• 研究小麦某些光合功能穗部性状影响。

    The effects of titanium on some photosynthetic functions of the flag leaves and characteristics of wheat spike were studied in this paper.


  • 不同生态型品种小麦光合功能代谢特性具有生态型表现相关规律。

    The photosynthetic functions and carbon metabolism of flag leaves were related with ecotype expression.


  • 光合速率稳定阶段基本一致。因此说光合功能衰退与叶片中保护下降MDA积累有内在关系

    So there are inherent relations between photosynthesis function decline and fall of the Protective Enzyme System and accumulate of MDA.


  • 两个粳稻品种武育397-7作材料研究光合功能衰退进程中叶片中可溶性蛋白质游离氨基酸和内活力变化

    Two japonica rices, Wuyujing 3 and 97.7 were used to study changes in contents of soluble protein, free amino acids and endopeptidase activity during photosynthetic declination.


  • 现在一般认为光合单位大小功能来计算的。

    Is now generally believed that the size of photosynthetic units calculated according to their function.


  • 下部衰老叶片SODPOD活性明显降低、叶绿素含量减少光合作用功能衰退。

    SOD and POD activity descended apparently, and chlorophyll contents and photosynthesis declined in senescent leaves of lower stem.


  • 上述特点代谢功能有着密不可分关系小麦叶片功能丙二醛含量光合速率方面均较优越

    These characteristics of cold typical wheat have a close relation to the metabolic function, which is more excellent in functional period of leaves, MDA content and net photosynthetic rate, etc.


  • 多雨、寡照异常气候不同水肥条件玉米杂交种的叶面积指数、叶片功能影响正常条件下的一致产量光合速率等的影响与正常气候条件下有较大的差别

    The effects of sublime climate to LAI and leaf function were in accord with in normal conditions, but the effects to yield and Pn were difference from that under normal conditions.


  • 叶片是植物进行光合作用主要器官,作物产量品质形成的重要源泉,而衰老是影响叶片功能执行的主要因素。

    Leaf plays important roles in yield and quality of crops for its important function in photosynthesis. Leaf senescence seriously blocks its function.


  • 抑制棉花叶片扩展,使面积变小叶片增厚提高叶片光合作用,叶片功能延长57

    Third, inhibiting the expansion of cotton leaves, leaf area smaller, leaf thickness and improve leaf photosynthesis, leaf function may be extended for 5 to 7 days.


  • 这个C3植物组织普遍存在由于的在C3植物的多数组织含量很低,因此其准确的非光合功能并未得以确定。

    The enzyme is also ubiquitous in C3 plant tissues, although a precise non-photosynthetic C3 function(s) is yet to be validated, owing largely to its low abundance in most C3 organs.


  • 车长周视指挥镜可见光激光、微光三光合一,且有周视指挥能力的功能光电系统

    Tank commander panoramic sight is a multi-function optoelectronic system in which visible light, laser and low-level light is fused for aiming and ranging.


  • 对照植株功能老叶光合诱导速率相差不大,幼叶和功能光合诱导后期气孔限制的影响。

    The photosynthetic induction rates were similar in the different age leaves of the control plants, and there was stomatal limitation in the late stage of in.


  • 作物高产不仅要求功能较强光合能力而且要求叶片中的光合产物有效地运输分配

    High crop yield not only requires functional leaves with strong photosynthetic capability, but also requires photosynthate is transported and distributed effectively.


  • 开花期香紫苏功能叶片的蒸腾作用、光合作用变化规律以及二者环境因子之间相互作用进行了研究。

    The changes of transpiration rate, net photosynthesis in a day and their relationship with various environmental factors were studied in this paper.


  • 沟谷热带雨林群落结构功能(光合生产)稳定性是以多个物种种群以及层次个体数量的相对稳定来维持的。

    The stability of structure and function (photosynthesis production) of the ravine tropical rain forest is maintained by a lot of tree populations, and relative constancy of individuals in each layer.


  • 生产者主要绿色植物,能用无机物制造营养这种功能就是光合作用,包括一些细菌

    Producers are mainly green plants can manufacture inorganic nutrients, this function is photosynthesis, can also include some of the bacteria.


  • 整体植物的试验,光合单位定义为生理学功能单位。

    The photosynthetic unit then is a physiological unit of function defined by experiments with intact plants.


  • 不同时期控释氮肥处理功能光合速率显著地高于尿素处理。

    Photosynthetic rates of the functional leaves at different stages in CRNF treatment were significantly higher than those in urea treatment.


  • 连续两年试验结果表明复合微生物肥料水稻上施用能延长水稻叶片的功能期,促进叶片光合作用,增加分蘖数,有效提高亩和结实率

    Composting experiment of surplus sludge applying complex microbial community(CMC) was carried out to systematically study the function of CMC in composting system to some extends of surplus sludge.


  • 病毒侵染通常引起植物重要生理功能改变其中光合作用影响是最关键的因素。

    Virus infection usually leads to the change of important physiological functions of plants, especially the key faction to influence the photosynthesis.


  • 白天,天气大型树木的光合作用功能不工作了,而到了晚上这些树则消耗了更多能量因为新陈代谢提高了,就温度升高时爬行动物的新陈代谢率提高一样

    Duringthe day, their photosynthesis shuts down when it gets too warm, and at nightthey consume more energy because their metabolic rate increases, much as areptile's would when it gets warmer.


  • 研究了低温胁迫下水稻幼苗叶绿体光合电子传递功能蛋白水平变化

    Changes in chloroplast electron transport activity and the levels of thylakoid membrane proteins of rice leaves Oryza sativa L. var.


  • 多效唑萘乙酸处理均增加红小豆功能叶绿素类胡萝卜可溶性蛋白含量增强了光合作用能力

    PP333 and NAA treatment increased the content of carotenoid, soluble protein, chlorophyll of adzuki bean's function leaf, and strengthened the photosynthesis ability.


  • 叶片小麦进行光合作用重要器官衰老引起叶片同化功能减退限制了小麦产量潜力的发挥。

    The wheat leaf is the main organ for photosynthesis. The decline of assimilation induced by leaf senescence may limit yield potential.


  • 叶片小麦进行光合作用重要器官衰老引起叶片同化功能减退限制了小麦产量潜力的发挥。

    The wheat leaf is the main organ for photosynthesis. The decline of assimilation induced by leaf senescence may limit yield potential.


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