• 芝加哥大学琳达·怀特发现,患有心脏病已婚男性心脏健康未婚男性寿命将近

    Linda Waite of the University of Chicago has found that a married older man with heart disease can expect to live nearly four years longer than an unmarried man with a healthy heart.


  • 通过实施广泛的预防计划非洲国家可以将人民健康寿命延长10

    By adopting broad prevention plans African countries could achieve 10 more healthy life years for their people.


  • 健康结果计算避免死亡数量以及避免折损的寿命损失(YLL)的数量。

    Health outcomes were calculated as deaths averted and discounted years of life lost (YLLs) averted.


  • 由于卫生条件、食物公共健康改善,中低收入国家平均寿命已经由196550增加2005的65岁。

    Thanks to better sanitation, more food and improved public health, average life expectancy in low and middle-income countries has risen from 50 in 1965 to 65 in 2005.


  • 报告指出,英国女性的平均寿命70.3岁(男性为67.9岁),不过她们最后健康状况较差

    Women can expect to live to 70.3 (and men to 67.9) but will spend their last six years in poor health, it is claimed.


  • 健康状况截然不平等顶端10%底端10%之间寿命差距19802.8扩大2000的4.5

    Health outcomes too are decidedly unequal; the gap between the life expectancy of the top and bottom 10% respectively rose from 2.8 years to 4.5 between 1980 and 2000.


  • 尽管如此1970以来,人均预期寿命和孕产妇健康水平大幅提高5岁以下儿童婴儿死亡率以及贫困水平大幅下降。

    Yet, life expectancy, maternal health, under-5 and infant mortality and poverty levels have all improved dramatically since 1970.


  • 欧洲虽然不同国家50男性期望寿命有大约9的差距,但其中健康寿命长短却是大相径庭

    Whereas the life expectancy for men aged 50 in European countries varies by some nine years, the years of healthy life differ enormously.


  • 1991FriedmanMartin开始他们研究的时候,他们计划6个的时间来分析terman的调查对象资料,找出健康寿命的决定因子。

    When Friedman and Martin began their research in 1991, they planned to spend six months examining predictors of health and longevity among the Terman participants.


  • Burns注意到,过去30格拉斯哥健康问题预期寿命整体上改观

    Burns notes that, overall, health and life expectancy in Glasgow have improved over the past 30 years.


  • 一个超过8000个家庭参与调查研究发现英格兰大部分贫穷地区人们估计仅仅有50健康寿命比起发达地区几乎少了20

    In a study of over 8000 families, he found that in the most deprived parts of England people can barely expect 50 years of healthy life, nearly two decades less than in affluent areas.


  • 2005爱沙尼亚50岁男性大约还有稍多于9健康寿命(此定义没有任何行动不便)。

    In 2005, an Estonian man of 50 could look foward to just over nine years more of good health (defined as having no limits on activity).


  • 研究人员发现30,研究对象中,乐观主义者不但身心健康状况要好悲观主义者,而且乐观主义者的平均寿命要比后者长。

    Researchers found that not only did the optimists from the 1960’s report better physical and mental functioning thirty years later, but that optimists also lived longer on average than pessimists.


  • 日本女性的平均寿命连续22名列世界之首一些研究人员认为,这主要归功于她们健康饮食紧密社会联系

    Japans women have topped the worlds longevity ranks for 22 consecutive years, something researchers have attributed to their healthy diet and tight social ties.


  • 可能结果是,我们人类寿命因此延长至120而且寿终正寝前一直保持健康

    The potential result of this could mean that we, human beings, could extend our life spans to 120 years of age and be in good health to the very end.


  • 健康专家每天快步25分钟可以延长寿命

    Just 25 minutes of brisk walking a day can add up to seven years to your life, according to health experts.


  • 方法以居民横坐标龄别期望寿命LE)、健康期望寿命DALE)、伤残调整寿命DALY)为纵坐标,分别绘制出健康、伤残、死亡三者关系图谱

    Methods The quantity effectiveness graph of health, disability, and death was illustrated according to age as abscissa and LE, DALE and disability adjusted life year(DALY) as coordinate.


  • 英国研究者日前公布,“诺贝尔奖”得主要那些获提名科学家寿命长将近两,这表明社会地位能为健康“带来魔力”。

    Scientists who have won a Nobel Prize live nearly two years longer than those who were merely nominated, suggesting that social status confers "health-giving magic, " British researchers said.


  • 同事利用计算机模型推算:根据他们健康寿命,3893名参与病人未来40怎样经营过活。

    He and his colleagues used a computer model to project how 3,893 participating patients would fare over the next 40 years in terms of their health and life expectancy.


  • A虽然我们通过各种方式来增强我们健康我们寿命多了,但新的疾病情形依然威胁着我们的生命。

    Although our health is improving in many ways and we are living longer than in previous decade, new diseases and conditions threaten the quality of our lives.


  • A虽然我们通过各种方式来增强我们健康我们寿命多了,但新的疾病情形依然威胁着我们的生命。

    Although our health is improving in many ways and we are living longer than in previous decade, new diseases and conditions threaten the quality of our lives.


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