• 介绍神经模型控制结构基本原理及模糊控制器设计的两种基本方法

    An introduction of the basic principles of the neuron model-free control and the basicdesign methods of the fuzzy controller is given.


  • 利用模糊神经模型算法NPID控制算法设计控制系统和油压控制系统。

    The fuzzy neuron non-model algorithm and the NPID control algorithm are adopted to design the control systems for oil temperature and pressure.


  • 元非混合工质变成分容量调节空调研究中,工质热力性质计算不仅关键而且相当复杂

    In the study of varying composition capacity control air conditioning system with ternary mixtures, the calculation of the mixture's properties is significant and complicated.


  • 本文研究中性电解散射动态特性问题,导出了一元非中性电解液元非中性电解液的光子相关光谱

    In this paper we discuss the dynamic property of light scattering of unneutralized electrolyte solutions and the photon correlation spectra.


  • 本文给出确定风力透平叶片振动时元非定常气动力解法,包括失速失速两种条件下的定常气动力。

    This paper presents a method for determining unsteady aerodynamic force on oscillating blade of wind turbine, both stalled and unstalled.


  • 设计解析模糊控制器,并基础引入了神经;根据智能积分思想研究了模糊神经元非模型控制算法

    Based on designing analytical fuzzy controller, fuzzy-neuron model-free control algorithm is studied by using single neuron and the thought of intelligent integral.


  • 可能的解释论者会说,妈妈鬼魂一个物质灵魂睡觉的时候跟你交流

    One possible explanation, the dualist, that's the ghost of your mother, immaterial soul that she is, communicating to you while you're asleep.


  • 按照学说论,心灵这种物质的物体,我们不同名字

    According to the dualist, the mind is this immaterial substance and we could call it by different names.


  • 更好设计使用唯一名称替换清单1中的唯一素名称,清单5所示。

    A better design is to replace the non-unique element names in Listing 1 with unique element names, as Listing 5 describes.


  • 每产生收入公司劳力中间投入花费40主要来自民用部门

    But to produce a dollar of revenue, companies spend about 40 cents on acquiring non Labour intermediate inputs, primarily from the domestic sector.


  • 如果是个乐观主义者,或者想法积极的人,而且秉持着性的哲学条路之间看起来好像是冲突的。

    If you are a "positivist" or "think positively" and also hold a non-dualistic philosophy, these two paths seem to conflict with each other.


  • 许多情况下两者产生外部数据单调英语结构化结构化数据,到形式化rdf表达方法,所有数据都参考使用URI

    In many cases, these both leverage externally generated metadata, ranging from English prose to structured or unstructured data to a more formal representation in RDF, but all referenced using URIs.


  • 事件可以没有事件类型数据之关联——比如,有可能出现这种情况:事件现有sca事件源创建的。

    An event can have no event type metadata associated with it - for example, this can be the case for events which are created by pre-existing non-SCA event sources.


  • 灵魂这个词时,我将会脑中泛起学说论灵魂,一种物质,无形东西

    When I use the word "soul," I'm going to have in mind this dualist view according to which the soul is something immaterial, nonphysical.


  • 例如唯一能够阻止正确评估执行较少索引查询代码

    For example, non-unique element names can keep you from properly evaluating code that performs fewer index look-ups.


  • "灵魂"这个词时,我会采用思路,因为他们认为,灵魂是物质,物理

    When I use the word "Soul," I'm going to have in mind this dualist view according to which the soul is something immaterial, nonphysical.


  • 认为心灵就是灵魂,而灵魂一种物质实体

    The dualist position is that the mind is a soul and the soul is an immaterial object.


  • 论者认为,这表明我们必须相信物质性一面。

    Well, the dualist says, "that shows us that we have to believe that there's something non-physical about us."


  • 唯一可以出现XML文档中的任意位置必须前置一个路径意义。

    Non-unique elements are elements that can appear anywhere in the XML document and that have to be preceded by a path to be meaningful.


  • 认为尼采反对论,,已物质实体胜于物质心灵

    But really I think Nietzsche rejects both sides of the duality. There's no merely material body any more than there's an incorporeal mind.


  • 程序员就像使用购物车” 那样,使用NIEM工具选择要放在表单数据

    You can use the "shopping cart" metaphor to describe how non-programmers use the NIEM tools to shop for the metadata elements to place in their forms.


  • 第二我们需要视角尼采提供了这样一个途径

    Section 2: what we need is a non dualistic viewpoint and Nietzsche provides such a conception.


  • 之后使用用于链接关系rel属性以及链接中的property属性添加数据

    Then, you added metadata using the rel attribute for link relationships and the property attribute on non-links.


  • 大多数数据字段不是必需的;但是如果打算文本数据比如PDF文件Word 文档),内容类型必需的。

    Most of the metadata fields are not required; however, the content type is required if you intend to push non-text data such as PDF files or Word documents.


  • 如果datasync参数0,那么就刷新用户数据而不会刷新数据。

    If the datasync parameter is non-zero, then only the user data should be flushed, not the meta data.


  • 我们创建了一个AT M永久虚拟电路(PVC),然后分配可变速率实时atm服务类别并且配置了6Mbps持续速率。

    We then created an ATM permanent virtual circuit (PVC), assigned it to the variable bit rate non-real-time ATM service category, and configured a sustained cell rate of 6 Mbps.


  • 但是没有给出这样解释也许我们假设物质的存在好一些

    But dualism doesn't so much offer the explanation typically as just say, "Well, maybe we'd be better off positing something immaterial."


  • 本文介绍uml标准化Web服务数据建模的方法,其中包含了功能功能方面

    This article described the use of UML modeling to model the standardized Web services metadata, which contains functional and nonfunctional aspects.


  • C#中的程序集(friendassembly)和严格委托relaxeddelegate概念都保留了下来,不过curry委托则推迟到下一个版本中。

    The C# concept of friend assemblies made it in, as well as relaxed delegates. The ability to curry delegates has been pushed off to a later release.


  • 输入对象高级对象第一对象(例如,位于TemplateConfig之后的那一个)接下来的便是输出对象。

    The input object is the first non-meta-object in the high-level object (i.e. the one after TemplateConfig) and the output object (s) follow.


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