• 上个月,瑞知先生利用丰富火山拍摄经验日本火山拍摄到了神奇的火山闪电。

    Mr Rietze used his vast pool of experience to capture a dramatic shot of volcanic lightning at Sakurajima volcano in Japan last month.


  • 槟榔榴莲老板常柏森先生表示:“榴莲必须要散发其特有气味。”

    'The smell must come out from the durian, ' said Mr Chang Peik Seng, owner of the Bao Sheng durian farm in Penang, as he emphasized the 'must'.


  • 默顿先生描述过大阪米市(Dojimaricemarket)如何17世纪提供远期合约于18世纪组织期货交易

    Mr Merton has described how Osaka's Dojima rice market offered forward contracts in the 17th century and organised futures trading by the 18th century.


  • 那么,《波普先生企鹅《企鹅之间发生了什么呢?

    So what happened between "Mr. Popper's Penguins" and "Penguin Island"?


  • 普兰提斯先生来自其他北极国家同行本周格林兰开会讨论近海钻探和其他话题。

    Mr Prentice and his counterparts from other Arctic states met in Greenland this week, to discuss offshore drilling among other topics.


  • 鸠山先生去年九月任职答应冲绳民众这个海军基地冲绳完全搬离。

    Before taking office last September Mr Hatoyama had promised Okinawans that he would move the base off the island altogether.


  • 山本先生这里很多不会广长崎的灾难反应堆危机联系到一起。

    Yamamoto says many people here don't really associate the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear reactor.


  • 鸠山先生做出保证一旦安置设施完工后,美军把他的17,000海军士兵以及他们家属冲绳搬迁至关

    It also promises that America will move 17,000 marines and their dependents from Okinawa to Guam, once it is sure the replacement facility will be completed.


  • 鸠山先生做出保证一旦安置设施完工后,美军把他的17,000海军士兵以及他们家属冲绳搬迁至关

    It also promises that America will move 17, 000 marines and their dependents from Okinawa to Guam, once it is sure the replacement facility will be completed.


  • 先生通过填补同其他小之间的沟壑,新加坡的国土面积有望达到760平方公里

    Mr Lim says it could be increased to about 760 sq km by closing gaps between Singapore's main island and lesser ones.


  • 所以,擅长研究耳石(记录鱼类迁徙类型历史)先生必须抓紧时间完成自己研究

    And so Mr Fukushima, whose expertise is in examining otoliths-the ear bones that provide a history of a fish's migratory patterns-says he feels he must hurry to finish his research.


  • 但是鸠山访问冲绳之后华盛顿安静却给他们带来一不详的预感,这种安静似乎在说明鸠山先生自己显然缺乏足够的信心

    Yet the silence from Washington after his visit to Okinawa was ominous, speaking eloquently of an apparent lack of faith in Mr Hatoyama himself.


  • 如果网络成为了一私有,上工具又供应商远程控制,那么互联网失去“生成性”(generativity),哈佛大学的吉特仁先生警告说

    Should the network become a collection of proprietary islands accessed by devices controlled remotely by their vendors, the internet would lose much of itsgenerativity”, warns Harvard’s Mr Zittrain.


  • Calacanis先生拿破仑启程前往厄尔巴(译者注:拿破仑第一次被逼退位后被放逐屿)、迈克尔·乔丹告别篮坛时的语气大家鞠躬谢幕,返回email传统阵地,继续传播思想

    With the bathos of Napoleon departing for Elba or Michael Jordan bidding adieu to basketball, Mr Calacanis bowed out, reverting to the ancient medium of e-mail to disseminate his opinions.


  • 调味品切开柠檬好的先生

    Thousand Island dressing and a piece of cut lemon. All right, Sir.


  • 欢迎来到先生

    Welcome to the island of Han.


  • 员工好的先生,请问沙拉要配哪种汁?我们意大利油醋汁?

    Employee: All right, sir. What dressing would you like on your salad? We have Thousand Island, French, and Italian.


  • 日本安全专家冈本先生认为中国策略就是完全控制规划者们所说第一

    Mr Okamoto, the Japanese security expert, believes China's strategy is to have "complete control" of what planners call the First Island Chain.


  • 一方面泰国只有泰国允许拥有自己土地所以格兰博斯坦夫妇希克斯先生他们的公司成立一家合资企业,苏梅概念,她们这样才正式拥有财产

    For one thing, only Thais are allowed to own land in Thailand so the Grebstads and Mr. Hicks used their companies to form a joint venture, Samui Concepts, which formally owns the property.


  • 一个正确4杆,先生刚刚过去衬砌的狗腿洞顶端驱动器

    On a par 4 with a dogleg to the right, Mr. Shimada sent a big drive just past the trees lining the top of the sloping corner of the dogleg.


  • 真爱不死》中,其设定是发生在《歌剧魅影》故事,“魅影”成为了“Y先生”——科娱乐场神秘主人高薪引诱克莉斯回来作短期表演

    In Love Never Dies, set ten years later, he has become "Mr. Y", the mysterious owner of a Coney Island 9 pleasure ground who lures Christine back for a well-paid 10 gig.


  • 真爱不死》中,其设定是发生在《歌剧魅影》故事,“魅影”成为了“Y先生”——科娱乐场神秘主人高薪引诱克莉斯回来作短期表演

    In Love Never Dies, set ten years later, he has become "Mr. Y", the mysterious owner of a Coney Island 9 pleasure ground who lures Christine back for a well-paid 10 gig.


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