• 直径1英里地面接收站可以提供1,000兆瓦电力足以供应平均约100万户美国家庭的使用。

    A ground receiving station a mile in diameter could deliver about 1,000 megawatts — enough to power on average about one million U.S. homes.


  • 直径1英里地面接收站可以提供1,000兆瓦电力足以供应平均约100万户美国家庭的使用。

    A ground receiving station a mile in diameter could deliver about 1, 000 megawatts — enough to power on average about one million U.S. homes.


  • 由于采矿业潜力,加丹加自己需要目前获得1,424兆瓦的基础上再增加800兆瓦电力

    The Katanga province alone, with its mining potential, needs 800 MW in addition to the 1,424 MW that it currently receives.


  • 虽说该数量全国1百万兆瓦电量尚不足一但是能源部预计,2020年CSP电站至少提供7000兆瓦电力

    That is paltry compared with the nation's total electricity capacity of over 1m megawatts: but the Energy Department says at least 7,000 megawatts from CSP plants will be available by 2020.


  • 1兆瓦电力足够1000个家庭使用,Reed电话采访中指出,这个无人岛上试验计划将“在别处的推广做安全性示范”。

    That's enoughelectricity to power 1, 000 homes, but on that empty island the projectwould "be intended to show its safety for everywhere else, " Reed saidin a telephone interview from California.


  • 3,000兆瓦电力线129日开始投入商业运营,这天上海这个中国最大城市市郊华新HVDC换流站举办了投产庆祝典礼。

    The 3,000 megawatt (MW) power link went into commercial operation on Dec. 9 during an inauguration ceremony at the Huaxin HVDC receiver station on the outskirts of Shanghai, China's largest city.


  • 可以产生194兆瓦电力只是沧海一粟

    It can generate 194 megawatts of electric power, but that's just a drop in the bucket.


  • 这些小型模块化反应堆能生产 100~200兆瓦电力大约是目前美国许多反应堆产能的五分之一,但体积只有十分之一。

    These "small modular reactors" produce 100 to 200 megawatts of power, about one fifth to one-tenth the size of many current U.S. nuclear reactors.


  • 这些小型模块化反应堆能生产100 ~ 200兆瓦电力大约是目前美国许多反应堆产能的五分之一,但体积只有十分之一。

    These "small modular reactors" produce 100 to 200 megawatts of power, about one fifth to one-tenth the size of many current U. s. nuclear reactors.


  • 今天超级计算机消耗超过5兆瓦电力

    Today’ upercomputer conume more than 5 megawatt of power.


  • 已经制定了马普托之间修建联网工程的计划,后者有望加坝莫桑比克出口300兆瓦电力

    Plans have been made to build an interconnection with Maputo and it is expected that 300 MW will be exported to Mozambique from the Inga dam.


  • 俾斯麦地区北新电力集团意在北达科他州西北部的的沃德建立一个高达115兆瓦发电量的风力发电场,距诺特市南部12英里

    Basin Electric Power Cooperative, of Bismarck, intends to build a 115-megawatt wind farm in Ward County in northwestern north Dakota, about 12 miles south of Minot.


  • 每个海床上的反应堆尺寸很小,可以产生50兆瓦电力满足37,000个美国家庭使用

    Each nuclear reactor that would go on the ocean bed is pretty small, generating as little as 50 megawatts, enough energy to power about 37,000 American homes.


  • 美国电力公司安装了7兆瓦电池,每个公共汽车那么大,用来缓解输电线的超负荷现象,另外还有4兆瓦的电池还研制中。

    American Electric Power co. Inc. has installed 7 megawatts of the bus-sized batteries to ease congestion on its transmission lines, and it has an additional 4 megawatts under development.


  • 弗敦电力公司最近纽约东河成功完成了试验英国的洋流涡轮机公司正在威尔士沿海一个10.5兆瓦项目做准备。

    Verdant Power recently completed a successful trial in New York City's East River, and the UK-based Marine Current Turbines is preparing for a 10.5 MW project off the coast of Wales.


  • 目前土耳其只有不到20个风力发电场(其中一个世界银行资助),每年生产大约452兆瓦电力

    Right now, fewer than 20 wind farms (including one financed by the World Bank) produce about 452 megawatts of electricity a year.


  • Exelon创造出产能超过47000兆瓦美国最大电力生产商,足够为4500万户家庭供应电力

    Exelon wants to create America's biggest electricity generator, with a capacity of more than 47, 000 megawatts, enough to power 45m homes.


  • MIT研究小组计算一个集装箱大小电池可以提供1兆瓦电力-足以让10000 个功率100灯泡亮上几个小时

    The MIT team calculates that a battery the size of a shipping container could deliver a megawatt of electricity - enough to power 10, 000 100-watt light bulbs - for several hours.


  • 两个项目大项目的一部分,是美国太阳能信托有限公司赞助,项目完成可以提供1000兆瓦的太阳能电力供应,足以向95,000个家庭供电

    These units are part of a larger project, sponsored by Solar Trust of America, that when completed will generate 1,000 megawatts of solar power, enough to power 95,000 homes a year.


  • 公司同意三个巨型太阳能电站提供1100兆瓦电力提供两个位于加州公用事业公司

    The company also has agreed to supply two California utilities with 1, 100 megawatts of electricity from three big solar farms.


  • GE兴建291驾1.5兆瓦风力涡轮Siemens兴建的130驾2.3兆瓦风力涡轮,峰值电力总和可以达到735兆瓦

    The 291 1.5-megawatt turbines built by ge and the 130 2.3-megawatt wind turbines built by Siemens together deliver 735 megawatts of peak power.


  • Bujagali电力项目第一座发电设施于2010年12月投入生产。Karuma700兆瓦项目将设计完成启动

    The first generating units of the Bujagali power project will come on stream in December 2010, and work will start on the 700-megawatt Karuma project when the design has been completed.


  • PG&EBrightSource2008年4月签订了500兆瓦电力购买协议,并拥有400兆瓦的优先购买权。

    PG&E had previously signed a power purchase agreement with BrightSource in April 2008 for 500 megawatts with an option to buy another 400 megawatts.


  • 来自国家电力监管委员会的信息,其中相当一部分,已用于在去年发电量在554 420兆瓦全国541家火力发电站了。

    Much of it goes to the country's 541 coal-fired power plants, which pumped out 554,420 megawatts of electricity last year, according to the State electricity Regulatory Commission.


  • Exelon创造出产能超过47000兆瓦美国最大电力生产商,足够为4500万户家庭供应电力

    Exelon wants to create America's biggest electricity generator, with a capacity of more than 47,000 megawatts, enough to power 45m homes.


  • 安尼尔公司表示因为争吵建设发电站计划推迟了因为三分之一能源来自d - 6,这些发电站可以产生所需的三万兆瓦电力

    Anil's company says the dispute has delayed by four years a plan to build power plants that could generate more than 30,000 much-needed megawatts, since a third of the fuel would come from D-6.


  • 美国第一商业目的地热1960年在Geysers兴建可以生产11兆瓦电力。现在这一地区单个地热站的平均发电量是50兆瓦

    The first commercial geothermal power plant in the U.S. was built at the Geysers in 1960; it produced 11 megawatts of power.


  • 美国第一商业目的地热1960年在Geysers兴建可以生产11兆瓦电力。现在这一地区单个地热站的平均发电量是50兆瓦

    The first commercial geothermal power plant in the U.S. was built at the Geysers in 1960; it produced 11 megawatts of power.


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