• 伏在方向前,表情疯了一样。

    She is hunched forward over the wheel with a maniacal expression.


  • 认为这种相同道德使命感缺失正在伤害新闻国际这样公司使迷失方向变得更为可能正如之前发生大规模非法电话窃听一样

    This same absence of moral purpose was wounding companies such as News International, she thought, making it more likely that it would lose its way as it had with widespread illegal telephone hacking.


  • 没有变速杆陆地上可以通过普通汽车一样的刹车油门踏板方向进行控制

    It doesn't have a gearstick but on the road can be controlled with brake and accelerator pedals and a steering wheel like an ordinary car.


  • 晚上扫视地平线,寻找街灯人工光源然后发光污染方向

    At night scan the horizon for artificial light sources such as fires and streetlights, then walk toward the glow of light pollution.


  • 幸亏它们没有否则我们受到所有这些各个方向射来的“影响力”而疯子一样乱跑了。

    Thankfully it doesn't, otherwise we would all be running round as complete loonies with all these 'influences' flying at us from all directions.


  • 于是它们放射状移动——巢穴所有可能的方向迁移——国庆焰火似的四射开来

    So they migrate radially—in all possible directions away from the denlike starburst embers from a Fourth of July rocket.


  • 不管白宫内部做什么外部士气崩塌目标彻底失败方向上完全迷失。

    Whatever is going on inside the White House, from the outside it looks like moral collapse - a complete failure of purpose and loss of direction.


  • 只是为了防止这个方向滑落跌倒

    So that's only to prevent you from sliding off in this direction and falling.


  • 发送端口接收端口一样基于不同的传输协议传输信息,只是方向相反

    Send ports also handle transport like receive ports, but their direction is the reverse.


  • 无论多么棒的对象,如果穿一个冒汗游客唯一的事情就是指走出酒吧方向

    No matter how great a catch you may be, if you're dressed like a sweaty tourist, the only thing she's gonna give you are directions out of the bar.


  • 改变方向,这有点使用军事艺术

    Redirection is a bit like using martial arts.


  • 尽管这份公告读起来写给圣诞老人的全民公函,但是这个“救市大礼包”无疑标志着中国正朝着正确方向迈出了大步

    Yet even if this list reads like a national letter to Santa Claus, the package is still agiant step in the right direction.


  • 今天还要一句话希望永不熄灭的明灯,各国各企业世界人民照亮方向

    Today, I want to add one more thing, that is, hope is an ever-lasting beacon that will light up the way forward for countries, businesses and people around the world.


  • 看到桌上这个看上去过山车准备这个方向滑下一个物体

    You see here on the desk something that looks like a roller coaster, and I'm going to slide an object from this direction.


  • 机翼一样提供了升力(不过水平方向的升力),部件之间凹槽襟翼也提高了升力。

    Like an airplane wing, it provides lift, although largely in a horizontal direction. And like an airplane wing, the slots between the main elements and the flaps add to the lifting power.


  • 手上,我这样用力你们方向的。

    I hold it in my hand and I'm going to torque it like this so that the torque factor is in your direction.


  • 那个公路车祸,碎片各个方向,我们一个困惑混和图片看起来非常滞胀

    in the smash-up, the debris flies in every directiongiving us a bewildering, mixed up picture that looks a lot like stagflation.


  • 为了GuuguYimithirr这样语言需要时刻注意走一步所处主要方向

    In order to speak a language like Guugu Yimithirr, you need to know where the cardinal directions are at each and every moment of your waking life.


  • 过去十年中间时间段迷失方向《死木》(“Deadwood”)、《罗马》(“Rome”)这类野心勃勃的剧集都没坚持下来

    It lost its way around the middle of the last decade, when ambitious dramas likeDeadwood” and “Romefailed to stick.


  • 例如当物体相反方向移动,我首先需要下来然后在推动它向另外一个方向移动。

    If I wanted to reverse an object's momentum, I first had to slow it down before I could get it moving in the opposite direction.


  • 这些大气波动携带能量声波那样在水平方向垂直方向上进行传播

    The energy from these atmospheric waves, like the energy from a sound wave, propagates both horizontally and vertically.


  • 乌云我们身后塞拉利昂来,然后朝海上方向坐在沙滩,我们身边打起巨大的闪电,打开了天上的大闸门

    The clouds roll around the Sierra behind us and then out to sea, and, sitting on the beach, the gigantic strikes flash around us like a giant strobe.


  • 不是一些全球化批评人士所说的力量一个方向前行。

    It is not, as globalization critics suggest, a single force pulling in a single direction.


  • 那时明尼阿波利斯美国多数城市一样,黑白人种相反方向转移

    These days, in Minneapolis as in much of America, the ethnic drift is in the opposite direction.


  • 意味着一个传统圆形气球,并不那些迄今一直作为商业运输使用的瘦长可驾驶的飞艇此飞船没有方向

    This means that like a traditional, round ballon-and unlike the elongated dirigible blimps that have hitherto been used as serious modes of commercial transport-the craft is "directionless".


  • 如果思绪偏离正确方向,转向忧虑记忆计划或者幻想,控制思绪、让重新集中五个关注点上呼吸听觉)。

    If the mind wanders away from your direct experience into worries, memories, planning, or fantasizing, pull it back to one specific focus point (like the breath, or what you hear).


  • 弹性太阳能电池手风琴一样的褶皱两个方向延伸多达30%。

    Her stretchy solar cells are pleated like an accordion and are able to expand up to 30 percent extra in two directions.


  • 女儿双手放在方向上,教练教的那样,正确地置放钟表十点两点钟的那个位置上。

    My daughter's hands on the steering wheel were properly placed at ten o 'clock and two o 'clock, as she had been taught.


  • 觉得说法比安斯基经过了道坎成为温格顶级门将为时过早但是确确实实朝着正确方向前进

    For me it’s still way too early to say that Fabianski has turned the corner and become the top-class keeper Arsene has always said he is but he’s definitely moving in the right direction.


  • 觉得说法比安斯基经过了道坎成为温格顶级门将为时过早但是确确实实朝着正确方向前进

    For me it’s still way too early to say that Fabianski has turned the corner and become the top-class keeper Arsene has always said he is but he’s definitely moving in the right direction.


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