• 实为健康天然绿色饮品首选

    Actually is the first choice of health natural green drink.


  • 健康肺部会产生一种天然抗生素通过杀死呼吸道表面有害细菌来保护肺部不受感染

    Healthy lungs produce a natural antibiotic that protects them from infection by routinely killing harmful bacteria on airway surfaces.


  • 认为树木也是天然药物来源健康护理资源稀少并且昂贵地区,这的确有着不小的作用。

    Trees, he says, are also a source of natural medicines, no small advantage in an area where modern health care is scarce and expensive.


  • 减少加工食品摄入量天然甜味剂取代增加幸福健康精力

    Reducing intake of processed foods and replacing sugar with natural sweeteners will increase your well-being, health, and energy.


  • 重点我们应该摄取天然食物,而我们应该信赖基因我们健康决定因素概念,我们也不应该信赖营养素补充剂唯一摄取营养的途径因为不是

    We should not be relying on the idea that genes are determinants of our health. We should not be relying on the idea that nutrient supplementation is the way to get nutrition, because it's not.


  • 多数健康儿童通过自身天然防御功能抵御感染,但免疫系统受损的儿童形成肺炎较高风险

    While most healthy children can fight the infection with their natural defences, children whose immune systems are compromised are at higher risk of developing pneumonia.


  • 尽管天然听起来是健康的,但从营养方面来说,并不表示什么

    And although "natural" sounds healthy, it really doesn't mean anything in terms of nutrition.


  • 微笑临床上表现降低血压提高免疫力甚至能释放出天然止痛药(内啡肽),每样都能减轻压力增加快乐促进健康

    And smiling has been clinically shown to lower blood pressure, boost immunity, and even release natural painkillers (endorphins), each of which lowers stress, boosts happiness, and improves health.


  • 西瓜,哈密瓜桃子李子这些核果类富含水解所需水分能量所需的健康天然果糖

    Watermelon, honeydew melon, and stone fruits such as peaches and plums contain lots of water for hydration as well as healthy, natural fruit sugars for energy.


  • 讨论这些并不十分确定实现日常饮食中只关3更少天然食物,通常我们的健康显著地改善

    I am not sure when I discussed this, but implementing a diet that is focused on each item having 3 natural ingredients or less usually improves your health dramatically.


  • 所有的油声称天然美味而且由于认为对健康有益促进了橄榄油成功他们都声称自己最适合

    All naturally claim to be delicious, and, because olive oil's success has been fuelled by its perceived health benefits, they all claim to be great for you too.


  • 越来越健康专家表示天然食品对抗许多疾病的除药物外的另外一种选择。

    Increasingly, more health experts are acknowledging that natural food is a good alternative Medicine against many diseases.


  • 食品市场营销人员知道越来越消费者关注健康饮食寻思:直接把天然标签擦边球产品上了?

    So food marketers, knowing that many shoppers are increasingly concerned about healthful eating, figured: why not just slap the natural label on anything we can get away with?


  • 幸运地是比萨意大利面这美食供大家选择西红柿一个天然简单健康处方

    Luckily, with foods such as pizza and spaghetti to choose from, tomatoes are a natural and simple prescription for better health!


  • 天然食物中寻找要素可以使你有一个健康新鲜饮食

    Looking for these three elements in wholefoods will always lead to a healthy and fresh meal.


  • 对于很多关心自身健康人来说,富含蔬菜水果天然饮食促进健康和延年益寿功效已不是新闻。

    It will come as no surprise to many health minded individuals that a natural diet high in vegetables and fruits promotes health and extends lifespan.


  • 但是必须提醒大家的是,保健品并不是天然亚麻籽的最好代替品,因为制成胶囊时候,亚麻籽中的许多有益健康成分受到损失

    Be warned, however, that pills may be unsatisfactory substitutes for natural flaxseed, as many health-promoting components in flaxseed may be lost during the processing in making the pills.


  • 6天然的,健康的6个贴士开始

    Start with these 6 natural, healthy tips.


  • 话说,对于无调性音乐天然、生理厌恶代表着你面对抽象艺术时真实、健康正常反应

    In other words, your spontaneous, visceral hatred of atonal music reflects your true, healthy, normal reaction to abstract art.


  • 消费者正在寻找更为地道食品,能创造更为天然环境一种更加健康生活方式

    Consumers are looking for more locally grown foods that support a healthier environment and a healthier lifestyle.


  • 食用天然食品蛋白健康脂肪未经加工的碳水化合物

    Balance with whole food proteins, healthy fats and non-processed carbs.


  • 件事值得注意只要小孩子足够多天然健康零食他们找到他们喜欢的,”Steendahl说

    "One thing to recognize about children is that if they try enough types of natural and healthy snacks, they will find one that they enjoy," says Steendahl.


  • NadineTaylor绿茶健康天然奥秘一书中说道,中国4000年前将绿茶入药

    In her book green tea: The Natural Secret for a Healthier Life, Nadine Taylor states that green tea has been used as a medicine in China for at least 4,000 years.


  • 选择天然蛋白质健康脂肪天然来源水化合物(身体而言,人工水化合物一旦消化就是一勺)。

    Choose whole food proteins, healthy fats and natural sources of carbohydrates (processed carbs are just lumps of sugar to the body once digested quickly).


  • 许多了太多这类不健康的零嘴,但是其它人则选择较健康的饮食习惯,有些人甚至选择天然”的食物他们拒绝任何有化学制品添加物的食物。

    Some even go "all natural."They refuse to eat any food prepared with chemicals or additives.


  • 科学家研究发现大脑开始出现过热时,打呵欠动作就充当天然的“自动调温器”,清凉空气进入大脑,使大脑温度恢复健康水平

    When the head begins to heat up, yawning acts as a natural "thermostat" by allowing cool air to rush in and bring the brain back down to a healthy temperature, research suggests.


  • 洗脸--一两次以上--就可能损害皮肤天然液体屏障一种使皮肤看起来起来健康的液体保护覆盖层。

    Wash your face too oftenmore than twice a day — and you can damage the natural lipid barrier, the protective mantle of lubrication that keeps skin looking and feeling healthy.


  • 如果食物天然的,那它可能就是健康的,尽量从简

    If the food came from nature, it's probably good. Keep it simple.


  • 淀粉食物天然谷物,豆类蔬菜都是健康食物,我们的身体能够利用它们所含的葡萄糖。

    NB: Starchy foods, such as whole grains, beans, and vegetables, are healthful foods, and the body is designed to use the glucose that they hold.


  • 淀粉食物天然谷物,豆类蔬菜都是健康食物,我们的身体能够利用它们所含的葡萄糖。

    NB: Starchy foods, such as whole grains, beans, and vegetables, are healthful foods, and the body is designed to use the glucose that they hold.


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