• 对话框、命令按钮以及标签这样组件都有关联的一些信息称作属性

    Components such as dialog boxes, command buttons, and labels have associated pieces of information called properties.


  • 印第安纳州州长米奇·丹尼尔所说那样,就过度消费后果展开“成人对话”,似乎不可能的。

    It has seemed unable to have what Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has called an "adult conversation" about the consequences of spending so much more than is taken in.


  • 真的可以改变所有事工作任务对话洗衣服那样日常琐事。

    This really transforms anything you do, from work tasks to conversations to chores like washing the dishes.


  • 未来并非一定如此但是如果我们坚持进行今天即将开始对话基于我们听到学到的内容行事应当一个能够达到目标

    This future is not fixed, but it is a destination that can be reached if we pursue a sustained dialogue like the one that you and we will commence today, and act on what we hear and what we learn.


  • 另外VXML这样技术标准提供了数字化语音对话标准方法,同样使识别更加简单。

    And technical standards such as VXML, which provides a standard way to program voice dialogues, have made things easier too.


  • 许多注意到的那样,个性化要求的,是创造者消费者艺术家粉丝生产者用户之间不断对话

    As many have noted, personalization requires an ongoing conversation between the creator and consumer, artist and fan, producer and user.


  • Android许多Expect新手非常想知道工具是否能够灵活地处理命令行对话那样实现GUI交互自动化。

    Android: Many newcomers to Expect wonder in their enthusiasm for the tool whether it automates GUI interactions with the deftness it handles command-line dialogues.


  • 但是天堂里面人物对话没有场景那样更富有创意

    But his paradise is almost lost without characters and dialogue as imaginative as their setting. Rated PG-13 for warfare, sensuality and language.


  • 认为,它已经进化其他email软件甚至都不能它相提并论的地步了:线性对话存档邮件标签而不是把邮件放在文件夹里;邮件过滤搜索工具;还有各种Gmail任务一样的小工具等等,我可以一直说下去。

    Threaded conversations, archiving and labeling instead of filing in folders, filters and search and widgets such as Gmail TasksI could go on all day.


  • 在国外帮助确定了巴西参与联合国安理会这样对话机构权利

    Abroad, it led him to assert Brazil's right to join the best talking shops, such as the United Nations Security Council.


  • 类似共同清扫般的会谈美国俄罗斯不断进行,双方对话中也不断的着自己人回家

    Similarly, the talks going on now between the U. S. and Russia are a kind of mutual housecleaning in which each side brings its boys (and girls) home.


  • 网站目的在线好友午餐对话那样进行自由交流。

    The site, essentially a recommendation network, aims to bring the sort of casual conversations you would have with friends over lunch to the online arena.


  • Windows平台上对话框(Dialog)一直精灵一样,使得开发人员始终面临尴尬选择

    Dialogs have always been a hobgoblin in the Windows platform. Developers are constantly faced with an unacceptable choice.


  • 按规定得被评头论足,“长的哈利波特,”这样的对话几乎成了惯例,“我了。”

    I received the obligatory, "You look like Harry Potter," comment and responded with my standard comeback, "I'm much more handsome than him."


  • 这些对话不是帖子连在一起,要想跟踪对话很难Nurphy借用了Twitter@回复。

    Without threaded conversations, however, it can be hard keep track of conversations. Instead of using sub-threads like Yammer, Nurphy borrowed Twitter's @reply structure.


  • 长期以来对于对话问题这样的敏感问题的长期支持,Suleiman先生华盛顿已经特拉维夫有密切的联系

    Long trusted with most sensitive matters like the Israeli-Palestinian talks, Mr. Suleiman is well connected in both Washington and Tel Aviv.


  • 作品造型一个超现实的山石融化图景,放大、夸张颠覆了大自然人的对话关系

    Like a surrealistic melting stone, the sculpture blows up, exaggerates, and even overthrows the communicative relationship of the nature and its subjective.


  • 这就好完整工具箱用于用户传递信息程序员仍然坚持以前那样粗糙工具——对话框——来交流

    An entire toolbox is available to express information to users, but designers and programmers have stuck to using the same blunt instrument-the dialog-to communicate information.


  • 实时视频或者高清即时对话之类的,在线教学视频世界诸如此类都大梦想

    And so things like real time video or instant on high quality, so the world for example, online teaching video, is sort of this BIG.


  • 孔刘回忆起酒吧碰到一个男生长得日本人,接著孔刘用韩语对话,那个男生非常惊讶,他可能把孔刘当成日本游客了。

    Ggong recalled that he heard from a boy at the night club that he looks like Japanese… Then Ggong spoke to him in Korean, so the boy was surprisedmaybe he thought Ggong was a Japanese tourist.


  • 在哪里他们对话这样

    Where can you get them? Make a dialogue, like this.


  • 未来并非一定如此但是如果我们坚持进行今天即将开始对话基于我们听到学到的内容行事,应当一个能够达到目标

    This future is not fixed, but it is a destination that can be reached if we pursue a sustained dialogue like the one that you will commence today, and act on what we hear and what we learn.


  • 虽然未来无法确定但是只要我们坚持进行今天这样即将开始对话依照我们的所见所闻采取行动,我们目标一定实现

    This future is not fixed, but it is a destination that can be reached if we pursue a sustained dialogue like the one that you will commence today, and act on what we hear and what we learn.


  • 因为双方对话有点”,各自表述,女人弦外之音总是要猜,而且基本猜错。

    Because the dialogue a bit like "chicken duck said, " each of the implication, the woman always guess and guess, and basic guess wrong.


  • 因为双方对话有点”,各自表述,女人弦外之音总是要猜,而且基本猜错。

    Because the dialogue a bit like "chicken duck said, " each of the implication, the woman always guess and guess, and basic guess wrong.


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