• 吸烟不仅吸烟者有害会威胁其他人健康

    Smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also threatens other people's health.


  • 吸烟者清楚吸烟对自身健康那些危害

    Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health.


  • 吸烟不仅吸烟者本身有害,而且公共健康尤其对妇女儿童健康造成威胁。

    Smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children.


  • 那些吸烟者现在不须付出代价,3040年后他们的健康出问题,就要付出代价。

    Those who smoke don't pay now, but will do so 30 to 40 years later, when their health fails.


  • 热心的反吸烟者外的所有人,明显还有公共健康问题更多的人关注这些问题,是为什么

    To all but the most zealous anti-smoker, it is obvious that there is much more going on here than a concern with public health, but what?


  • 危害会随着看电视时间长度而增加看电视者是否是超重吸烟者是否是崇尚素食主义的健康无关

    And it didn't matter if the subjects were overweight smokers or vegetarian fitness fanatics-their risk rose with TV time.


  • 促进民众健康我们的追求。 对于吸烟者,我们的态度非常明确:除非戒掉,否则就不要到我们这里来工作

    We are taking a stand, saying that if you smoke you cannot work here because we are promoting good health.


  • 现在没有一个人知道肥胖会导致II型糖尿病,就像没有一个吸烟者知道吸烟有害健康一样。

    By now, there surely cannot be anybody left who does not know that obesity causes Type II diabetes, any more than there are smokers who do not know that smoking is bad for them.


  • 宾夕法尼亚大学健康激励中心主任凯文沃勒普发现通用电气反对吸烟激励措施促使9.4%的吸烟者18个月后继续保持戒烟状态

    Kevin Volpp, the director of the Centre for Health incentives at the University of Pennsylvania, found that GE's anti-smoking incentives prompted 9.4% of smokers to remain smoke-free after 18 months.


  • 吸烟者戒烟,不仅仅是为了自己健康,也为了别人健康

    All the smokers should give up smoking for the sake of their own and others' health.


  • 如果说大多数吸烟者完全了解吸烟对健康危害,我们也许很难相信但是世界卫生组织坚持这样认为。

    It may be hard to believe, but the WHO insists that most smokers still do not understand the full extent of the health risks.


  • 图示警语可以规劝吸烟者家里吸烟并且避免在靠近儿童地方吸烟,从而保护吸烟者健康

    Graphic warnings can persuade smokers to protect the health of non-smokers by smoking less inside the home and avoiding smoking near children.


  • 此禁令意在保护这些场合工作或者时常出入此类场合的吸烟者健康似乎略有成效

    Brought in to protect the health of non-smokers who worked in or frequented such places, it seems to have worked.


  • 有效健康警示尤其是包括图片的警示,证实可推动吸烟者戒烟减少烟草尚未成瘾者吸引力

    Effective health warnings, especially those that include pictures, have been proven to motivate users to quit and to reduce the appeal of tobacco for those who are not yet addicted.


  • 一些顽固吸烟者指责健康着了迷的美国人开创了一先河

    Some diehard smokers blamed health-obsessed Americans for starting the trend.


  • 吸烟者自己冒险一回事他们不知不觉的将健康风险强加别人的时候,就让人无法忍受了。”Slovic

    It's one thing to let a smoker take the risk themselves, but when they're imposing risk on someone else involuntarily, that becomes intolerable, "Slovic said."


  • 事实上吸烟习惯不仅吸烟者自己健康很大危害,对周围有很大危害。

    But in fact, smoking is such a bad habit that does great harm to smokers' health as well as the people around.


  • 无烟法律保护吸烟者健康受欢迎,既不损害企业又能鼓励吸烟者戒烟。

    Smoke-free laws protect the health of non-smokers, are popular, do not harm business and encourage smokers to quit.1


  • 即使假定吸烟者确实看到健康警告怀疑他们是否会在意

    Even assuming (that) smokers do see the health warnings, I doubt that they'll take any notice.


  • 健康而言不乐观前景一些吸烟者可能会转向使用产品不是完全放弃烟草

    Less encouraging for health is the prospect that some smokers might switch to the new products rather than give up tobacco completely.


  • 皱纹也会过早出现嘴唇四周,并且随着时间推移,过度吸烟者皮肤会变成灰黄色不是健康玫瑰色

    Wrinkles appear around the lips prematurely, too, and, in time the skin of a heavy smoker tends to be yellow-gray rather than a rosy, healthy color.


  • 一个经常务实公共健康方面的成就吸烟者人数大幅下降这种下降现在又带来了癌症心脏病引起的死亡率减少

    One of the greatest public health successes, that is often unheralded, has been the massive decline in smoking rates, which are now translating into reduced deaths from cancer and heart disease.


  • 考虑自己自己所在乎健康许多吸烟者试图戒烟

    Considered the health of people themseves and the one theycare, many smokers try their best to give up smoking.


  • 此外由于戒烟有益健康,故吸烟者吸烟不等其吸烟时间定时。

    In addition, smoking history was not quantitative and no information on time since quitting smoking was available.


  • 吸烟就好象慢性自杀,在慢慢燃烧生命,吸烟危害不仅仅吸烟者本人的健康周围其他人会因被动吸烟影响身体健康

    Smoking burns life the smokers was committed suicide gradually smoking not only harming the health of the smokers but caused health hazard to the passive smokers around the smoker as well.


  • 吸烟就好象慢性自杀,在慢慢燃烧生命,吸烟危害不仅仅吸烟者本人的健康周围其他人会因被动吸烟影响身体健康

    Smoking burns life the smokers was committed suicide gradually smoking not only harming the health of the smokers but caused health hazard to the passive smokers around the smoker as well.


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