• 消除心理健康服务机构学校压力唯一方法重新投资学校内部所提供的早期干预服务。

    The only way to break the pressures on both mental health services and schools is to reinvest in early intervention services inside schools.


  • 报告作者指出美国基础设施投资失败,不仅影响房地产市场健康发展,影响了美国的全球竞争力

    The report's writers state that America's failure to invest in infrastructure impacts not only the health of the real estate market but also our ability to remain globally competitive.


  • 报告作者指出美国基础设施投资方面失败不仅影响房地产市场健康影响到我们保持全球竞争力能力

    The report's writers state that America's failure to invest in infrastructure impacts not only the health of the real-estate market, but also our ability to remain globally competitive.


  • 除了上述导致投资担忧特定趋势外,报告还描绘了近期房地产市场健康“上升周期”,经济形势好转,由此带来整体乐观态势。

    Apart from the specific trends highlighted above, which cause some investors to worry, the report portrays an overall optimism bore by the recent healthy real-estate "upcycle" and improving economy.


  • 除了上述一些导致投资担忧特定趋势外,报告还描绘了近期房地产市场健康“上升周期经济好转所带来的整体乐观态势。

    Apart from the specific trends highlighted above, which cause some investors to worry, the report portrays an overall optimism borne by the recent healthy real-estate "upcycle" and improving economy.


  • KP第三优势整合方式阿斯特兰享受这类健康护理建立长期护理的鼓励刺激投资体制上。

    KP's third big advantage is that its integrated approach and incentive structure encourage investment in forms of long-term care such as the wellness classes that ms Ahlstrand enjoys.


  • 作为中国规模最大银行,中国工商银行也是中国最后一个相对比较健康交易所上市的银行。按照预定的计划将在10月20号股票定价一周投资者就可以开始进行交易

    The largest of China's large Banks and the last of the relatively healthy ones to list on an exchange, it is scheduled to price its shares on October 20th and to begin trading a week later.


  • 没有终结投资苹果公司行政长官健康担忧,毕竟最近接受肝脏移植

    This did not stop investors from speculating about the health of Apple's chief executive, who recently underwent a liver transplant.


  • 球队风险与挑战一部分,有时候方面做得出色,有时候可能稍稍不尽如人意,如果人们看到俱乐部健康表现,这当然会带来更多投资

    That's part of the risk, and sometimes it has gone well and sometimes less well. If people can see the club is healthy, it'll be easier to bring in investors.


  • 我们已经过保本点,过去建立经营模式足够确保我们健康平稳的资金流动这个时候我不需要不想要某个投资者了。

    The business model I’ve built up in the past two years can provide us a healthy cash flow. I neither need nor want an investor at this time.


  • 达美航空最近告知投资打算适量增加乘客容量时,尽管近来利润健康股价还是下降了

    When Delta recently told investors it intended a modest increase in its capacity, its share price fell, although it had recently reported healthy profits.


  • 投资应该寻找健康资产负债表谨慎持续扩张计划公司

    Investors should look for companies with sound balance-sheets and "careful and sustained expansion plans".


  • 为了促进建立一个健康高效机构投资部门中国应该注意以下指导原则

    In order to promote a sound and efficient institutional investors sector, China is recommended to take note of the following guiding principles.


  • 声称快速股票-股票预购买卖计划可以让投资得到健康稳定回报

    Mr Madoff claimed to achieve healthy, stable returns through a whizzy stock- and options-trading strategy.


  • 这种条件下,即使保守类型投资完全可以适当点位适当买入一些财务健康公司股票。

    Under the circumstances, a risk-averse investor, might -- instead of sitting totally in cash on the sidelines -- start building a position or two in some of the soundest of these companies.


  • Stack表示大多数投资错过这个绝佳反弹时机,因此建议股票资产健康配置

    Stack says most investors will miss a big chunk of the rebound, so he's recommending a healthy allocation in stocks.


  • 7月21日,苹果公司的财务主管坚持乔布斯先生的健康其“个人事务”,这使得投资更加担心

    On July 21st its finance chief insisted that Mr Jobs's health was a "private matter", worrying investors.


  • 一周多之前,Steve再次向投资保证健康状况足以应付公司管理,此前投资者因他的体重大幅下降而十分惶恐

    His statement came a little over a week after he reassured investors (alarmed at his dramatic weight loss) that he was healthy enough to run the company.


  • 上个月Jobs出现公司年度开发者大会明显消瘦不少,而引起了投资健康状况的担心。因为此次事件这种担心又开始升级。

    Investors have become increasingly worried about his health after he appeared at the company's annual developers' conference last month having lost a significant amount of weight.


  • 即使是这场活动背后数字——投资视为阿里巴巴中国消费健康状况一个衡量标准——笼罩乌云中。

    Even the Numbers underlying the event - which investors scrutinize as a gauge of the health of Alibaba and the Chinese consumer - are under a cloud.


  • 同时表示或许市场需要下跌已使获得健康上行基础,但是不可否认对于投资者来说近期非常痛苦的一段时间。

    He said it's possible that the declines are part of a cycle the market needs to go through to get to healthier footing, but that, regardless of that, it's very painful for investors in the near term.


  • 周二通用总裁底特律的年度股东大会强调公司财政健康福特公司在纽约投资透露扩展计划

    On Tuesday, GM's CEO highlighted the company's healthier finances at its annual shareholder meeting in Detroit, while Ford unveiled an expansion plan to investors in New York.


  • 批评投资理由质疑波音经济健康

    The criticism has stung and given investors reason to question Boeing's economic health.


  • 阿里巴巴很多美国投资视为中国经济健康情况消费者实力代表

    For many American investors, Alibaba is seen as a proxy for the health of the Chinese economy and the strength of its consumers.


  • 经济投资确保市场的经济,就业市场人口增长健康

    Economy: They need to ensure that the economy, job market and population growth in the market is healthy.


  • 纽约——投资也许担心市场轮反弹健康程度但是同样担心会踏空。

    NEW YORK - Investors might be worried about the soundness of the market's rally but they're also worried about missing it.


  • 还有一些低利率、安全率长期投资,比如:健身房锻炼、健康饮食等等

    Other investments are more like low-interest, high security, long-term investments: going to the gym, eating right, etc.


  • 投资经济公司健康状况感到担忧。

    Investors are gloomy about the economy and the health of corporations.


  • 投资经济公司健康状况感到担忧。

    Investors are gloomy about the economy and the health of corporations.


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