• 主要症状干咳口渴心烦舌边少而

    Its main symptoms are cough less sputum, thirsty upset, tongue-edge red, moss and less dry.


  • 此外图像部分透镜星系出现-距离这些星系的介绍轮班部分频谱

    In addition the images of some of the lensed galaxies appear red - the large distance to these galaxies introduce redshift, which shifts their light to the red part of the spectrum.


  • 知道了多少多少频率,是哪些物体,然后递给一个苹果,,,是个的苹果,是这样

    You use such and such frequencies, and which objects, and you hand him an apple and he'll say, "Oh, it must be very red," Right?


  • 电视银屏蓝色的的投在脸上

    He is watching TV, the screen casting its lurid blue light across his face.


  • 广义相对论预言这种波长这些星系质量而有少量偏移,这种效应称为引力

    General relativity predicts that the wavelength of this light will be shifted by a small amount due to the galaxies' mass, in an effect called gravitational redshift.


  • 为了再现3d图象研究人员令覆盖有金属层的材料沐浴包含可见所有波长(包括绿)。

    To reproduce a 3d image, the researchers bathe the metal-sheathed material in ordinary white light, which contains all wavelengths of visible light (including red, blue, and green).


  • 频率下降并朝向末端移动。

    This is a fall in the frequency of its light towards the red end of the spectrum.


  • 遥远爆炸地球时,宇宙膨胀拉长——一种称作现象

    As light from the most distant explosions travels toward Earth, it is stretched by the universe's expansion so that it appears red, a phenomenon known as redshift.


  • 使得恒星的外层急剧膨胀冷却发出,而成为巨星

    This causes the star's outer layers to expand enormously and to cool and glow red as they do so, rendering the star a red giant.


  • 曼联球员,中场尼基-巴特表达了自己要向教练岗位转移的愿望。纽卡球员度过了十年,之后詹姆斯公园36岁高龄在香港参加了一段时间的联赛。

    The former Newcastle United player spent over a decade at Old Trafford before he switched to St James' Park, with the 36-year-old also playing in China before retiring this year.


  • 运行的时间越长移越明显,超新星出现的时间也就越早。

    The higher the redshift, the longer light has been traveling and the further back in time the supernova occurred.


  • 淀粉样蛋白组织检查可靠技术刚果天狼星染色切片偏振检查下出现特征性双折射

    In the examination of tissue for amyloid the most reliable technique is detection of the characteristic birefringence in polarised light exhibited by sections stained with Congo red or Sirius red.


  • 我们视网膜颜色细胞负责接收不同频率这些器分别对应绿三种颜色

    Our retinas have three types of color photoreceptor cone cells that respond to different sets of frequencies. These photoreceptor categories correspond to the colors of red, green, and blue.


  • 刚果染色偏振观察如图所见心脏动脉周围沉积物淀粉样物质呈现典型的“苹果绿双折射

    When stained with Congo red and observed under polarized light, the amyloid has a characteristic "apple green" birefringence as seen here in a deposit around an artery in the heart.


  • 不会太阳折射彩虹但是可以使最底部变得最顶部看上去蓝绿色

    It doesn't turn the sun into a rainbow, but it makes the lowest part of the sun seem a bit more red, and the top of the sun seem greenish blue.


  • 电梯思想实验重力弯曲

    Elevator "Thought Experiments"; Gravitational Red Shift, Light Bending.


  • 研究YEY共振散射吸收谱,讨论了共振散射共振荧区别联系

    Resonance light scattering (RLS), fluorescence and absorption spectra of eosine Y (EY) has been measured to study the difference and relationship between RLS and resonance fluorescence.


  • 本文报道采用甲醇甜椒提取甜椒色素的工艺,并对P H等因素稳定性影响了较的研究。

    The extraction of red pigment from red sweet pepper with methanol was reported. Effect of the PH value, heat and sunlight on the stability were researched in depth.


  • 彩色电视摄像机接收到的分解为绿三色。

    A colour television camera analyses the light it receives into red, green and blue.


  • 说明发育的草莓叶片抑制最敏感膜下发育的草莓叶片合作用较耐抑制。

    The results indicated that strawberry leaves grown under red film was sensitive to photoinhibition, but those grown under blue film was on the contrary.


  • 了一下既而消失了。

    The Red Sphere glows red and then disappears.


  • 十色五彩斑斓天空一会儿一会儿一会儿真是变化多端不过这样衬托天空

    Colorful, gorgeous color of the sky, a moment later pink purple red while it is very dynamic, but this will bring out the beauty of the sky.


  • 雨生球藻中,D1蛋白周转主要保护机制,在绿色细胞运转减轻抑制程度达49%,在细胞中为53~55%。

    The D1 protein repair cycle was the most important protective mechanism in H. pluvialis and its operation could alleviate the photoinhibition by 49% in green cells and 53-55% in red cells.


  • 结果表明菌素可能一种有效动力学反应敏剂

    It showed that hypocrellin might be an effective photosensitizer in photodynamic reaction.


  • 地面中心喷闪变响花朵空中绿、黄亮珠。

    Effects: White strobe on the ground; red, green, yellow stars in the sky.


  • 苏木精-依染色法镜下观察中性白细胞浸润

    The infiltration of neutrophils was observed by using Hematoxylin-Eosin staining with optical microscope.


  • 本文电荷积累现象引起图象扩大原色不能正确显示原因进行了解释

    This paper explains the image expansion and confusion of the red and blue primary colours caused by the electric charge accumulation on the oil film in the colour TV light valve tube.


  • 砂叶片速率、蒸腾速率气孔导度的日变化上午下午较高中午高温高时最低

    The Pn, E and Gs of Reaumuria soongorica were higher in the morning and afternoon than in the noon.


  • 砂叶片速率、蒸腾速率气孔导度的日变化上午下午较高中午高温高时最低

    The Pn, E and Gs of Reaumuria soongorica were higher in the morning and afternoon than in the noon.


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