• 发出可能邻居恒星光线折射造成的。

    The glow may be caused by light reflected from nearby stars.


  • 那时阳光明媚光线折射沙滩,很耀眼

    It was bright in the sun, the rays reflecting brilliantly off the sand.


  • 另一种现象不同波长光线折射程度并不一致。

    Another effect is caused by the fact that light rays of different wavelengths are not refracted, slowed down, equally.


  • 门口撒完尿黑暗中的光线折射到了水槽

    When dogs pissed at the door the dark lines ran diagonally to the gutter.


  • 解释了为什么颜色总是同样序列,因为光线折射以及水滴反射。

    He explains how the colors always appear in the same order because of how light refracts and reflects in the water droplets.


  • 光线折射弯曲,而分离绿紫色

    Water refracts, or bends, the light, separating it into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet


  • 利用不同颜色的照射晶体冰晶结构就像复杂棱镜一样光线折射到不同方向。

    I use different types of colored lights shining through the crystals, so the ice structures act like complex lenses to refract the light in different ways.


  • 最近提出偏移算法一种基于光线折射希尔伯特变换水槽波浪测量方法

    The shift method presented recently is a flume wave measurement method based on light refraction and Hilbert transform.


  • 透明板状构件片中设置有复数光线反射或者光线折射点、或者激光破坏点。

    The transparent platy member and the inserting piece are arranged with a plurality of optical line reflection points, or optical line refraction points, or laser breakdown points.


  • 独特lcr光线折射因子,能奇妙完美遮盖毛孔肤色不均匀的部位,使肌肤呈现丝肤色。

    Unique LCR light refracting factor, perfectly conceal pores and uneven tone, make skin silky and shining.


  • 说:“看到光线折射你的身上,整个空间神奇、光影交错,你觉得温暖、舒适。”

    "You will see that light fracture, bounce back out at you, giving you a wonderful, light artistic space, giving you a warm, friendly space," he said.


  • 还是没有大气层因素考虑进去结果,大气层造成的变形光线折射以及减弱对比度等因素都会缩短看清长城的最远距离。

    This doesn't take into account atmospheric distortion, refraction through a window, or less than ideal contrast, all of which would lessen the real distance at which it could be discerned.


  • 光线折射加入场景渲染中采用纹理坐标扰动方法实现湖面光线折射,同时,利用码标识克服折射走样现象。

    We add refraction to scene rendering and adopt the approach of perturbing the texture coordinate to carry out refraction on the lake. We get over deformation of refraction through masked identifier.


  • 随着我们年龄增长,眼睛晶状体变厚因此光线折射也会发生变化。

    As we age, the lenses of the eyes thicken, and thus refract light differently.


  • 匠们对玻璃进行试验,为了找到更好地折射光线的方法,在摆弄工艺的过程中发明出了显微镜和望远镜。

    Microscopes and telescopes were invented by way of artistic tinkering, as craftsmen experimented with glass to better bend light.


  • 完成手术程序后的角膜可以使光线精确的发生折射,形成的焦点位于视网膜上,不是超过或者达不到视网膜。

    After the procedure, your cornea should bend (refract) light rays to focus more precisely on your retina rather than at some point beyond or short of your retina.


  • 这些折射光线大多数处于光谱红光区域因此地球上看来,月球变成红色黄铜色或者橙色色调有时甚至会变成褐色

    Most of this refracted light is in the red part of the spectrum and as a result the moon, seen from Earth, turns a reddish, coppery or orange hue, sometimes even brownish.


  • 此时西垂,暮色愈浓,路灯投射铺路的圆石上折射不规则光线,雨水让一切都闪闪发亮。

    And this was only October. The sun had gone down and it was late. Street lamps reflected irregular beams of light on the cobblestones.


  • 光线在开曼群岛平静清澈海水中发生折射

    Light refracts through the calm, clear waters of the Cayman Islands.


  • 挑眉时会拉大双眼使得更多光线在眼睛表面折射,这使得它们看起来,更,更引人注目

    Lifting our brows pulls the eyes open and allows more light to reflect off the surface, making them look bright, large and inviting.


  • 第四发现方法正和当年寻找火神依据原理一样——即当行星围绕的恒星穿过时,恒星的光线略有折射。这点被捕捉到了。

    And fourth, it was found in exactly the way the hunt for Vulcan proceeded-by noting the slight dip in light from its parent star caused when it passed in front of that star.


  • 其中关键在于折射理想数目光线,也就是让尽量多的光线转到能进入太阳能入射角度使尽量少的光线处于被反射掉的入射角度。

    The key was bending the light the optimal amount, enough that it enters the solar panel at an angle, but not so much of an angle that the light reflects off and is lost.


  • 果蝇黄蜂翅膀其实压缩透明甲壳质组成,每层甲壳质能够在内部光线进行折射从而产生出各种色彩

    Wasp and fly wings are made from two compressed layers of transparent chitin, with light bouncing off both layers and mixing to produce color.


  • 利用望远镜展示名为“牛顿”的光学效应折射光线彼此干涉形成这些条纹

    This is the view through a telescope demonstrating the optical effect known as Newton's Rings, whereby reflected light rays interfere with one another and produce a pattern.


  • 显微镜下可以看出,翠鸟羽毛华丽的蓝色是通过折射光线而形成的。

    Light scatters prismatically in microscopic feather structures to create the kingfisher's brilliant blue.


  • 光线确定合适角度以后,经透镜底部折射透镜前端发出。

    Light enters at the thinner, bottom end of the lens and bounces around until reaching the desired Angle and emerging from the front of the lens.


  • 光线某一物体折射,会沿着无数不同的角度散开

    When light bounces off of an object, it does so at an infinite number of angles.


  • 光线某一物体折射,会沿着无数不同的角度散开

    When light bounces off of an object, it does so at an infinite number of angles.


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