• 观察后卫巴勒莫亚尔皇马的加雷波尔图布鲁诺阿尔维斯

    Simon Kjaer, of Palermo, Ezequiel Garay, of Real Madrid, and Bruno Alves, of Porto, are the defenders being monitored.


  • 巴勒莫后卫西蒙·亚尔承认希望丹尼尔·阿格组成成功后防搭档前提是利物浦能够击败别的对手而

    Palermo defender Simon Kjaer has admitted that he hopes to forge a successful defensive partnership with Daniel Agger if Liverpool win the race for his signature.


  • 架飞机当时钻石主要生产地雅库茨机场飞往西伯利亚拉斯诺亚尔

    The plane was traveling from Yakutsk Airport in a major diamond producing region to the city Krasnoyarsk in Siberia.


  • 记者撒迦利亚·休斯国王和契尔没有受伤

    Reporter Zachariah Hughes, says that neither King nor Zirkle was injured.


  • 词汇来回顾21世纪十年是个如梦初醒甚至悲观事情。”全球语言监测机构总裁鲍尔·JJ·佩

    "Looking at the first decade of the 21st century in words is a sober, even sombre, event, " said Paul JJ Payack, president of The Global Language Monitor.


  • 项研究的负责人西尔维亚·诺布洛赫-维斯特维解释说,坏心情会让人有更多思考。

    Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick, the leader of the study, explained that bad moods would make people more thoughtful.


  • 安德烈亚地下室米哈尔妻子两个孩子共用洗衣房单人浴室

    Andrea, Rick and Zack stayed in the basement department, sharing laundry and single bathroom with Michal, his wife and their two children.


  • 奥德赛,伊奥德修斯法亚国王阿尔辛努斯证明了王位

    In the Odyssey, king Odysseus of Ithaca proves his royal status to king Alcinous of the Faiakes.


  • 详细信息: 可以在斯坦斯、伯明翰都柏林乘坐瑞安航空公司(0871 246 0000, ryanair.com)的航班飞往比亚里茨可以在盖特威布里斯托尔乘坐易捷航空公司(easyjet.com)的航班飞往那里。

    Details: fly to Biarritz wth Ryanair (0871 246 0000, ryanair.com), from Stansted, Birmingham and Dublin; or with EasyJet (easyjet.com)


  • 新西伯利亚——伊尔库茨(2 072—3 222英里)。

    Novosibirsk - Irkutsk (2, 072 miles-3, 222 miles).


  • 尔博士哥伦比亚大学工作,可以在洛·菲勒大学找到职位纽约会合。

    Axel works at Columbia University, and she was able to join him in New York by finding a place at Rockefeller University. Dr.


  • 尔博士哥伦比亚大学工作,可以菲勒大学找到职位纽约会合。

    Dr. Axel works at Columbia University, and she was able to join him in New York by finding a place at Rockefeller University.


  • ·吉莱斯皮带领下,车队准备下月旅途太平洋加德纳寻找失踪美国航空传奇阿米莉·亚尔·哈特线索

    Led by ric Gillespie, the team are preparing to journey next month to Gardner Island in the Pacific to find clues of missing American aviation legend Amelia Earhart.


  • 波亚的拉图尔酒人们依靠马匹耕作葡萄园14世纪那样那个时候,葡萄藤第一次这个庄园里种植

    At chateau Latour in Pauillac, horses plough the vineyards just as they did in the 14th century, when vines were first grown on the estate.


  • 亚尔,德·州立大学助理教授指责杂志女性描绘没有面部,没有人格的生物

    An assistant professor at Texas State University, Royal rebuked the magazine for its depiction of women as faceless, person-less beings.


  • 尼姆离开上西城波希米亚人家庭豪宅,来到了哥伦比亚大学布朗斯区弗代尔社区的一栋大别墅里,在那里继续接受手语教育。

    Nim went from a nice big bohemian, Upper West Side brownstone to a huge mansion in Riverdale that Columbia University owned in the Bronx, where he continues to be taught to use sign language.


  • 几百万繁忙的日子纽约三个机场起飞:拉瓜地尔亚机场,纽华机场肯尼迪机场。

    Millions of people fly on the busiest days from the three New York airports: LaGuardia Airport, Newark Airport, and Kennedy Airport.


  • 路上》使朋友尼尔·卡萨迪成为青年文化的英雄

    On the Road transformed Kerouac's friend Neal Cassady into a youth-culture hero.


  • 个拉霍亚的索尔研究所小组采用了一种折衷的方法对其进行了研究小鼠人类肝脏

    A group out of la Jolla's Salk Institute has worked around that problem with a compromise-a mouse with a human liver.


  • 有时这样带来意外突破就好像理查德·访问中国或者是伊扎·拉宾改变主意亚西尔·阿拉法特会谈。

    Sometimes this can lead to a sudden breakthroughas when Richard Nixon went to China or Yitzhak Rabin dropped his refusal to talk to Yasser Arafat.


  • 拍摄西伯利亚伊尔库茨镜头里,出现一个不明发光体五个漫步外星人

    The clip, filmed in the remote Irkutsk region of Siberia, appears to show a strange glowing craft and five aliens walking about in the snow.


  • 第一洞察肢体再生过程发生什么的真正分子。”加利福尼亚拉荷亚索尔生物研究院首席研究员史考特·斯图尔特博士

    "This is the first real molecular insight into what is happening during limb regeneration," said lead researcher Dr Scott Stewart, from the Salk Institute in la Jolla, California.


  • 雷尔那特意鲁利亚得到了马瑟漆的补充。

    Cockerell's Etruscan red paint is complemented by Mather's brilliant white.


  • 古勒卜丁•希马蒂亚尔组织的领导人一直希望可以回到阿富汗,而不必再隐藏巴基斯坦

    Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the movement’s leader, has long been known to want to return from hiding in Pakistan.


  • 但是赫亚斯托城的进球负有一定责任,比赛第52分钟劳奇菲尔·琼斯后5码处射门得分

    But DE Gea also was a bit complicit in Stoke's lone goal. On a corner in the 52nd minute, Peter Crouch got behind Phil Jones about five yards in front of goal.


  • 德国消费者保护部部长伊尔莎艾格纳向25岁Facebook创始人伯格发起挑战中,很难说大卫王,谁是歌利亚。

    IN THE challenge by Ilse Aigner, the German minister of consumer protection, to Mark Zuckerberg, the 25-year-old founder of Facebook, it is hard to say who is the David.


  • 此前,今年8月份,有人在遥远西伯利亚伊尔库茨地区拍到一搜奇异的发光飞船还有5个外星人雪地里四处

    This latest claim from Russia comes after footage filmed in August in the remote Irkutsk region of Siberia appeared to show a strange glowing craft and five aliens walking about in the snow.


  • 此前,今年8月份,有人在遥远西伯利亚伊尔库茨地区拍到一搜奇异的发光飞船还有5个外星人雪地里四处

    This latest claim from Russia comes after footage filmed in August in the remote Irkutsk region of Siberia appeared to show a strange glowing craft and five aliens walking about in the snow.


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