• 尤指颜色上苍白的。

    Resembling ashes, especially in color; very pale.


  • 埃里卡这样孩子长这么了却不知道什么直到看到山上喷涌而出。

    A child like Erica could get this far without knowing what ash was, until she saw it spewing from a mountain.


  • 所有其他已知各种各样变节人所导致地球问题正在处理中,正在将他们地下和海底地球基地中移除,对待天龙爬虫人一样。

    All other known variety of renegade Greys causing problems on Earth are being dealt with, and are being removed from their underground &undersea bases on Earth, as are the Draco Reptilians.


  • 飞机使用活塞发动机不是身材庞大喷气涡轮机因此不会大型商业飞机那样受到火山灰的负面影响。

    The plane uses a piston engine rather than a large-scale turbine jets, allowing it to travel unaffected through the ash, unlike large commercial jets.


  • 许多草药认为人参一样能长期增强免疫力包括南非醉茄黄芪大蒜树花灵芝巴西人参

    Various herbs are said to work like ginseng and enhance immunity over the long term, including ashwagandha, astragalus, garlic, maitake, reishi, and suma.


  • 中国刚果俄罗斯联邦塔吉克斯坦认识到那样,病毒没有国界

    As China, Congo, the Russian Federation and Tajikistan have learned, the poliovirus does not respect national borders.


  • 云层围绕着边缘中部,大西洋深蓝色海水映出了这股波纹状,有点棕黄色河流的火山

    Clouds bracket the edges of the scene, but the dark blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean show in the middle, and above them, a rippling, brownish-yellow river of ash.


  • 湄公河也拥有700多种鱼类包括一样鲶鱼,但雨季的后期河水浑浊我们没有看见条鱼。

    And while the Mekong heaves with more than 700 varieties of fish, including a catfish as big as a grizzly bear, the water was too opaque, at the end of the rainy season, for us to see any of them.


  • 前额下巴红色的,巨大又臃肿,'史莱克'可能是世界独一无二的也许不是气泡鱼(theblobfish)【2】那样可怕。

    Pinkish-grey with large, swelling-like protrusions on its forehead and chin, the 'Shrek' fish may be unique, but perhaps not as scary as the blobfish.


  • 喷发处方圆数百公里,连续数星期,浅色的火山一团团一样从天空飘下。

    For hundreds of kilometers around the eruption and for perhaps days or weeks, pale-gray ash would fall like clumps of snow.


  • 火山造成的阴暗使阳光成为稀罕的事物,不会许多恐惧冬天那样。

    The gloom will make direct sunlight a rare event, but will not be the nuclear winter many may fear.


  • 陆地上空云块这时候山冈般耸立着海岸只剩下长条绿色线背后色的小山海水此刻呈现蓝色简直发紫了。

    The clouds over the land now rose like mountains and the coast was only a long green line with the gray blue hills behind it. The water was a dark blue now, so dark that it was almost purple.


  • 把目光一些一些,便可望见老街上房屋看见飞檐漂浮上空的凝重的浮云失陷回忆和思索。

    Look far away, and then some distance, we can see the houses on the street, see the gray tiles and cornices, like the floating in the town over the dignified clouds, so I lost in memory and thinking.


  • 太郎那样男人只有动画片里有,自己未来定位那会使失望

    Like a guy like that today (Monday) ash, and only in the animated cartoon, don't give their future orientation, it will make you more disappointed.


  • 可能意味着情人节的庆祝常好的,一场美妙的梦一样

    This likely will mean that your Valentine's Day celebration couldn't be any better - it will feel like a beautiful dream.


  • 研发工作行将结束时候,科斯特纳兄弟开始造访石油公司,但都碰了一鼻子那些来自工业舞台的“演员”们这位演员说,他们绝不会遇到瓦尔迪兹”那样的石油泄漏事故。

    When they were close, the Costners reached out to every major oil company, only to be rebuffed by industry players who told the actor we'd never have another spill like the Valdez.


  • 拆毁祭坛,把木偶雕刻打碎砍断以色列遍地所有耶路撒冷去了。

    And when he had broken down the altars and the groves, and had beaten the graven images into powder, and cut down all the idols throughout all the land of Israel, he returned to Jerusalem.


  • 有点儿大型建筑金属框架,由于表面涂膏、刷了油漆人们就忘记了存在可是一旦把整座大厦就会坍塌。

    It's a little like the metal framework of a large building, once the plaster and paint are on we forget it's there at all. But take that framework away, and the whole building falls down.


  • 那天早晨,秋日阴霾了一天空很快就放了晴

    The day had begun under the gray blanket of a fall overcast, but the sky soon cleared.


  • 林恩·格贝拉胆固醇偏高。参与实验的其他很多狗也贝拉一样,表现出衰老的迹象:皮肤松弛关节僵硬

    Like Lynn Gemmell's Bela, whose cholesterol was high, many of them were showing signs of aging: loose skin, graying muzzles, a stiffness in the joints.


  • 陆地上空云块这时候山冈般耸立着海岸只剩下长条绿色线背后青色的小山海水此刻呈现蓝色,深的简直发紫了。 !

    The clouds over the land now rose like mountains and the coast was only a long green line with the gray blue hills behind it.


  • 我觉得应该:而围绕可爱眼睛浓密睫毛她父亲脸上肯定引人注目,放在她脸上只是她看上去受了惊吓的样子。

    And her lovely gray eyes were surrounded by thick lashes that must have been striking on her father, but in her case only made her look startled.


  • 根据中心周围元之间临近元效应,提出了基于动态规划关联分析最佳拼接线检测算法。

    According to the relation of center point and neighboring points, a novel method is put forward using dynamic programming and grey relational analysis to find a best seam line.


  • 用炉灶日子里,大家很快忘记印第安人似的烤土豆了。

    It will soon be forgotten, in these days of stoves, that we used to roast potatoes in the ashes, after the Indian fashion.


  • 藜麦籽粒苋燕麦属于假谷物,实际上一种菜近亲阔叶植物

    A pseudocereal, quinoa (like amaranth and buckwheat) is actually a broadleaf plant rather than a grass and is a close relative of lamb's quarter.


  • 光辉,冲破这层找寻自己

    My sky is gray, I can find its beauty.


  • 害羞小姐号驶得更近时,提利可以看到光亮下石人身影,他们一样漫无目标地缓慢移动

    As the Shy Maid drew closer, Tyrion could see the shapes of stone men moving in the light, shuffling aimlessly around the lamps like slow grey moths. Some were naked, others clad in shrouds.


  • 害羞小姐号驶得更近时,提利可以看到光亮下石人身影,他们一样漫无目标地缓慢移动

    As the Shy Maid drew closer, Tyrion could see the shapes of stone men moving in the light, shuffling aimlessly around the lamps like slow grey moths. Some were naked, others clad in shrouds.


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