• 本文中,我们解释一个特殊辅助工具允许用户排列分类比较大量数据

    In this article, we'll explain one particular assistant that allows users to arrange, classify, and compare potentially large quantities of data.


  • 本文解释上述设置允许配置自己启动环境将来开发使用

    This article explains the runtime configuration Settings, allowing you to configure your own launch environments for any future development.


  • 份标注日期922长达11页的文件中,作为药品评估研究中心的负责人,JanetWoodcock博士解释为什么决定允许文迪继续市场上流通。

    In a 11-page document dated Sept 22, Janet Woodcock MD, director for the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, explains why she decided to allow Avandia to continue to be on the market.


  • 允许解释

    This allows you to list terms and their definitions. This kind of list starts with a.


  • 提供这个功能的一种方式允许用户参数留空;然后,报告空白的参数解释需要那个参数进行过滤

    One way to provide this is to allow the user to leave the parameter value blank; the report then interprets a blank parameter to mean no filtering is required on that parameter.


  • 这个样例标记包含CDATA 区域中允许原样编写标记,无需XML解析器试图将其解释包含 元素的 元素。

    Wrapping the sample markup in a CDATA section lets you write it as-is, without having the XML parser attempt to interpret it as a element containing an element.


  • 另外功能点方法允许特定语言方法技术中抽象出来并且非技术人员、外部利益相关者用户来说,它容易理解解释

    Additionally, an FC method allows abstracting from specific language, methodology, or technology, and is easier to understand and interpret to non-technical and external stakeholders and users.


  • 队列管理器将 QDEPTHHI中的解释一个百分比允许0 到 100之间

    The queue manager interprets the value in QDEPTHHI as a percentage and permits only values between 0 and 100.


  • 一个项目管理部门对分配向往——真的可能永远不允许事,的解释

    A project management account to which the most aspirational tickets - stuff you'd really like to do but will probably never get approval for - gets assigned.


  • 一个项目管理部门对分配向往——真的可能永远不被允许的事,的解释

    A projectmanagement account to which the most aspirational tickets – stuff you’d really like to do but will probably never get approvalfor – gets assigned.


  • 不顾检察官激烈反对法官允许内在法庭作证解释为什么两个因素使沃尔德鲁普在那个杀人“突然抓狂”,犯下令人发指的暴行。

    Over the fierce opposition of prosecutors, the judge allowed Bernet to testify in court that these two factors help explain why Waldroup snapped that murderous night.


  • 一个项目管理部门对分配向往——真的可能永远不被允许的事,的解释

    A projectmanagement account to which the most aspirational tickets – stuff you'd really like to do but will probably never get approvalfor – gets assigned.


  • 这种协议通过定义允许交换数据以及确定如何解释这些数据,从而提供了代理之间相互同步数据结构

    It's really a protocol that provides the structure for agents to synchronize data with each other, by defining the permissible exchanges and determining how they are to be interpreted.


  • 这样考虑能帮助解释为什么高度制度化领域一些公司,允许员工携带自己电子产品

    Such considerations help explain why even companies in heavily regulated industries are letting people bring their own gadgets to work.


  • PHP允许快速开发周期,这是因为一种嵌入到HTML文件中的解释语言

    PHP promises quick development cycles because it is an interpreted language embedded in HTML files.


  • 孩子检查医护人员开始关注母亲解释,他们允许婴儿P入院,通知了社会服务人员。

    Medical staff who examined the child became concerned about the mother's explanation, and Baby P was admitted to hospital and social services were informed.


  • 大多数原型设计工具使用解释语言指定行为允许种并不是精确可靠的方式进行更快速开发工作。

    Most prototyping tools use an interpreted language to specify behavior, allowing for faster development with (sometimes) less rigor and robustness.


  • 借此机会,解释过程是怎样进行首先允许介绍一点历史

    I'm going to take this opportunity to explain the way the process works, but first let me start off by giving a bit of history.


  • 3:11中的女人,有解释认为表明,作者允许女人担任执事,她们担任一定角色

    The women in 3:11--some exegetes would say this shows that this author does allow at least women to be deacons,deaconesses, and they have certain kinds of roles.


  • 不过解释科技进步可以允许获得更多大脑数据

    Technological improvement, he explains, may yield piles of brain data.


  • 正如上个月解释的那样,目的建立一个允许用户挖掘retweetweb应用程序,从而能够看到哪些用户其最有影响力追随者转发。

    As I explained last month, my intention is to build a web application that allows users to mine their retweets, being able to see which ones were retweeted by their most influential followers.


  • 允许应用程序侦听WebBrowserEvent方法后面部分进行解释

    Methods to let an application listen for WebBrowserEvents, which I'll explain later in this section


  • 累加方式授予访问权限解释为什么队列RACF安全实现允许单独授予getput 访问权限。

    The cumulative way that access is granted explains why the RACF implementation of security for queues does not allow get and put access to be granted independently.


  • 解释,“Pentest指导原则是允许安装自己笔记本上不能修改组织内部任何客户机配置,就本地计算机上安装软件一样。”

    "The Pentest guidelines did not allow me to bring in my own laptop, or to change the configuration of any client within the organization, like installing software on a local computer," he explains.


  • 苏先生向BBC新闻记者解释道:“非常有趣通过一些代数处理,我们公式能够跳跃式的计算PI值了;换话,允许计算pi的具体数位”。

    "Interestingly, by some algebraic manipulations, (our) formula can compute PI with some bits skipped; in other words, it allows computing specific bits of PI," Mr Sze explained to BBC News.


  • Stotts解释,“部署规则决策引擎允许客户分析师工作站上来构思商业决策然后作为J2EE环境一部分实现之。”

    Stotts explains, "Deploying a rules decision engine allows the client's analysts to craft business decisions on a workstation and then implement them as part of the J2EE environment."


  • Lisp编译器解释能够特定形式翻译迭代从而允许一种更为简单明快方式使用数据结构结构)。

    The Lisp compiler or interpreter can translate certain forms of recursion to iteration, allowing a simpler, cleaner way to work with recursive data structures, such as trees.


  • 就像我们以前解释过的,,每个灵魂基于提升机会因为个“特别的恩赐”允许一个大规模提升

    As we have explained before, this time every soul is being offered the chance to ascend, because it is a special dispensation to allow for a mass Ascension.


  • 无论什么样解释鸟类观察者们都是允许

    Whatever the explanation, birdwatchers are entranced.


  • 无论什么样解释鸟类观察者们都是允许

    Whatever the explanation, birdwatchers are entranced.


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