• 标准描述了外部定型光控器之间光度控制方法

    This standard describes methods of light level control between an external locking type photocontrol.


  • 不想一个光剑的效果出来呢。指南中就能学到该怎么实现。

    Who doesn't want to create lightsaber effects. In this tutorial you will learn how.


  • 此外,最后本书破晓分成两部电影拍摄,使得斯图尔特帕廷森可凭借他们最后一部暮光系列作品而预先获得双份报酬

    The final book, Breaking Dawn, will be split into two films, which will give Stewart and Pattinson the opportunity to double their upfront pay for their final Twilight work.


  • 一点本身就会使你世界大变模样

    That alone makes a world of difference.


  • 澳大利亚图书销售公司戴莫克斯日前公布了2010年度读者喜欢101本书评选结果,斯蒂芬妮·梅尔光之城》系列小说名列榜首,紧随其后的是J·K·罗琳的《哈利·波特》系列。

    Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" series ranked first in Australian bookseller Dymocks' Top 101 best books list for 2010, and J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series came 2nd.


  • 自从一部小说暮光之城》2005年从代理商自荐小说中挑选出来发行梅尔在全世界已经卖出了8500小说。

    Since her first novel, Twilight, was plucked out of an agent's slush pile and published in 2005, Meyer has sold more than 85m copies worldwide.


  • 现在解释一下沃尔泰拉人为那些还是暮光现象门外汉人感到的深深遗憾,梅尔传奇小说已经世界范围内卖出了42400000的

    To explain the Volterrans' disappointment for those as yet uninitiated into the Twilight phenomenon, Meyer's saga has sold 42.4 million copies worldwide.


  • 如果还没有一系列博文的早期文章,最好开头开始看,不过光看博文,也是能理解其中要旨的。

    If you haven't read any previous posts in this series consider starting here at the start but it isn't really required to get the gist of the post.


  • 现在时候工作者继续前进而远离虚假提升倾向了,就是专集资料目的

    It is time for light workers to bring their ascensions forth and depart from false ascension tendencies and this is the purpose of this section of materials.


  • 研究证实前房深度年龄性别球镜屈光不呈相关,前房越窄。

    This study confirms an inverse association between ACD and age, female gender, and spherical refractive error. Eyes with shallower ACDs had narrower angles.


  • 初春太阳透过玻璃房中,真可订本光明也是片光灿烂剪纸王呢!

    Early spring the sun through the large glass photo frame in the house, the true set of the bright jealous, while his will is also a light waving in the bright, Who he is a paper-king it!


  • 虽然他们光音天,但是逐渐失去本有的德性智慧只有一点点知觉存在。

    Although hit's said that they came from the Heaven of Light-Sound, they gradually lost their original virtue and wisdom and only had a little bit of perceptive ability left.


  • 虽然他们光音天,但是逐渐失去本有的德性智慧只有一点点知觉存在。

    Although it's said that they came from the Heaven of Light-Sound, they gradually lost their original virtue and wisdom and only had a little bit of perceptive ability left.


  • 此时最好本归有光文集读读感伤文字

    At this point, the best go look for a bright collection of essays to read, read a few of his sentimental writing.


  • 研究结果制造近红外光区实现光谱成像BCCD器件提供了重要的理论依据。

    This research is helpful for the fabrication of BCCD which can realize multispectral imaging in the region of near-IR.


  • 我们认为一个周围灯光传感器支持达莫背光键盘戴尔公司已经其他一些最近笔记本电脑传感器

    We believe this is an ambient light sensor to support the Adamo's backlit keyboard. Dell has used light sensors in a few other recent notebooks.


  • 工作水汽线光谱中分析得到压力线位移加宽系数

    The pressure shifting and broadening coefficients of water vapor were obtained from the photoacoustic spectra with multiple lines.


  • 作为实例仪器置了光路系统验证了马吕斯定律

    As an example, Malus law is proved experimentally with this instrument and its double bcams system.


  • 工作研究掺C_(60)有机聚合物热光特性不定位干涉作用

    Nonlocalized interference influenced by thermo-optic effect of C60 dopedpolymer film is invested in this paper.


  • 研究血糖光声光谱无创检测提供了一定实验依据。

    The experiment result can be used for measurement of non-invasive blood glucose monitoring.


  • 堂本光一堂本光共同组建近畿小子。虽然二人姓氏相同不是亲兄弟。光一与光共同主演了几部受人欢迎的电视剧。

    Dohmoto Koichi formed the KinKi Kids together with Dohmoto Tsuyoshi. Though both share the same family name, they are not brothers. Koichi has starred alongside Tsuyoshi in severalpopulardramas.


  • 差分构型简单容易实现样品参考定位调整

    This configuration of the optical system is simple , and, the adjustment of the sample and the reference cell is achieved easily.


  • 并且散射光谱方向移动,有助于增加光致电子跃迁几率提高多相光催化过程本征量子效率。

    The Raman scattering shifted to low wave number direction helped to increase the transition probability of photon-generated electrons and improved photoefficiency.


  • 产品采用第四绿色环保LED固态光源,耗能光效高、使用寿命长

    This product adopts the forth green environmental LED solid-state light source, costs little and works long with efficient lighting.


  • 相干激光雷达接收机中,信号光为平面光经衍射形成艾里斑,本振光基模高斯光束,文章中两者在探测器光敏面上频的混频效率进行了讨论

    The mixing efficiency in coherent lidar of an Airy signal field with a Gaussian local-oscillator(LO) is discussed with the consideration of the effect of wavefront matching of both fields.


  • 相干激光雷达接收机中,信号光为平面光经衍射形成艾里斑,本振光基模高斯光束,文章中两者在探测器光敏面上频的混频效率进行了讨论

    The mixing efficiency in coherent lidar of an Airy signal field with a Gaussian local-oscillator(LO) is discussed with the consideration of the effect of wavefront matching of both fields.


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