• 为给我国食物健康声称过程提供依据参考介绍PASSCLAIM中的循证概念、过程和要点。

    The article introduced the evidence-based concept, process and procedure of PASSCLAIM, and provided evidence and references for substantiation of health claims in China.


  • 如果健康声称标明了营养素膳食成分人体健康功能的影响,那对于消费者来说有参考价值了。

    But claims that also described the role of the nutrient or dietary ingredient in relation to health and to bodily functions were found to be even more helpful.


  • 58岁麦克唐纳小姐声称演员必须吃得一样”保持健康体重

    Miss Macdonald, 58, claimed the actress must "eat like a horse" to keep herself at a healthy weight.


  • 麦当劳沃尔特·里克声称菜单上更改意味着提供食品几年更加健康

    Walt Riker of McDonald's claims the change it has made in its menu means it offers more healthy items than it did a few years ago.


  • 见过一些非常昂贵的蛋白质补充剂它们声称质量它们可能普通健康成年人并没有真正好处。”

    "I've seen very expensive protein supplements that claim to be high quality but they might not really be beneficial for the average healthy adult,"she says.


  • 说:“我见非常昂贵蛋白质补充剂它们声称质量上乘它们可能不一定达到平均健康成年人好处。”

    "I've seen very expensive protein supplements that claim to be high quality but they might not really be beneficial for the average healthy adult," she says.


  • 所有手术类型心灵治疗微妙地混合声称有益于健康

    In both types of surgery beauty and mental healing subtly mingle, he claims, and both benefit health.


  • 麦当劳女士,今年58岁声称演员必须--吃得一样--保持健康体重

    Miss Macdonald, 58, claimed the actress must 'eat like a horse' to keep herself at a healthy weight.


  • 批评人士指出,烟草商尽管声称他们关注健康,却在使用隐秘手法渗入世卫组织减弱对抗烟草危害方面的努力

    Critics claim that firms, while proclaiming their concern for health, use insidious methods to infiltrate and water down the efforts of the World health Organisation to combat the scourge of tobacco.


  • 有人声称生物素叶酸营养素可能有助于健康的头发

    Some claim that nutrients like copper peptides, biotin, folic acid, and others may help support healthy hair.


  • 美国儿科学会声称自闭症儿童应该其他的儿童一样进行普通健康护理包括免疫接种以预防疾病

    The A.A.P. says autistic children should have the same general health care as other children, including immunizations against disease.


  • 许多顶级流感学家以及公共健康专家都声称周前我们已经达到标准世卫组织无谓地延迟了一决定

    Many leading influenza scientists and public health experts say that those scientific criteria had been satisfied for several weeks and that WHO postponed its decision unnecessarily.


  • 然而具有讽刺意味大多数愿意为他们声称健康幸福压力平静生活努力

    The irony is most people are unwilling to do the work to create the health, happiness, stress free life with peace of mind that they claim they desire.


  • 分析师仍然声称没有任何鱼类放射水平到足以伤害人类健康的程度。

    Still, analysts don't believe that any of the fish have high enough levels of radioactivity to harm human health.


  • 声称快速股票-股票预购买卖计划可以让投资者得到健康稳定回报

    Mr Madoff claimed to achieve healthy, stable returns through a whizzy stock- and options-trading strategy.


  • 虽然数量很少(目前看来只有头牛)声称存在健康风险,但是还是加重了人们的怀疑

    Though the quantity was small (only a few cows, it appears so far) and the health risk said to be non-existent, it raises suspicions.


  • 所有的油声称天然美味而且由于认为对健康有益促进了橄榄油成功他们声称自己最适合

    All naturally claim to be delicious, and, because olive oil's success has been fuelled by its perceived health benefits, they all claim to be great for you too.


  • 有关当局公布了利沃夫所说死亡病例的详情情况,声称名病人是因肺炎其他潜在健康问题去世并非甲型h1n 1流感致死

    Authorities published detailed information about the death Dr. Lvov referred to, arguing that the patient died of pneumonia and other underlying health conditions, not H1N1.


  • 根据研究表明:那些声称自己体重健康调查者中,仅有19%的人说自己从未同任何医疗服务人员讨论这个问题。

    Of those who reported thattheir weight was unhealthy, only 19 percent said they'd ever discussed it witha health care provider.


  • 自从这项技术80 - 90年代出现以来,人们声称手机导致健康问题包括脱发,偏头痛脑癌

    Ever since the technology emerged in the 1980s and 1990s there were claims of health problems linked to mobile phones ranging from brain cancer to migraines and infertility.


  • 一位儿童健康首席专家声称英国每年死亡青少年人群,至少有3000可以防止的,他们绝大多数是遭受英国酗酒吸毒文化的毒害。

    young people in the UK every year could be prevented and many are precipitated by Britain's drink and drugs culture, a leading child health expert claims.


  • 化妆品制造商“白大夫”公司婴儿健康食品制造商“合生元”公司分别起诉“315投诉网”,声称网站上的造谣帖子损害了他们公司的形象。

    Doctor Bai, a cosmetics firm, and BiosTime Inc, which makes health food for children, both filed lawsuits claiming the site had faked comments about their products.


  • VIRxSYS声称这种试验起先将局限于携带病毒人群不是有感染危险健康人群。

    Virxsys says such trials would initially be only in people who already carry the virus, rather than in healthy people at risk of infection.


  • 环保局声称细则避免因大气污染有关的过早死亡,从而挽救一万三千人到三万四千人的生命。每年健康环保中所得收益将在一千二百亿到两千八百亿美元之间

    The EPA claims that by 2014 CSAPR will prevent 13, 000-34, 000 pollution-related premature deaths, and yield between $120 billion and $280 billion in health and environmental benefits annually.


  • ,以流氓麻雀之出现Tweeter博客上声称警方行动伤害工人健康

    Ye, who tweets and blogs under the name Hooligan Sparrow, said the police campaign was harming the health of workers.


  • 根据美国老龄化健康协会声称,老年痴呆症影响了多达510万美国

    Alzheimer's disease affects as many as 5.1 million American men and women, according to the U.S. National Institute of Health National Institute on Aging.


  • 过去英特尔公司声称行动仅仅激烈竞争行为,处理器价格最近几年急剧下降健康市场标志

    In the past, Intel has argued that its actions are simply rigorous competition, and that a steep fall in the price of microprocessors over recent years is a sign of a healthy market.


  • 过去英特尔公司声称行动仅仅激烈竞争行为,处理器价格最近几年急剧下降健康市场标志

    In the past, Intel has argued that its actions are simply rigorous competition, and that a steep fall in the price of microprocessors over recent years is a sign of a healthy market.


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