• 奥林匹俱乐部场,17

    Olympic Club, Lake Course, 17th hole.


  • 与此同时,斯巴达俱乐部发言人俄罗斯媒体表示交易没有完成。

    Spartak spokesman Eduard Nisenboim has told the Russia media that the deal is not yet signed.


  • 然而回答有点出乎意料,他职业生涯的下一站将罗斯托俱乐部第二次披上此队的战袍

    The answer to that question is however, his former club Hansa Rostock, who play in the second division.


  • 奥林匹俱乐部美国古老的体育俱乐部,共设有三种特色球场悬崖球场景球场和海景球场。

    The Olympic club is the oldest athletic club in the United States featuring three courses: the Cliffs course, the Lake course and the Ocean course.


  • 托尼土拨鼠俱乐部成员怀疑这个数据真实性。

    The members of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club doubt the authenticity of this data.


  • 周二一场8强首回合比赛,穆里尼奥之前的俱乐部国际米兰将会继续他们的卫冕之路,对战德国俱乐部沙尔

    In Tuesday's other quarterfinal first-leg tie, Mourinho's former club Inter Milan will continue their title defense against German club Schalke.


  • 嘻哈流行音乐音乐首先出现在天堂俱乐部梅尔奎威格俱乐部

    Hip pop or funk music begins blaring from Club Paradiso and Club Melkweg.


  • 领导下一个体育俱乐部3月31日成立。

    Under Fickler's leadership a sports club was founded on March 31.


  • 周一致会员信中俱乐部老板埃德拉·布里塞斯(EdraBlixseth)几周来前所未有经济事件Yellowstone被迫寻求债权人保护

    In a letter to members Monday, club owner Edra Blixseth said the 'unprecedented economic events' of recent weeks have forced Yellowstone to seek protection from its creditors.


  • .何曼思最初进入这个行业的时候,,“我们最大竞争对手就是Book-of-the-Mouth俱乐部其他邮购书本俱乐部。”

    When Dick Hermans got into the business, he says, "our biggest competition was the Book-of-the-Month Club and other mail-order book clubs.


  • 沃尔玛零售王朝结婚美国地产巨头斯坦·(StanKroenke现在拥有阿森纳足球俱乐部股票的63%,其余的股票提供报价。

    Stan Kroenke, an American property magnate who married into the Wal-Mart retail dynasty, now owns 63% of Arsenal Football Club and is to make an offer for the rest.


  • 我们想要塞斯在下赛季继续代表我们俱乐部就是这样

    We want Cesc to be part of our club next year, and that is it.


  • 极富魅力的洋洋得意地说“现在我们成立特许经销商俱乐部上帝作证,他们中绝不会有人被偏袒愚弄。”

    The charming Kroc crowed, "Now we will have a club over [franchise managers], and by God there will be no more pampering or fiddling with them".


  • 正如人们预料一样,托尼土拨鼠俱乐部成员怀疑这个数据真实性,并且宣布菲尔正好是100%。

    As might be expected, the members of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club dispute this number and claim that Phil has been right 100 percent of the time.


  • 电影早餐俱乐部这么场景教师弗农看门守卫卡尔,但还是个孩子时候成为什么样的人。

    There is a scene in the movie The Breakfast Club where the teacher, Dick Vernon, asks Carl the janitor what he wanted to be when he was a kid.


  • 我们现在已经在做了。”塞拉俱乐部首席顾问大卫·班德称。

    We are doing so now, " said David Bookbinder, the chief adviser on climate change for the Sierra Club.


  • 活跃小型俱乐部四重奏五重奏的实况演奏。柯川幸运地被高超的伴舞乐队指挥和老师雇佣,他们是迈尔斯•戴维斯罗尼斯-蒙

    The fizz was in small clubs where quartets and quintets played live, and Col trane was lucky to be hired by two superb bandleaders and teachers, Miles Davis and The lonious Monk.


  • 但是自从球队赛季开始后遭遇四连败后,俱乐部麻烦不断尽管评为足球记者协会年度最佳球员斯科特·

    But after beginning the season with four straight defeats, the east Londoners were never out of trouble, despite the efforts of Scott Parker, who was named Football Writers' Player of the Year.


  • 上周六斯托足总杯决赛俱乐部历史上一个伟大的时刻。

    And with the FA Cup final against Stoke looming on Saturday, this could be a truly momentous week in the history of the club.


  • 回到保守党俱乐部德里·飞利浦在撒切尔夫人第一次芬奇利后来回忆道撒切尔夫人真是“棒极了”。德里·飞利浦弗里尔配得上继承的”席位

    Back at the Conservative club, Derek Phillips, who met Lady Thatcher when she first arrived in Finchley and recalls her as "wonderful", says Mr Freer is a worthy heir to "her" seat.


  • 这股来势汹汹潮流尚未结束斯坦·美国丹佛掘金棒球队科罗拉多雪崩冰球队老板四月份自己持有的阿森纳俱乐部股份增加到了12%。

    The rush isn't over; in April, Stan Kroenke, owner of the Denver Nuggets basketball team and ice hockey's Colorado Avalanche, increased his stake in Arsenal, of London, to more than 12%.


  • 公司已经英国奥林匹自行车队英格兰橄榄球队因此他们衬衫必须结实)一支未提名英超足球俱乐部合作试用系统

    The company is already working on the system with Britain’s Olympic cycling team, the England rugby team (so the shirts need to be tough) and an unamed Premier League football club.


  • 这个沉着、安静、实际的男人-可能汉诺威96俱乐部历史上最好守门员-不在我们身边了。

    Enke, a calm, quiet, down to earth guy who was probably the best keeper Hannover 96 had guarding their goal in the club's history was no longer amongst us.


  • 他们第一款产品-AppleI沃兹尼亚手工制造出来,加州帕罗奥图组装电脑俱乐部首次展出

    Their first product, Apple I, is hand built by Wozniak and first shown at theHomebrew Computer Clubin Palo Alto, California.


  • Frommer教授称:“你可以找到译本哈姆雷特全球也有大量的林贡语俱乐部。”

    "There's a translation of Hamlet into Klingon," says Professor Frommer. "There are Klingon clubs that meet all over the world."


  • 沃姆拥有不小的客户群包括连锁杂货零售店温迪大众连锁超市,仓储式量贩店山姆俱乐部和好市多,以及诸如罗素·斯托尔萨拉·这样的食品生产商

    Asked Worn, whose customers include the Winn-Dixie and Publix grocery chains, big-box stores Sam's Club and Costco, and food manufacturers such as Russell Stover and Sara Lee.


  • 2009年的夏天,欧文经纪人了一份32页的简历所有英超俱乐部,只为推销欧文,各家俱乐部深思熟虑后斯托赫尔城对欧文有意向——不过最后曼联成了意外惊喜。

    2009-present Owen's agents sent a 32-page brochure to every Premier League club and - after speculation linking him with Stoke and Hull - United were the surprise destination.


  • 2009年的夏天,欧文经纪人了一份32页的简历所有英超俱乐部,只为推销欧文,各家俱乐部深思熟虑后斯托赫尔城对欧文有意向——不过最后曼联成了意外惊喜。

    2009-present Owen's agents sent a 32-page brochure to every Premier League club and - after speculation linking him with Stoke and Hull - United were the surprise destination.


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