• 来自宾夕法尼亚州克万尔·休斯20年前参军第82空降师服役

    Michael Hughes of Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, enlisted in the 82nd Airborne 20 years ago.


  • 旅客们抵达日内瓦克万特兰国际机场后,经常一下飞机就直奔他们客车然后前往他们最喜爱的滑雪度假村。

    All too often, travellers landing at Geneva's CointrinAirport head straight to their coach and then off to their favourite ski-resort.


  • 里斯·斯基向高官询问自己到底哪里做的不好时,得到了句简短回答:“还是想想怎么化妆把自己打扮的漂漂亮亮的吧。”

    When Kwapnoski asked a supervisor what was holding her back, she recalls getting a curt reply: "Blow the cobwebs off your makeup and doll up."


  • 齐亚知道学问

    As Koziatek knows, there is learning in just about everything.


  • 同意自己的投资300美元这个项目上,风险投资者那里再筹集1500美元,这些总是热衷于听取想法

    Clark agreed to invest three million dollars of his own money in the project, and to raise an extra 15 million from venture capitalists who were always keen to listen to Clark's new ideas.


  • 德里最终越过终点线时,他哭了,6人都为他欢呼。

    When he finally crossed the line, Derek was crying and 60,000 people were cheering him.


  • 2016年,加拿大的英属哥伦比亚大学的博士生菲利斯·博发现,仅在温哥华,人们每天就会扔掉大约10双筷子。

    In 2016, Felix Bock, a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia, Canada, found out people threw away about 100,000 pairs of chopsticks every day in Vancouver alone.


  • 作为伊利诺伊大学名学生朋友开发了一个叫做“马赛”的程序,可以让人们维网上共享信息

    As a student at the University of Illinois, he and his friends had developed a program called Mosaic, which allowed people to share information on the World Wide Web.


  • 伦敦瞬息艺术画廊隐藏伦敦南部斯托韦尔住宅区一个下沉球场里。

    London's fastest-changing art gallery is hidden in a sunken ball court on a housing estate in Stockwell, south London.


  • 有了马赛程序后,安德森朋友开发了一个程序,这个程序可以通过维网发送图像

    With Mosaic, Andreessen and his friends had developed a program which could send images over the web as well.


  • 时,欧洲已有二十多病例,包括死亡病例1000例和美国的1000例病例。3月24日,国际奥林匹委员会(IOC)主席托马斯·巴赫宣布为了公众的安全,原定于在东京举行的2020年夏季奥运会将推迟至下一年。

    By this time, there were more than 200,000 cases in Europe, including 1,000 deaths, as well as 1,000 cases in the US. On March 24, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Thomas Bach, announced the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, which were planned to be held in Tokyo, would be delayed until the following year in the interest of protecting pubic safety.


  • 德国法兰成千人们聚集传统圣诞集市,集市中满点亮圣诞树。

    Hundreds of people gather on the traditional Christmas market of Frankfurt, Germany, that was opened with the lighting of the tree.


  • 位能约翰逊小姐小姐那儿图片女演员为何浪费电视上呢?

    Why is an actress who can steal a picture from Ms Swank and Ms Johansson being wasted on television?


  • 通常块巧大约100其中健康固体可可含量千差

    A typical chocolate bar weighs around 100 grams, but the amount of healthy cocoa solids it contains varies greatly.


  • 信息支撑着宇宙,无论是音乐还是货币,格如是说。

    Information underpins everything in the universe, Gleick says, from music to money.


  • 2007年波斯尼亚斯雷布雷尼察不远处的波斯尼亚布达人坑里挖出来的头骨

    A human skull is exhumed from a grave site in Budak, Bosnia, not far from Srebrenica, Bosnia in 2007.


  • 罗雷(音译)杜埃(音译)表示他们目前正着重于构造基础扩大用户开发地点数据库

    Mr. Crowley and Mr. Selvadurai say they are focusing on trying to build up the infrastructure, expand the user base and develop a database of locations.


  • 曾经圣节采访家长孩子年纪较小的孩子们可能愿意参加这样的活动。

    According to Clark, who interviewed parents and children after three Halloweens, younger children may be unwilling participants in the whole ritual.


  • 兄弟对52幅《最后晚餐》当中的食物份量进行了测定发现现代画作当中面包比早期的大23%,主菜份量的增长幅度更是高达70%。

    But the Wansinks measured the portion sizes in 52 Last Suppers, and found that the bread was 23 percent bigger in more modern paintings, while the entrees grew a whopping 70 percent.


  • 最近世界著名银行汇丰经济学弗雷德里·纽曼罗伯特•德思·福德做了份报告指出亚洲正在遭受两次萧条:内部萧条外部萧条。

    A recent report by Frederic Neumann and Robert Prior-Wandesforde, two economists at HSBC, a large bank, argues that Asia is suffering two recessions: a domestic one as well as an external one.


  • 一个卷发眼镜瘦高个儿,起球童屋外的包裹,一半搭在门上然后喊声韦尔奇!”

    A tall, thin man with curly hair and glasses, Sweeney would take the bags out of the caddy shack, put them on a half door, and yell, 'Welch!


  • 塞得·马拉,第215迈军团赫尔曼德省指挥者,描述了周三以后如何开展安全工作。

    Said Malluk, commander of the 215 Maiwand Corps in Helmand, described how security would be conducted from Wednesday.


  • 即使美国主权信用评级降低清华大学的帕特里·认为可能对上述债务影响不大

    And even if there was a downgrade of U.S. sovereign ratings, Patrick Chovanec from Tsinghua University says it probably wouldn't change that much.


  • 我们里斯托夫·为什么四十之后,我们还不能治愈癌症

    We asked Christopher Wanjek why, four decades later, we can't cure cancer.


  • 美国制药巨头公司2004年因安全丑闻将其恶名昭著的止痛药召回,随后,迪·出任公司董事长

    The chairman of Merck, a giant American drugs firm, got the top job after a safety scandal caused Vioxx, the firm's blockbuster painkiller, to be pulled from the market in 2004.


  • 成千肯尼亚参加奥林匹马拉松冠军塞缪尔-吉鲁(Samuel Wanjiru)葬礼上月坠落阳台之后不幸身亡

    Thousands of people have attended the funeral in Kenya of the Olympic marathon champion, Sammy Wanjiru, who died last month after falling from a balcony.


  • 部落成员英勇善战而著称,保护较小部落比如奈安蒂诺亚Manisseans),受到这些部落的称赞

    Members of the tribe were also known for their prowess as warriors, offering protection to smaller tribes (such as the Niantic, Wampanoag and Manisseans) who in turn paid tribute to them.


  • 计算机拥有22多个芯片,该机美国田纳西州橡树国家实验室拥有

    The Cray computer has more than 220, 000 chips and is owned by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.


  • 计算机拥有22多个芯片,该机美国田纳西州橡树国家实验室拥有

    The Cray computer has more than 220, 000 chips and is owned by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.


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