• 先前技术有时难以捉摸。

    But prior art can be elusive.


  • (美国当前系统第三仅可以提交先前技术不能发表评论。)

    (In America, third parties are allowed to submit only prior art without comments under the current system.)


  • 当然了,如果内容过于宽泛可能无法获得批准,因为毕竟先前技术相比较。

    Of course, if you write too broadly you may invalidate your claim, because it will read on the prior art.


  • 电脑几乎渗入我们生活各个方面包括许多先前技术从未涉足过领域

    Computers are permeating almost every aspect of our lives, including many areas previously untouched by technology.


  • 先前技术决定此项发明所声称措施其实显而易见——因此项专利

    Prior art is also the basis for determining whether some new step claimed in the invention is obvious-and therefore not worthy of a patent.


  • 就算不到先前技术而且专利获准这个专利仍然可能“非显而易见”的标准

    Even if no prior art can be found and a patent is granted, it may still not meet the requisite obviousness standard.


  • 与之相似PatentFizz网站使查找特定专利评论甚至添加先前技术引用

    Similarly, PatentFizz is a website that makes it easy to find out about particular patents, comment on them and even add references to prior art.


  • 他们可以在线论坛讨论某个申请提出潜在先前技术为他们认为相关先前技术投票

    They can discuss each application in an online forum, suggest examples of prior art, and vote for the prior art they consider most relevant.


  • Peer toPatent基于这些想法尤其是所有相关先前技术放在同一个领域从业者研究者手边的主意。

    Peer to Patent builds on these ideas, especially the notion that practitioners and researchers within a particular field collectively have all the relevant prior art at their fingertips already.


  • USPTO处理的专利申请中有四分之一没有提及先前技术Dudas先生补充说,同时有四分之一则包含了25个以上先前技术参考

    And a quarter of the applications handled by the USPTO contain no references to prior art, adds Mr Dudas, while another quarter contain more than 25 references.


  • 一种最近被采用技术(例如CSS)可以我们更好,同样不失先前提到的那些表格图片标签的效果。

    A newly adopted technology (like CSS) should allow us to create something better, without losing the design quality of previous table hacks and all-image-based tabs.


  • 正如先前所说,服务生命周期内所有方面治理能将人员流程技术结合在一起协调一致地工作

    As mentioned earlier, it is about governing all aspects of the service life cycle and bringing people, processes, and technology together to work coherently.


  • 软件构架绝大多数元素来自于先前类似系统,也就是另一个性能基本类似的系统,或者技术文献基础上建立的构架。

    Most elements of a software architecture are derived from a previous system of the same kind, another system with overall similar characteristics, or an architecture found in technical literature.


  • 这些先前技术培训敏捷概念过渡更容易

    Transition to agile concepts was made easier by this prior technical education.


  • 由于减少耗费扩大市场范围组合影响销售企业使用先前技术建立的站点相比巨大竞争优势

    With this combined impact of reduced cost and improved market reach, a selling enterprise has significant competitive advantage over sites built with prior technology.


  • 质子半径竟然预想,虽然物理学先前已经应用准确技术进行了测量。

    The radius of the proton is significantly smaller than previously thought, say physicists who have measured it to the best accuracy yet.


  • 还要检索当前用户时间表(使用第1部分所讨论技术),解析时间表xml显示用户先前消息列表

    It also retrieves the current user timeline, using a technique discussed in Part 1, and parses the timeline XML to display a list of the user's previous messages.


  • 因此,我们先前构建架构语言——以及本篇论文倡导的方法——其意义在于使用DSL技术定义一种描述特定架构的DSL。

    So the architecture language built above - and the approach I am generally advocating in this paper - is to use DSL technology to define a DSL that expresses your architecture.


  • 现在合理苹果技术要比先前技术要好因此这些发明确实可能属于苹果。

    Now, it's fair to say the Apple technology works better than prior generations of technology, so there may well be inventions there.


  • 萨瓦先前已经五个冰冻胚胎留在了诊所里,这么做是出于可能还会再要孩子考虑,她已经有三个孩子了,其中个就是通过试管婴儿技术降生的。

    Savage had previously left five frozen embryos at the clinic thinking that one day she would want another child to add to the three she already has, one through in-vitro fertilisation.


  • 我们先前讨论JDBC使用阐明更深技术层次上我们认识Web服务并不适合所有的地方

    On a more technical level, as we made clear in our earlier discussion regarding the use of JDBC, we also learned that web services are not applicable everywhere.


  • 这里讨论到的技术可以我们先前讨论的那些技术结合到一起使用

    The techniques discussed here also work in combination with those we've discussed previously.


  • 先前雷达技术相比,APG - 79AESA合成孔径雷达(SAR)具有更高成功率

    The APG-79 AESA synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has a higher success rate than previous radar technologies.


  • 这种技术使用先前不同方法技术用于基和镍基电池

    The good news is that it uses a completely different approach and technology than the previous effort, and can work with both lithium- and nickel-based batteries.


  • 正如先前指出那样计算机科学已经成为构成其他学科所需要的一部分,例如游戏开发分析复杂生物资料以及机器人技术

    As I've pointed out before, cs has become an integral part of other disciplines, such as game development, bioinformatics, and robotics.


  • 日立将要夏普视差阻隔技术(据说应当用于任天堂3ds神秘的流电视面板)应用某种液晶显示器上,可望于他们发布先前版本差不多厚。

    Hitachi's going to use Sharp's parallax barrier technology (supposedly used in the Nintendo 3ds and that mysterious StreamTV panel) on some mean LCDs, hopefully just as slim as their previous models.


  • 先前低功率廉价无线通信技术只能延伸公里,“重要Intel正在达到长的距离。”

    Previous low-power, inexpensive wireless communication technologies could only stretch a few kilometers, she says. "What's important is that Intel is getting much longer distances."


  • Pääbo博士及其同事所使用的技术十分特别因为先前技术了100

    The technology employed by Dr Pääbo and his colleagues is extraordinary because it is 100 times faster than previous techniques.


  • 先前文章中(请参阅参考资料),讨论过有关动态电子商务Web服务技术以及潜在基于使用付费的Web服务的商务模型的前景。

    In previous articles (see Resources), I have discussed the vision of Dynamic e-business, the web services technology stack, and potential business models for fee-based web services.


  • [据防务系统网站2011年3月29日报道]根据先前授予不确定交付不定数量(IDIQ)合同美国海军授予ManTech国际公司一份价值1750万美元的扩展合同,要求提供一系列信息技术服务

    The Navy has awarded ManTech International Corp. a.5 million extension that calls for a range of it services under a previously awarded indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定