• 一个小孩

    Like a little kid begging me to play with it.


  • 有时肯定爱,当然总是忌妒弟弟一个小孩

    He must have done sometime. Certainly he had always been jealous of him as a child.


  • 或者我可以表现一个小孩子一样,过万剩下人生吗?

    Am I just going to keep acting like a child for the rest of my life?


  • 国内英语秘诀就是一个小孩一样门语言。

    My secret to learning English well at home is to learn it like a child.


  • 一个小孩糖果一样所有美味而不付钱

    You will be like a kid in a candy shop wanting to try out all the merchandise without paying the price.


  • 英尺一个小孩那样了,也许还没有看到过。

    He grows to be four feet long, as big as a small boy, perhaps without any human being getting a glimpse of him.


  • 整个医生表现得一个小孩浪费时间一对蜜月的新婚夫妻一样。

    All your life you behaved like a child and spent time just like a newly married couple on their honeymoon.


  • 看起来已经不太小孩了,这会不会一些危险未来不会成为一个问题

    You look less and less like a little boy. Are there risks about that? Will it not be a problem in the future?


  • 事实上架子勇敢产生了新的想法,(他)一个小孩在草地上爬,也最高秋千

    In fact, my bravery on the wooden plank gave him new ideas, like a child-sized lawn mower, and the tallest swing set ever.


  • 停下的抱怨,实实在在的一点事情因为嘴巴无法改变任何事情会让别人觉得你一个小孩还有一点要记住

    Stop compiling, please do something, coz mouth cant change anything. It only makes you like a child. And please remember.


  • 茶叶回去连匙带茶叶,一起收起来,使性地又坐在椅子上。前额蹙起红红的嘴唇撅起,一个小孩哭似的

    She flung the tea back, spoon and all, and resumed her chair in a pet; her forehead corrugated, and her red under lip pushed out, like a child's ready to cry.


  • 要不然小孩一样,有时假装一个摔角选手,有时是一个士兵,有时是一个音乐家,有时则是一个悲剧中的演员

    Otherwise, you will be like a child who sometimes pretends he or she is a wrestler, sometimes a soldier, sometimes a musician, sometimes an actor in a tragedy.


  • 接待一个小孩,就是接待;凡接待我的,不是接待我,乃是接待我来的。

    Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.


  • 窗格慢慢打开一个小孩爬进来,他长得罗马神话中的农牧神。

    The pane slid open and a small, faun-like child slipped in.


  • 接待一个小孩子的,就是接待

    And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.


  • 一个似乎从来不听取意见小孩可能经常打电话回家你寻求建议。 询问一些哪种洗衣粉或者如何解冻鸡肉的问题。

    The child who never seemed to listen to your instructions calls home frequently for advice, asking, for example, what kind of laundry detergent to buy and how to defrost chicken.


  • 我们在车上已经呆了星期所以艾姆加穆让我们到海滩一走时,我们从巴士上下来兴奋得小孩一样。

    We have been covered up for a week, so when Amjam suggests a walk on the beach, we pile off the bus like excited children.


  • 这种时候本能反应小孩子一样一个出气但是事实不争自明不可否认

    At times like that the instinctive reaction is to childishly and peevishly cast around in search of somebody else to blame, but the real truth is self-evident and undeniable.


  • 如果间让你小孩一样去度假,位于印度喀拉拉(Kerela)一个让你长久梦想成真的地方。

    If you longed for a tree house getaway as a child, the Green Magic Treehouses in Kerela, India may be a long awaited dream come true.


  • Telenoid有点卡通设,和小孩一般大小拥有柔软躯体光秃秃脑袋娃娃一般脸蛋四肢残缺一个过度生长胎儿

    The size of small child, it has a soft torso with a bald head, a doll-like face, and stumps in place of limbs. It looks like an overgrown fetus.


  • 写给所有心情糟糕母亲她们商店责骂她们的孩子,朝死里打他们,甚至一个两岁的小孩在饭前冰激凌一样,气的跺脚

    This is for all the mothers who mess up, who yell at their kids in the grocery store and swat them in despair and stomp their feet like a tired 2-year-old who wants ice cream before dinner.


  • 开始孩子们在玩扮演角色的游戏以及乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)如何邻里一个小孩四处奔跑寻求冒险的。

    I started thinking about children playing make-believe, and how George Lucas was probably like every kid in the neighborhood, running around and seeking adventure.


  • OLPC (one laptop per child)相比,直观要好很多:只需小时能教会一个6岁小孩使用网络浏览器,几句话就能教会专家一样邮件

    Compared to the OLPC, the intuitive factor is high: within an hour he [Rodriguez's 6-year-old son] was using the web browser and with just a teeny bit of coaxing he was sending emails like a pro.


  • 一个10岁的小孩行为如果软件或者设备一样,很可能受到被关自己房间并且不准吃晚饭的惩罚。

    If a 10-year-old child behaved like some software programs or devices, he'd be sent to his room without supper.


  • 一大早家家户户小孩都赶趟儿似的,一个出来了一手抓一手打,有的雪球,有的滑雪一群群猴子地上打滚

    Early in the morning, the families of the children be in time for, one by one all ran out, grasping the snow one hand, some push snowball, skis, rolled on the floor like flocks of little monkey.


  • 现在会不会例子小孩那样害怕

    Will he now be afraid of all dogs as the child in the first example was?


  • 现在会不会例子小孩那样害怕

    Will he now be afraid of all dogs as the child in the first example was?


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