• 然后,利用光滑方法求解这两个问题。

    Then, smoothing methods are established to solve them.


  • 光滑得出剪应力五参数准则角隅模型。

    A new Twin Shear Stress Five-Parameters Criterion whose angular points are smoothed is obtained.


  • 第三主要光滑化方法求解二阶约束变分不等式

    The third chapter mainly deals with the smooth method for second-order cone constrained variational inequality problems.


  • 网格光滑化有限元网格生成领域一个重要研究分支。

    Mesh Smoothing is an important research topic for generation of finite element meshes.


  • 基于光滑函数理论,建立光滑化可用传输容量(atc)模型

    A new smooth available transfer capability (ATC) model is constructed based on smooth function transformation.


  • 方法应用中心路径性质NCP函数构造了求解半定规划光滑化方法

    Methods Exploiting some characterizations of the central path and the NCP function, a smoothing-type method for the solution of semidefinite programs are derived.


  • 分别采用光滑化函数求解lc1函数类型方法牛顿型算法进行研究求解。

    In this paper, a special support vector regression machine algorithm is proposed, within which smoothing function and method to solve LC1 type functions are combined to solve Newton-type algorithm.


  • 构造一个光滑函数逼近NCP函数,利用光滑化牛顿求解光滑算子方程

    A smoothing function which can be approximated by NCP-function is given and the smoothing Newton method is applied to resolve this nonsmooth operator equation.


  • 为了克服困难,论文基于光滑函数理论建立了光滑化AT C模型

    To overcome it, based on the theory of smooth function, a new smooth ATC model is presented in this dissertation.


  • 结果表明光滑主要抑制短波噪声并且引起静电波能量空间转移

    The results obtained show that the smoothing restrain is mainly for short wave noises and no energy transfer happens in wavenumber space.


  • 有限数值算例表明方法现有对数光滑化算法短的时间找到高质量的

    Limited numerical results indicate that this approach is able to produce good-quality solutions in much less time than the existing logarithmic smoothing algorithm.


  • 重点研究并提出了对初始自适应尺寸光滑算法保证了基于该尺寸场生成网格疏密过渡合理

    A smoothing algorithm of the adaptive size field is detailed to ensure the generated meshes have a proper density distribution and element shapes.


  • 研究球形约束变分不等式求解算法,提出一种光滑化牛顿方法证明方法具有全局收敛线性收敛。

    In this paper we present a smoothing Newton method for solving ball constrained variational inequalities. Global and superlinear convergence theorems of the proposed method are established.


  • 基于领域部分现有方法初步了解,本文第一简单介绍了网格生成技术、后处理技术网格光滑化算法现状

    Based on the investigation of some current algorithms, the first chapter introduces some basic knowledge and current status on mesh generation, post-processing methods, and mesh smoothing.


  • 作为一个例子植入金属性表面可以处理表面内形成凹坑接着可选地通过光滑化步骤减小所述凹坑的表面的粗糙度

    As one example, a metallic surface of an implant can be treated to form pits in the surface, followed optionally by a smoothing step to reduce the roughness of the pitted surface.


  • 不等式约束非线性规划KKT条件可以通过NCP函数个非光滑的方程组,然后光滑化函数光滑化,得到一个带参数的方程组。

    The KKT conditions of a nonlinear programming with linear inequality constrains can be transformed into a system of equations by NCP function. Then it is smoothed by Entropy smoothing function.


  • 并且作为商品须后使用的产品男士们可以在剃须水中加入自己喜欢的成分香气从而自己拥有独特的香味光滑如丝般的皮肤

    Also, as an alternative to commercial aftershave products, men can also formulate their own with specific ingredients or scents so that they can smell unique and have smooth, silky skin.


  • 介绍了生物几何非光滑理论激光技术提高轧辊耐磨性方面的应用情况;

    Organism unsmooth theory in geometrical morphology is introduced first, and laser texturing techniques applied in increasing roll surface wearability is also described.


  • 理想纱线光滑圆柱体可是实际上短纤维表面存在着许多毛羽。

    Ideally, one thinks of yarns as smooth cylindrical objects when, in fact, most spun yarns are quite "hairy".


  • 利用光滑子对方程组进行正则,从而得到方程组逼近解。

    We will regularize the equations by the standard mollifier to get the approximate solutions.


  • 因此,可以采用钢质螺旋替代低压加热器中的光滑管,实现锅炉给水系统运行的要求。

    Therefore, using steel spirally fluted tube replacing copper plain tube in HP preheater can be adopted for the boiler feedwater system without copper.


  • 高品质管身采用热转印工艺,漆处理,色泽亮丽,触感光滑褪色,环保腐蚀,耐磨耐划。

    Superior painting: The stick tube treated by heat transfer printing process and painting has bright colour and smooth touching sense. It is free of colour fading, resistant to corrosion and wear.


  • 因此可以采用钢质螺旋替代高压加热器中的光滑管,实现锅炉给水系统运行要求

    Therefore, the copper plain tube in HP heaters can be replaced with the steel spirally fluted tube for the requisition of having no copper in boiler feed water system.


  • 利用凝聚函数一致逼近非光滑极大值函数的性质,将非线性互补问题参数光滑方程组。

    By using a smooth aggregate function to approximate the non-smooth max-type function, nonlinear complementarity problem can be treated as a family of parameterized smooth equations.


  • 研究方法求解非光滑最大函数极小问题

    In this paper, a bundle method for the minimization of the convex nonsmooth function in point by point maximum is suggested.


  • 本实用新型气动脱模软糖模具具有生产效率高、产品平整光滑生产自动优点

    The pneumatic demoulding soft sweet mould of the utility model has the advantages of high productive efficiency, flatness, smoothness, easy production, high automation, etc.


  • 个性四色眼影光滑亮泽质感演绎多变幻彩眼部妆效

    Personalized four-color eye shadow with smooth, glossy and textured interpretation of the variable, Symphony of eye makeup;


  • 热处理薄膜颗粒均匀呈现有序,薄膜表面光滑

    After heat treatment, particles of the films uniformly refined and orderly, the surface of thin films become smooth.


  • 热处理薄膜颗粒均匀呈现有序,薄膜表面光滑

    After heat treatment, particles of the films uniformly refined and orderly, the surface of thin films become smooth.


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