• 先周季历时期武力征服西北戎狄部落,奠定人称霸西方基本局面

    During the ages of Jili of the early Zhou Dynasty, the people of Zhou solidified the basic situation of overlording the western Chin a by conquering the Rongdi tribes by force.


  • 是历年来对该地进行的首次主动发掘关中西部和古“豳”地东缘地带先周时期遗存研究提供了重要考古资料

    This excavation of the site has provided a number of important archaeology materials for research on remains of Pre-Zhou Dynasty.


  • 每天赫利奥·帕斯呼吸技术1 - 2(激活莲种),后增加每天次。

    Heliopathic Breathing Techniques 1-2 (Activating The Lotus Seed) once each day, building up to twice each day by end of week.


  • 抬头看看,因为篇沙漠唯有那里可能传来声音然后看了看。

    He first looked up in the air, as on the whole the likeliest quarter for a voice to come from in this desert, then around.


  • 限期还有(两月),往往很难第一星期开工,因为没有紧迫感,我们都容易错误地以为:“我还有大把时间,现在不急,做其他吧。”

    If a deadline is two weeks (or two months) away, it can be hard to get started during the first week. There's no sense of urgency.


  • 欢迎来到第CS50学堂,大家分享一个饼干人的爱情故事

    This is CS50, Week 1, thought we'd begin with a cookie love story.


  • 日落太阳落下地平线然后一般情况出现重新露出在一时间里继续落下第次。

    At sunset, the Sun would drop below the horizon, then pop back up into view before resuming its normal course, ultimately setting again for a second time within a week.


  • 如果开始写博客,建议文章然后调整到你觉得舒服的频率。

    If you're new to blogging, I recommend you start with one to three posts per week and work up to a level that you're comfortable with.


  • 罗迪克不讲别的,好在之后就是温网大赛

    Andy Roddick: on the plus side, just four weeks until the start of Wimbledon!


  • 也许休息露营接着我会回去工作。 。

    Gabrielle: : Probably a week relaxing, going camping, and then I'm going back to work.


  • 每个工作按照顺序处理,这样可以处理重要工作

    Every Monday, I prioritize my work for the week to make sure the most important tasks get done first.


  • 神经卡压后髓鞘受累,首表现形态改变之后厚薄变化最后索受累,第4出现脱髓鞘改变。

    The changes of its morphology first appeared, then following the changes of the thickness, at last the axon was affected. Demylination appeared at the 4th week.


  • 陈栋作为其中员,他们亲历历史也是历史的见证人

    Or first week, Chen Donghua as one of them, they witnessed history, is also a witness to history.


  • 买家及卖家很难马上接受飞涨的价格大多数供应商下半年及第三季度的价格意向尚不明确,许多人仍选择观望一下随后几个市场走向后再作决定

    Second half and third quarter price ideas from most suppliers are proving difficult to gauge with many preferring to watch how the market develops over the coming weeks before making firm indications.


  • 建议尝试两次素食食谱或者慢慢猪肉牛肉

    I recommend trying a vegetarian recipe twice a week to begin. Or try to gradually stop eating pork or beef.


  • 菲利波·因扎吉正全身心的准备迎接充满挑战米兰拜仁慕尼黑交手,随后就是与前锋东家尤文图斯的对决。

    Filippo Inzaghi is all set to face up to the challenging week ahead as Milan face Bayern Munich and then the striker's former club Juventus.


  • 切尔西将会4月初首主场迎战巴伦西亚接下来的西班牙进行第二回合比赛不过肯扬也表示如果能客后主更好了。

    Chelsea will host the Spanish club at Stamford Bridge in early April and then travel to the Estadio Mestalla a week later, and Kenyon admits he would have rather played at home in the second leg.


  • 许挺王小红一百大洋老板当成定金然后自己再想想办法。 。

    XuTing gave WangXiao red and the one hundred pieces of the ocean let her give first weeks the boss as deposit, and then catch two days to do something.


  • 改变、后销售、再改进再销售,每充满新的希望

    Adapt it, sell it, improve it and sell it again, hopefully all within the same week.


  • 博比这里狮子。在这里,小姐。

    Bobby. Here, Mr, Leo. Zhou Yongxian. Here, Miss Gao.


  • 中国上海这里呆上啦,参加上海大师赛然后是汇丰冠军赛。

    Made it to Shanghai for another 2 weeks in China. Shanghai Masters followed by HSBC Champions.


  • [28]王凯闫志峰, 王文, 等。循环载荷作用下镁合金温度演化疲劳性能预测[J]。材料工程,2014,(1):85-89。

    WANG K, YAN Z F, WANG W X, et al. Temperature evolution and fatigue properties prediction for high cycle fatigue of magnesium alloy[J]. Journal of materials Engineering, 2014, (1):85-89.


  • [28]王凯闫志峰, 王文, 等。循环载荷作用下镁合金温度演化疲劳性能预测[J]。材料工程,2014,(1):85-89。

    WANG K, YAN Z F, WANG W X, et al. Temperature evolution and fatigue properties prediction for high cycle fatigue of magnesium alloy[J]. Journal of materials Engineering, 2014, (1):85-89.


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