is even surviving right now is a dark horse because things change pretty fast."


  • 萨诸塞州塞勒姆大学的运动科学助理教授贾克琳·诺伯说,正是这种奇特的形式使竞走成为一项有吸引力的活动。

    It's this strange form that makes race walking such an attractive activity, however, says Jaclyn Norberg, an assistant professor of exercise science at Salem State University in Salem, Mass.


  • 参议员汤姆·达施勒宣布了这个一致意见支持;迪克·普哈特没有支持,希望一旦机会重新审阅这个预算,回心转意。

    Senator Tom Daschle also announced his support for the agreement; Dick Gephardt did not, but I was hoping he would come around once he had a chance to review it.


  • 加拿大勒维特·伊·卢利克附近浮冰漂流时,大西洋小海象在母亲背上找到了安全感

    An Atlantic walrus calf finds safety on its mother's back while drifting on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.


  • 这些二十多年来,马特写给比利时诗人保罗·克林后者是利特的密友,曾一度是马利特妻子情人

    They are all addressed to Paul Colinet, a Belgian poet who worked closely with Magritte and who, for a long time, was also the lover of Magritte's wife.


  • 勒克大学地质学教授议员说:“其实,石头神像吸收液体是个自然现象,而且,石头的年龄长,吸收的液体会越多。”

    "It is very natural for any stone idol to absorb any liquid and the older the stone the more it absorbs," M. P. Singh, a geology professor at Lucknow University, said.


  • 勒克大学地质学教授议员说:“其实,石头神像吸收液体是个自然现象,而且,石头年龄越长,吸收的液体会越多。”

    "It is very natural for any stone idol to absorb any liquid and the older the stone the more it absorbs," M.P. Singh, a geology professor at Lucknow University, said.


  • 勒克大学地质学教授议员说:“其实,石头神像吸收液体是个自然现象,而且,石头年龄越长,吸收的液体会越多。”

    "It is very natural for any stone idol to absorb any liquid and the older the stone the more it absorbs," M.P.Singh, a geology professor at Lucknow University, said.


  • 北极拉里科利加拿大勒维特·伊·卢利克附近的浮冰上休息。

    An Arctic Larry, Moe, and Curly lounge on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.


  • 加拿大勒维特·伊·卢利克附近冰排大西洋海象照顾着的小海象。

    A mother Atlantic walrus watches over her pup on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.


  • 他们尽力了,汤姆·达施勒、迪克。哈特已经尽力了,反对力量太强大了。

    They had tried, as had Tom Daschle and Dick Gephardt, but the opposition was too strong.


  • 发言参议员有萨姆·纳约翰·伦、恰克罗伯利伯曼、约翰·布鲁杰伊·洛克·菲勒艾尔·戈尔

    Among the speakers were Senators Sam Nunn, John Glenn, Chuck Robb, Joe Lieberman, John Breaux, Jay Rockefeller, and Al Gore.


  • 1864年的10月30日,第二次什勒苏益战争(或译普丹战争)结束弗雷德里克公爵丹麦皇室承认了普鲁士奥地利对于什勒苏益荷尔斯泰因鲁恩的所有地位。

    October 30, 1864, Second war of Schleswig ends: Duke Frederick and the Danish Crown recognize Prussia's and Austria's annexation of Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg.


  • 扎克伯夫妇本周一离开罗马推测他们去那不勒斯南部阿玛菲海岸游览,然后再返回美国

    They left Rome on Monday, with speculation that they might be heading towards the Amalfi Coast south of Naples before heading back to the US.


  • 西德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)沉迷莎士比亚陀思妥耶夫斯基索福克勒斯(Sophocle 古希腊悲剧诗人)的悲剧角色命名狄浦斯情节。

    Sigmund Freud named the Oedipus complex for Sophocles' tragic character and was fascinated with Shakespeare and Dostoevsky.


  • IIT克勒·布尔,印度化工收到最佳本科教育

    At IIT, Kharagpur, I have received the best possible undergraduate education in Chemical Engineering in India.


  • 巴勒莫后卫西蒙·克亚尔承认希望丹尼尔·阿组成成功后防搭档前提是利物浦能够击败别的对手而

    Palermo defender Simon Kjaer has admitted that he hopes to forge a successful defensive partnership with Daniel Agger if Liverpool win the race for his signature.


  • 加拿大勒维特·伊·卢利克附近冰排上,大西洋海象照顾着的小海象。

    A mother Atlantic walrus watches over her pup ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.


  • 加拿大勒维特伊卢利克附近头大西洋海象浮冰相互偎依

    Two Atlantic walruses snuggle on an ice floe near Igloolik , Nunavut, Canada.


  • 克勒卡萨·帝贩卖巧克力的缺点保存期限短,但是可以品尝瑞士巧克力独特味道,作为礼物赠送也是不错的。

    Poetry in the Dai Kele Casagrande or sale of raw chocolate is the preservation of the shortcomings of short duration, but can taste the unique flavor of Swiss chocolate, as a gift is also very good.


  • 加拿大勒维特·伊·卢利克附近头大西洋海象冲着照像机吼叫。

    An Atlantic walrus bellows toward the camera near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.


  • 届时切尔西球员现役球员的专访,约翰·特里卡罗-库迪奇尼雷默-勒-萨乌克斯将会提出质量建议。

    There will be interviews with Chelsea players past and present, including John Terry, Carlo Cudicini and Graeme Le Saux, who will be passing on their advice on the qualities needed.


  • 届时切尔西球员现役球员的专访,约翰·特里卡罗-库迪奇尼雷默-勒-萨乌克斯将会提出质量建议。

    There will be interviews with Chelsea players past and present, including John Terry, Carlo Cudicini and Graeme Le Saux, who will be passing on their advice on the qualities needed.


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