• 我们可以把时间效率空间效率看作一个带状区域(看起来像某种光谱)的两个端线。

    Think of space efficiency and time efficiency as two opposite ends on a band (a continuum).


  • 还说,这些使用寿命高达大约10000小时OLEDs效率的,能力创造与自然光相类似的光谱

    They will, he adds, be efficient and capable of producing a spectrum of light similar to natural daylight with an operating life of around 10, 000 hours.


  • 还说,这些使用寿命高达大约10000小时OLEDs效率的,能力创造与自然光相类似的光谱

    They will, he adds, be efficient and capable of producing a spectrum of light similar to natural daylight with an operating life of around 10,000 hours.


  • 光热技术可以提供光学光谱无法提供的、类似光-热能量转换效率之类信息

    Photothermal techniques can provide the information that pure optical spectroscopy is not able to give, such as optical-to-thermal energy conversion efficiency.


  • 测试晶体吸收光谱指数增益系数衍射效率有效载流子浓度

    The absorption spectra, exponential gain coefficient, diffraction efficiency and effect carrier concentration of the crystal were measured.


  • 此外分析了光度学生理基础眼睛构造后,阐述人眼适应性光谱光视效率等颜色感知的内在特性。

    In addition, the structure of the eye as the physiological basis of photometry is analyzed, and the adaptability and the spectral luminous efficiency of the eye are also expatiated.


  • 本文提出了一种快速自动测试平面光栅光谱衍射效率曲线方法

    This paper suggests a new method of rapid and automatic measuring the spectral diffraction efficiency curve of plane grating.


  • 软件的使用有助于完善光谱实验环节,充实实验内容提高教学效率

    It is helpful in improving the experiment for hydrogen spectrums, enriching the experimental content and raising teaching efficiency.


  • 光谱成像仪使用凸面光栅衍射效率进行了分析计算

    Have analyzed and calculated the diffractive efficiency of the convex grating used in the hyper spectral imager.


  • 器件需要同时具备高速量子效率超窄光谱响应线宽的性能。

    This type of devices are required to have high-speed, high quantum efficiency and ultra-narrow spectral linewidth simultaneously.


  • 提出一种快速自动测试光栅光谱衍射效率方法

    This paper suggests a new method for rapid and automatic measuring the spectral diffraction efficiency of gratings.


  • 详细测量染料激光性能线功率效率宽、调谐范围光谱纯度光束质量等。

    The characteristics of the dye laser, such as bandwidth, output power, efficiency, pulse duration, tuning range, spectral purity and frequency stability etc, are measured in details.


  • 讨论化合物结构紫外荧光红外光谱激光转换效率关系

    The relationships between the constitution of these compounds and their UV, FL as well as IR spectra are discussed respectively. The laser conversion efficiency are taken.


  • 由于脉冲具有较光谱范围较高功率密度,倍频转换效率谐波脉冲波形受到许多因素的影响。

    Conversion efficiency and pulse wave-forms will be affected by many factors due to the wide spectrum range and high intensity density of ultra-short pulses.


  • 长处 得当均等编码传布光谱得当的均等一个调制解调器提供高度没有带宽效率任何失败数据评估

    The advantage of adaptive equalization over coding and spread spectrum is that a modem with adaptive equalization provides high data rates without any loss in bandwidth efficiency.


  • 详细讨论了速度失配、群速度色散三阶非线性相位调制效应对倍频光脉冲波形光谱转换效率影响。

    The effects of group-velocity mismatch and dispersion, third-order nonlinear phase modulation on pulse shape, spectrum distribution and conversion efficiency of second-harmonic pulse were discussed.


  • 透射光阴极厚度直接影响光阴极的光电子发射效率光谱响应

    The thickness of transmission-mode photocathode affects directly its photoelectric efficiency and spectral response.


  • 这种光栅具有较高光谱分辨本领衍射效率,而且光路简单,调节方便

    It has several advantages such as high diffraction efficiency, simple optical setup and convenient operation.


  • 利用光谱技术,采取方法对(口恶)1高氯酸盐氯乙烷溶液进行荧光量子效率测量

    The fluorescence quantum efficiency of oxazine 1perohlorate in1-dichloro-ethane was measured with photoacoustic speetroscopy in which the fluorescence quenching wag used.


  • 光谱呈较线形,其效率约为1%—5 %。

    The broad luminescence band is emitted with an efficiency of 1-5%.


  • 光谱宽度较窄时,实现光束较高合成效率可行的,高能激光获得提供了一种确实可行方法

    The results show that the high spectral beam combining efficiency for more beams can be obtained by this method, which provides a doable way for high power laser.


  • 光谱十分接近太阳光谱从而使发光效率显色大为提高

    Spectrum very close to the solar spectrum, so that the light-emitting efficiency and light color of greatly improved.


  • 介绍了红外光谱快速分析技术提高分析工作效率原理特点

    The near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) technique's principle and the characteristics to enhance obviously the efficiency of routine analysis are introduced.


  • 因此,在这样激光功率条件下,提高原子激发效率而增加激光谱线宽度的做法不是必要的。

    So it is not necessary to use a broad-band laser to guarantee excitation efficiency for an atom with hyperfine split levels.


  • 采用新的设计方案研制、组装成一套具有高光传输效率傅里变换红外光谱测试系统

    The FT-IR magneto-optical spectrometer with high optical transportation efficiency was developed by adopting a novel design. In the present paper, its construction and characteristics are described.


  • 并且散射光谱方向移动,有助于增加光致电子跃迁几率提高多相光催化过程本征量子效率

    The Raman scattering shifted to low wave number direction helped to increase the transition probability of photon-generated electrons and improved photoefficiency.


  • 较大时,能级填充导致光谱红移主要原因俄歇复合载流子导致效率下降的主要原因。

    But as the well width increase, level filling is the main reason for the red-shift of spectrum, Auger recombination and carrier delocalization are the main reason for lower efficiency.


  • 器件电致发光光谱有着明显变化,器件颜色蓝光白光改变极其明显,器件的亮度器件效率也有不同程度改变

    There is a clear electroluminescent spectral changes, the color of the device changes from blue to white obviously, and its brightness and the efficiency had different degrees of change.


  • 并可进一步作出光谱图像等密度轮廓曲线维立体图形大大提高光谱底片数据处理效率精度

    In addition, the contour and 3D graph deduced from the image can also be produced. This code can greatly improve the efficiency and precision in film image data processing.


  • 获得效率和高接枝百分比的产物,测定了有关因素对接参数影响,对接枝共聚物用红外光谱进行了表征对接枝共聚机理进行了探讨。

    The effect of rarious factors on the graft parameters has been determined. The structure of the grafted fibres was characterized by means of IR and SEM. The initiation mechanism was proposed.


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